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Students will write one final essay dealing with a single text of their choice among the assigned readings. Successful essays will raise a critical question about the text and present an original 

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argument that has a coherent structure. Writing a good essay will grow out of reading the text closely, identifying the main issues that the text explores, and thinking about how the text expresses those ideas.Students  are encouraged to consult with one of the instructors through the office-hour meetings or by email,prior to the submission of each essay

❑ Final Paper

▪ Critical essay on a single literary work

❑ Main question

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❑ Argument: Select one main question that you
want to solve in the paper; “I argue that…..”

❑ Structure: Think about ways in which you can
present your argument in the most effective way.

❑ Introduction

: The main question, The main argument, The
overview of the paper’s structure

❑ Body paragraphs

❑ Conclusion

❑ Make an outline:
1) Introduction: The main question, The main argument, The structure

2) Body 1: [Point sentence]
3) Sub-point 1:
4) Sub-point 2:

5) Body 2: [Point sentence]
6) Sub-point 1:
7) Sub-point 2:

8) Body 3: [Point sentence]

1) Conclusion

❑ 7 pages, Times New Romans, 12point, double-spaced

(No separate cover page)

❑ The Chicago Manual of Style

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