Case Study 1: Graph of Life (Collins, 2009, p. 355)

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Thread – Part 1

  • First, complete the Graph of Life exercise for yourself.
  • Select one client from the list of hypothetical clients (see below). This same client will be used for both Case Studies.
  • Introduce your client by providing a brief description of his/her background and goals.
  • Give  a brief description of the coaching session. Include how you would  introduce and walk your client through the Graph of Life exercise.  Provide a clear rationale that is supported by course material for using  the Graph of Life. How does it help your client reach his/her goals?  What did the client learn from this exercise? How did the client  benefit?
  • This  is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of the  Graph of Life exercise as explained in the textbook. Make sure you  support your Case Study with in-text citations formatted in current APA  format.

Thread – Part 2

  • Provide  a brief personal reflection of your experiences with this assignment.  What did you learn from completing your own Graph of Life? Was it a  useful exercise? What are some action points that you will implement in  your life based on your Graph of Life results? What did you learn from  writing the Case Study? Could you see yourself using the Graph of Life  with future clients? What did you learn from incorporating the Graph of  Life with your hypothetical client?
  • Write  about which of the 11 ICF Core Competencies (it may be more than 1) is  supported and developed through your integration of this particular  exercise into your session and into your own life. What skills/concepts  are being practiced and developed through integrating this exercise and  how are they connected to the Core Competencies?


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