Lab for astronomy ast 111 (parallax lab) due today!!!! IN THREE HOURS

Parallax Lab Data Sheet

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1. Record your “known” height of the doorway (in either cm or inches – make sure to record the units you use!)

2. Record the distance you select along the floor (horizontally from the door) in cm or inches, but make sure that you use the same units you used in (1.) above for the height of the doorway.

3. Record the parallax angle on your data sheet. Perform this three times and record the angle each time.

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4. Find the average of these three angles and record the average value for the angle.

5. Calculate the doorway height using the equation below and record the value.

6. Since you did not lie on the ground to measure the angle, you will have to add the height to your eye level to the calculation in the previous step to get the actual height of the doorway. Do this, and then record your final experimental value for the doorway height. 

7. Calculate the percent difference between this value and the value calculated in the previous step

8. Discuss any sources of error in this experiment. What could you have done differently to improve the accuracy of your result?


grades 9 –1 2

To demonstrate parallax and to show how the distance to an object can be calculated
using mathematical principles related to parallax.

The stars in the night sky all appear to be the same distance from Earth because they
are too far a way for our eyes to detect their actual distances. To overcome the
limitations of our eyes, astronomers ha ve developed other methods for measuring the
distances to celestial bodies. One important technique for measuring these distances
involves using parallax.

Parallax is the apparent displacement of an object against the background when seen
from two different perspectives. The example of parallax in Part 1 of this activit y
involves viewing your thumb first with just the left eye, then just the right eye. Your
thumb will appear to jump from right to left. The difference between the perspective
from each eye is what lets you estimate distances.

Astronomers use parallax to estimate the distances to stars. To get two different
perspectives on a star, astronomers view it from two different locations in the Earth’s
orbit. When these two perspectives are compared, a closer star will appear to shift
against the background just as your thumb did. The change in the apparent position
of the star lets astronomers estimate its distance.

In Part 2 of this activity, students will calculate the height of a pole or building by
using the same mathematical techniques involved in stellar parallax. To do this, they
will construct a simple tool called an astrolabe.

Background Reading for Educators
The 3-D Universe, available at
http:/ / education/ resources/ rfl/ pdf/ du_x04_3d

Developed wit h t he generous support of
The Charles Hayden Foundation


Part One: Demonst rat ing Parallax
Have your students hold their thumbs close to their noses. Tell them to look at an
object on the far side of the room, first with their right eye closed, then with their
left eye closed. (They should select a particular object such as map or picture, not
just stare at a blank wall.)
Ask: What happened to the thumb?
Explain: It should have appeared to jump from one side of the distant object to the
other. This effect is called parallax.

Have your students hold their thumbs at arm’s length.
Ask: How far did the thumb jump this time compared to what happened when
they held their thumb closer?
Explain: The farther you hold your thumb from your eye, the less it jumps fro


side to side. The amount of this shift indicates how far away the object is. This is
how your eyes judge distances.

When objects get too far a way, however, they do not “jump” at all. This
demonstrates the limitations of judging distance by parallax. The perspective
from each eye is the same for distant objects because your eyes are only a few
inches apart.

Astonomers use parallax to judge the distances to stars. To get two different
perspectives of the star, they compare two pictures taken from viewpoints about
186 million miles apart. The amount the star seems to jump indicates its distance.

Parallax can only be used to judge the distance to the nearest stars, however.
For extremely distant stars, even having two viewpoints separated by 186 million
miles is not enough to make a star appear to jump from side to side.

Meter stick or tape measure

Astrolabe template (pg. 8)

Data sheet and tangent table (pg. 7)

Glue stick

Manila folder


Small weight (roll of t ape, hex nut ,
or fishing weight )

Masking tape



Part Two: Making t he Ast rolabe
Pass out the following materials to each of your students: a copy of the Astrolabe
template (pg. 8), a half of a manila folder, a straw, a 20-cm piece of string, and
a small weight. Glue, tape, and scissors can be shared by several students.

First demonstrate to the class how to construct the astrolabe. Cut out the template
and glue it to the manila folder to give it a firm backing, then cut out the astrolabe.

Tape a straw along the diagonal edge of the astrolabe.

Poke a hole in the circle marked on the astrolabe. Place a string through the hole
so that the string hangs down in front of the astrolabe. Tape the other end securely
to the back of astrolabe.

Tie a weight to the bottom of the string. You can now use the astrolabe to
measure angles!

St udent demonst rat ing
complet ed ast rolabe.


Part Three: Measuring t he Angle and Baseline
Pass out a copy of the data sheet, (pg. 7), to each student.

You will need to take your class to a tall object with a known height, so you will
have to take a trip outdoors. A flagpole is an excellent choice; street lamps or
telephone poles also work well. Another good option is to measure the height of
your school.
Ask: Do your students have any ideas about how they could measure the distance
to the top of the flagpole without touching the flagpole?

Your students will measure the distance to the top of the flagpole by using the
same mathematical principles astronomers use to calculate the distance to stars.
Tell your students to imagine that the highest point on the flagpole is a distant star
and they are going to measure the distance to it from Earth.

Place a long piece of masking tape 6 meters from the flagpole. Have a student
measure that distance using a meter stick or tape measure.
Explain: In parallax there is always a “baseline” distance that we know.
Astronomers use the distance from one side of Earth’s orbit to the other to
measure stellar parallax, a baseline of about 186 million miles!

Have your students stand on the tape and look through the straw of their astrolabe
so that they can see the top of the pole. Make sure that the string and the weight
hang freely from the device. When they tilt the astrolabe up to view the top of the
flagpole, the hanging string marks the angle at which they are viewing the pole.
Once they have sighted the top of the flagpole have them hold the string against
the astrolabe and read the angle to the nearest five degrees. This is the parallax
angle. Students should record this angle on their data sheets. They should perform
this numerous times until they get a consistent reading.


Part Four: Calculat ing t he Dist ance
In order for students to understand parallax they need to understand simple right
triangles. Draw figure 1 (pg. 6) on the blackboard.
Ask: Can your students suggest ways to calculate the height of the flagpole
without going near it?
Explain: The flagpole, the ground, and the student form a right triangle, and right
triangles have special properties that make them useful for determining distances.
When one angle of a right triangle is known, and the length of one side is known,
the length of the other sides can be calculated using trigonometry.

Draw figure 2 (pg. 6) on the blackboard and relate this triangle to the activity the
students just performed.
Ask: Can your students identify the parts of the right triangle that correlate to the
measurements that they made in the exercise?
Explain: The distance they measured from the flagpole to the tape represents the
base of the triangle. The angle that they measured using the astrolabe represents
the angle connecting the base to the diagonal side (the hypotenuse).

Teacher’s Note

Advanced st udent s may quest ion how t heir height from
t he ground affect s t his measurement . Explain t hat t hey
will t ake t his int o account in t he last st ep of t he dat a sheet .

Draw a simple right triangle on the blackboard. Then draw another right triangle
with a vertical side marked “flagpole” and a horizontal side marked “baseline.”
Draw a stick figure at corner opposite the base of the flagpole. Mark the angle at
this corner parallax angle.
Explain: For all triangles containing a given angle, the ratio of the opposite and
adjacent sides is the same. (Show which two sides you are talking about on the
blackboard.) This ratio is called the tangent of the angle. When you know the
length of one side of a right triangle, you can compute the length of the other side
using the tangent.

You measured the length of the baseline with your meter stick. You also measured
one angle of the triangle with your astrolabe, and you can find the tangent of this
angle on your data sheet. You now have enough data to calculate height of the


Pass out copies of the tangent table (pg. 7). Look up the angle you measured with
the astrolabe in the table and write its tangent on your data sheet.
Explain: The tangent is the ratio between the opposite and adjacent sides of any
right triangle containing this angl e —in this case, the flagpole and the baseline.
To calculate the height of the flagpole, all they have to do is multiply the length of
the baseline times the tangent!

The math can be demonstrated on the blackboard like this:

tangent =


adjacent baseline

tangent =

Multiply both sides by baseline and you get:

baseline x tangent = flagpole

Plug in the numbers for tangent and baseline, and you have the height
of the flagpole!

Tell the students to calculate the height of the flagpole and finish filling in their
data sheets. Then reveal the actual height of the flagpole (or whatever you were
measuring) and see how they did.
Explain: Astronomers calculate the distance to stars from giant triangles in space
made from two opposite points in Earth’s orbit and a star. The math is a little
more complicated, because they need to divide this triangle into two right
triangles, but the basic idea is the same.

opposite side

h y p o t e n u s e

adjacent side



fig. 1 fig. 2



Tangent Table

Measurement Tangent
of angle B of angle B

5 ̊ . 0 9

1 0 ̊ . 1 8

1 5 ̊ . 2 7

2 0 ̊ . 3 6

2 5 ̊ . 4 7

3 0 ̊ . 5 8

3 5 ̊ . 7 0

4 0 ̊ . 8 4

4 5 ̊ 1 . 0

5 0 ̊ 1 . 2

5 5 ̊ 1 . 4

6 0 ̊ 1 . 7

6 5 ̊ 2 . 2

7 0 ̊ 2 . 8

7 5 ̊ 3 . 7

8 0 ̊ 5 . 7

8 5 ̊ 1 1

Here’s how t o use t he ast rolabe t o find t he height of a t all object .
Stand where you can easily see the top of the flagpole through the straw on the
astrolabe. Make sure the string and the weight hang freely. As you look through
the straw at the top of the flagpole, the string will move alongside the astrolabe.
Once you have sighted the top of the flagpole, let the string come to rest. Hold the
string against the side, and read the angle to the nearest five degrees.

≤B = °

Use the Tangent Table to find the tangent for the angle measured.

tangent ≤B = °

Measure the distance in meters from where you are standing to the base of the
flagpole. On the diagram this distance is the side next to the angle you measured,
so it is the adjacent side in the tangent ratio.

distance t o flagpole or adjacent side = m

Find the height of the flagpole. In the diagram the flagpole height is the side
opposite the angle you measured. For the tangent ratio, it is the opposite side.

t angent ≤B = opposite side/ adjacent side, so
tangent ≤B = flagpole height/ distance t o flagpole

flagpole height = tangent ≤B x distance = x m =


Since you did not lie on the ground to measure the angle, you will have to add
the height to your eye level to the calculation in Step 4 to get the actual height
of the flagpole.

act ual height of flagpole = answer in Step 4 + your height t o eye level

act ual height of flagpole = m + m = m



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