law and culture

read and follow the prompt in the file below, read chapter 4. need by tonight. 2 pages long .

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Law & Culture

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Law in Action


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Each of these assignments asks you to apply the course material by completing a project or providing advice similar to what an actual law student or lawyer might do. You will conduct research, counsel a client, and outline points of law. Often these assignments require you to review additional, short assigned videos or documents, which are available in the Law in Action folder located in the Files section on Canvas.

In each case, unless specified otherwise, your answers should be as short as possible and as long as necessary.

The assignments must be submitted in a Word document on Canvas by the Due Date listed on the syllabus.

50 points—Excellent (professionally presented, no errors in legal analysis)

40 points—Satisfactory (solid legal analysis; small grammatical or proofreading issues)

30 points—OK (ideas are good but not fully formed; assignment is sloppy)

20 points—Assignment was submitted but includes multiple errors of law and/or grammar and proofreading issues

0 points—Assignment contains multiple mistakes and is not professionally presented or assignment was not submitted

There are 8 LIA assignments in all, each worth 50 points, for a total of 400 course points.

You have seven days to complete each of these assignments. Late assignments will not be accepted without a documented medical or religious excuse. Being sick for one or two days of seven is not an excuse.

Assignment Five

You are a recent law school graduate who has just taken a position in the compliance department at a large automotive manufacturer. Compliance professionals are the people who advise corporations about new developments in law and ensure that the companies are following legal mandates.

The Vice President of Research & Development at your company comes into your office and tells you the following:

The R&D department has developed a brand new self driving car. Research demonstrates that the car will generate over $2 billion in profit for the corporation. However, tests of the new technology show that the software occasionally malfunctions, resulting in approximately 2 fatal accidents per 10,000 drivers. R&D has calculated that the costs of lawsuits resulting from injuries and deaths will be approximately $20 million. If the corporation does not produce a self-driving car in the near future, however, the company will fall behind other competitors and may need to engage in widespread layoffs in order to cover a budget shortfall of over $500 million.

First, prepare a memo describing what you will advise the corporation. Then, provide a paragraph or two explaining, based on the readings and chapter materials, what dilemmas, if any, you faced in coming to this decision.

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