Lesson plan for composition based technology

Please make an 8 slide PowerPoint for any content instruction you might teach (You can make 8 — 10 slides but don’t make more than 12 slides). 

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PowerPoint requirement

1. Create an eight or up to twelve slide PowerPoint.

1. Content relates to any subjects you might teach in a school.

1. Choose a template in PowerPoint, click New, type Presentation in search engine to search, then click Education on the right of the Category.

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1. Insert text, color, graphics, videos, animation, animation line/animation path, music/sound etc. Learn how to trim the video/sound to make it shorter as expected by clicking on the “Play Back” Tab.

1. The text must be in contrast with the background color to be clear and easy to see, like black text on white background, etc. Don’t put text on the top of graphics/photos unless you are sure the texts are clear to see on top of that.

1. The music background should be able to play continuously for more than one slides.
1. Other optional advanced skills you would like to use like inserting a recorded voice narration, or your own text animation, etc.
1. The text animation and transition of your slideshow should be fast in speed to save your class presentation time.
1. You can use automatic play if you want. (See other skills late on)

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