Legislative Process Infographic


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An infographic is a way to present information quickly and clearly through the use of a visual representation. You can certainly search the Internet for examples of infographics or feel free to view these examples found on the Rasmussen College Website:

  • Infographic: Milestones Matter, Early Childhood Development
  • The ABCs of Early Childhood Education Infographic

For this assignment, create a 1-page infographic of the federal legislative process: How a bill becomes a law. Your infographic should use a professional tone appropriate for early childhood educators and, at a minimum, include:

  1. How legislation is introduced
  2. Committee Action
  3. Floor Action
  4. Presidential Action

The document can be created using a variety of Microsoft tools including: Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher. (If you would like to use a different tool, please discuss it with your instructor before proceeding.)


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Introduced to House

Sent to Committee

Rules Committee

Floor Action

Introduced to Senate

Committee Action

Bill Called Up

Floor Action


Vote on Compromise

Presidential Action

Every law starts with an Idea,

then that Idea goes to our
elected officials- who either
like the idea or don’t. If the

official likes the idea they will
try to make it a law.


The bill then goes to
the house of congress

or the senator for them
to learn about it.


Then the bill goes to the
committee that meet in a

small group to discuss and
research the idea. This is

where they will make
changes to the bill.


Module 03 Visual Media Assignment – Legislative Process


How a Bill Becomes a Law!
Rebecca Zirbel- Module 03 Visual Media Assignment – Legislative Process


The members of the

House will debate the
bill and propose

changes they want.


The members of the House
will now VOTE on the bill,
then the bill goes to the
Senate to get voted on.


If the bill passes through the
House and the Senate then the

bill will go to the President of the
United States and He Approve

the Bill or Veto the Bill or choose
to no action with the bill.


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