Kiosk Requirements


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The library board wants to investigate self-service kiosks in more detail. They want to be sure that the kiosks will enforce these two rules: (i) a patron may not have more than 10 items checked out at any time, and (ii) patrons may not check out any materials if they owe $5 or more in fines.

  1. Write a short (not more than 750 words) narrative that describes the kiosk check-out process.
  2. Illustrate the check-out process using your choice of workflow diagram, activity diagram, or flow chart. Explain why you selected that type of diagram.
  3. The library’s IT department could create its own software for the kiosk or purchase an off-the-shelf system. Prepare a detailed list of the benefits and drawbacks of each option. Recommend one option and explain your reasoning.
  4. Identify an ethical, legal, or cultural issue that may arise in connection with these kiosks. Suggest how it could be addressed.

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Assignment 3: Kiosk Requirements

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Replace this text with one or more substantial paragraphs addressing the above topic. Be thorough and demonstrate critical thinking. Ensure your work is of the highest quality and cite any resources used. Perform research to address this topic substantially and follow the grading rubric.

Detailed Kiosk Check-Out Process

Replace this text with one or more substantial paragraphs addressing the above topic. Be thorough and demonstrate critical thinking. Ensure your work is of the highest quality and cite any resources used. Perform research to address this topic substantially and follow the grading rubric.

Kiosk Check-Out Process Diagram

Replace this text with a workflow, activity, or flowchart diagram and state explicitly which type of diagram was selected/created. Use MS Visio or an appropriate diagramming software tool to create the use case diagram(s). Be detailed with your work and follow the grading rubric. Delete this text prior to submitting your finished work.

Justification of Type of Diagram Selected

Replace this text with one or more substantial paragraphs addressing the above topic. Be thorough and demonstrate critical thinking. Ensure your work is of the highest quality and cite any resources used. Perform research to address this topic substantially and follow the grading rubric.

Detailed List of Benefits and Drawbacks for Programming the Kiosk In-House

Replace this text with one or more substantial paragraphs addressing the above topic. Be thorough and demonstrate critical thinking. Ensure your work is of the highest quality and cite any resources used. Perform research to address this topic substantially and follow the grading rubric.

Detailed List of Benefits and Drawbacks for Programming the Kiosk using Canned Off-The-Shelf Software

Replace this text with one or more substantial paragraphs addressing the above topic. Be thorough and demonstrate critical thinking. Ensure your work is of the highest quality and cite any resources used. Perform research to address this topic substantially and follow the grading rubric.

Kiosk Software Recommendation with Detailed Justification/Explanation

Replace this text with one or more substantial paragraphs addressing the above topic. Be thorough and demonstrate critical thinking. Ensure your work is of the highest quality and cite any resources used. Perform research to address this topic substantially and follow the grading rubric.

Issue Associated with Kiosk Use

Replace this text with one or more substantial paragraphs addressing the above topic. Identify which issue type selected: Ethical, Legal, or Cultural. Be thorough and demonstrate critical thinking. Ensure your work is of the highest quality and cite any resources used. Perform research to address this topic substantially and follow the grading rubric.

Recommendation for Addressing the Above Issue

Replace this text with one or more substantial paragraphs addressing the above topic. Be thorough and demonstrate critical thinking. Ensure your work is of the highest quality and cite any resources used. Perform research to address this topic substantially and follow the grading rubric.


Replace this text with one or more substantial paragraphs addressing the above topic. Be thorough and demonstrate critical thinking. Ensure your work is of the highest quality and cite any resources used. Perform research to address this topic substantially and follow the grading rubric.


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