Know Your Senator

For this Assignment, minimum of 500 words in APA format with other credible references and including one from O’Connor, K., Sabato, L. J., Yanus, A. B. (2015-05-01). American Government, 2014 Elections and Updates Edition, 12th Edition. ,You will identify your Congressional Senators. Using the Senate ( website you will research your senators’ legislative accomplishments. Compose a 500 word essay in which you declare your support or opposition to your senators’ re-election.Within a 500 Word essay please include:An introductionDescribe your state. What are its major cities? Is it predominantly rural or urban? Does your state have important industry, finance, and tourist centers? Does the unique ‘make-up’ of your state influence legislation or policy positions?Does your state lean Republican or Democrat? Why?Who are your senators? What are their party affiliation, background, length of service, voting record, and key issues?Given what you have read for this week, do your senators follow the delegate or trustee concept of a legislator?Would you support your senators’ re-election to office? Why or why not?Support your answer(s) with information obtained from the text and at least two academic sources.A conclusionCorrect grammar and syntaxAPA formatThe Assignment should be at least 500 words, and must use and cite the text and primary documents as sources. Cite the work internally and in full reference at the end, following APA style guidelines. Citation is important to build the definitions, demonstrate your research, and to make it clear which ideas are yours and which are from the source.Turnitin Analysis will automatically analyzed paper for plagiarism

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