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Each group member should critique all of the drafts submitted at the end of Unit 3. Just as you have done in the discussions each week, provide advice to the author of the plan. Be specific with your comments. You are critiquing content and quality of applications, NOT grammar or formatting. Attached are the


for providing critiques.  

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Each team member must provide timely and substantive feedback that will assist team mates complete the final presentation in Unit 5. The feedback demonstrates your ability to apply the concepts we have been learning throughout the course.

You are required to provide critique by section of the paper. 2-3 sentences is adequate in most cases. More extensive feedback may be required if the section is lacking or if you have good ideas that may assist the author.  


  • By the end of the week, post all of your Critiques to the Group Discussion board as a reply to the thread containing the Project being critiqued. You will be graded on the quality of your postings and the timeliness of your submissions. 
  • By the end of the week, combine the critiques you posted into a SINGLE Word Document and upload to “SUBMIT ASSIGNMENTS: Unit 4 Group” so that the instructor may assess your work. Failure to complete this step may result in a zero for the project.

STUDENT 1: Tech Warehouse




This is a single paragraph, no indentation is required. The next page will be an abstract; “a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows the readers to survey the contents of an article quickly” (Publication Manual, 2010). The length of this abstract should be 35-50 words (2-3 sentences). NOTE: the abstract must be on page 2 and the body of the paper will begin on page 3.


With e-commerce becoming popular with consumers with no signs of slowing down it would serve to implement a company for the consumers who specifically want tech items at the push of a button. Tech Warehouse will provide an e-commerce market with a large variety of brands whether it’s Smartphones, PC parts, Audio equipment, TV’s, Video Game consoles and much more. The company stands to separate itself from the competitors by making sure the products are provided at MSRP to counteract the price hikes in the tech e-commerce world being brought on by shortages and scalpers along with the ongoing pandemic. With the introduction of what the company serves to provide out of the way the rest of this article will breakdown what will be the catalyst to making the company successful by using analysis to explain it’s marketing plan.

Part 1: Industry/Category Analysis


In recent years e-commerce has become a huge market and almost a necessity for most businesses as it can make up a large portion or sometimes the majority of a company’s profit margin. E-commerce has been branded the Bread and Butter of business due to the accessibility it provides for consumers to find the items they want to purchase with ease. In 2020 this became more evident as sales skyrocketed as most of the world went into lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic (Bridgwater, 2021). Even in its early days of infancy e-commerce had a surge thanks to tech and today is no different. With scalpers and third party sellers selling tech during the pandemic its becoming difficult for consumers to find the things they want for the prices they want (Kan, 2020). Tech Warehouse would serve as a counter as the company would provide tech products in a large variety of items and brands at MSRP so buyers could find what they need, when they need it without breaking the bank.

Part 1: Competitive Analysis (Positioning Map) 

            Tech Warehouse will serve as an alternative to its main list of competition in Amazon, eBay and Best Buy. In 2020 Amazon was second in revenue only to Walmart as the top earning retail companies in the US. Second to Amazon in the world of e-commerce is eBay and Best Buy is one of the top go to stores when it comes to tech (Author, 2020). Tech Warehouse will offer a guarantee of fair prices and reserved inventory which is something that would set it apart from the competition. The brands position will start off as an alternative with potential of becoming a market leader in time with proper decision making and consumer support. To properly position itself the company will lean into a large variety of products from multiple brands. Tech users have a large variety of items such as Smartphones, PC related parts, Video game consoles and software, audio equipment and more. Providing access to these assortments of items allows the company to reach a larger spectrum of potential buyers. Offering products at their normal price also adds to the value of the company and creates trust that buyers will get the items they need hassle free.

Part 2: Brand Strategic Plan (Vision/objectives/strategies/tactics) 

            Being a new upstart company its important to have a vision of what the company should be and properly develop a plan to accomplish it. The first step in building the brand of Tech Warehouse will consist of extensively marketing company through ads, promotion, and social media (Perricone, 2020). Getting customers attention and retaining it are two things that will be prioritized with the brand. Spreading word of the company and making potential buyers aware of the brands and items available will be key as buyers often wont even click if things aren’t transparent. While Tech Warehouse isn’t a household name the vision is to make it so by gaining customer support while also gauging their feed back on what improvements they would like to see. Understanding the consumer is the key to a successful business so early in its infancy so knowing their interest in products and in the shopping experience in itself will be highly important. With a dedicated consumer base a starting goal will be to conduct 50,000 transactions the first year. The company’s key point of emphasis is providing tech at its intended price so this goal is highly achievable with the proper marketing plan. Tech Warehouse is positioned to be an alternative but the company possesses all the upside needed to become a market contender as it provides a guarantee which the like of its competitors do not.

Part 2: Target Customer Segmentation Analysis 

            Electronics in the tech market can have a lot of value for a large variety of people and Tech Warehouse’s goal is to tap into that. In the past few decades tech has become more streamlined while also becoming more accessible to those that use it the most. Smartphones have become the normal and can be segmented for various age and income groups ranging from teens to seniors and low to upper class wage groups. Other tech like audio equipment that could vary from wireless headphones to speakers aren’t held within a specific age group either. The products that would most likely produce the most revenue in the current climate is video game hardware and PC parts. Due to the pandemic and its related shortages the newly released PS5 and XBOX consoles are in high demand. Another group of products in high demand are AMD and Nvidia GPU’s which are needed for high grade PC gaming. Video game hardware and software purchases saw a spike in 2020 as it reached a 73% as early as April due to the Covid pandemic and more people staying home (Vorhaus, 2020). Gaming has sustained its prominence due to it not having any real restrictions making it a genre of entertainment that has something for everyone. This creates another opportunity for Tech Warehouse to convert into a strength as the brand grows.   

Part 2: Customer Insight 

            Customer will be essential in building the brand as it is one of the most important aspect in establishing brand loyalty. Buyers often have their quirks about why they prefer products or brands that go deeper than just popularity or it being the best. A goal of Tech Warehouse will be to take feedback to understand these quirks which can help with business decisions related to the company’s products. By gauging buyer habits and collecting data via questionnaires the company can better understand how to position itself marketing and promotion wise as well. This also allows to company to follow and record which brands and products are more popular and which are more of a priority to those who want them the most.

Part 2: Brand Essence/Equity Elements

            As previously stated Tech Warehouse’s goal is to make sure consumers can find a large variety of tech products in a one stop shop that can be purchased at the push of a button at MSRP. This is more than just a goal as this is the driving force behind the brand and what sets it apart from its competitors. With scalpers and third part sellers raising prices its important for consumers to feel safe with online purchases and TW will provide just that. By listening to those who matter the most the company will continue to build to suit the people who put their hard earned money and trust into the brand. Tech Warehouse will build and grow by staying true to its ideas and listening to what the buyers want out of an e-commerce experience rather than simply providing and make changes based around what the company thinks they want.    


Brand Positioning 

            Brand positioning is key when it comes to any brand as it defines the company as a whole. Positioning establishes your company’s value, informs consumers on what differentiates you from the competition, and helps them understand what your products and services may offer. Tech Warehouse understands its competition and how much market control they have which is why the company is acting as a simplified alternative rather than a direct competitor. The brand will provide a service for buyers to purchase MSRP priced tech at a guarantee which is something that isn’t always guaranteed by brands like Amazon and eBay. This will be the driving point of difference between TW and the competitors and will also be the key reason for the buying decisions (N.A, 2021). In order to get the proper messaging across Tech Warehouse will develop a marketing strategy consisting of extensive research of the targeted audience based around what they want out of the brand and where they can be reached.

Brand Concept

            As previously mentioned the concept behind the brand is to use the popularity and accessibility of e-commerce to provide a large variety of tech products at the proper pricing in a guaranteed format. Competitors like Amazon often sell out of products only to have third party sellers resell them for an inflated price. Sites like eBay also operate with the focus being on third party sellers and auctions which can often lead to higher prices. Tech Warehouse will use a queue system for items that are sold out allowing customers to make a purchase and have the item shipped to them the second it comes into stock. While this isn’t a new method it will guarantee customers will receive their items without having to worry about availability or heightened prices from scalpers. The goal of the company is to make sure customer feedback is an integral part of the brand’s growth by making appropriate tweaks based on their needs and wants. Weaknesses and strengths will need to be accessed to make sure risks are properly handled to avoid unwanted issues. Over time with feedback from the consumers and proper tweak to the business model the company will begin to see substantial growth through trust and loyalty.

Strategic Brand Promotional Mix: Traditional promotions with rationale

            Promotion is the quintessential way to inform potential and existing customers of what your brand has to offer (Author, 2021). With Tech Warehouse being a new startup company with a ton to offer in the world of tech e-commerce a proper marketing plan has to be put into place to grab the attention of possible buyers. On a traditional level of promotion Tech Warehouse will use multiple tools to its advantage with one of the first being ads via newspapers, magazines and, radio. While they may be considered older methods they have proven to be effective over the years especially if the placements are in a position to reach customers with a related interest like tech magazines or tv shows. Another method of promotion for Tech Warehouse will be to get endorsements from credible and knowledgeable celebrities to help promote the company. It’s common for companies to find reputable and trusted celebrities to promote products they actually enjoy. Consumers are more likely to buy into something when its attached to something or someone that can be trusted.

Strategic Brand Promotional Mix: New Media Promotions with Rationale

            In the current day marketing and promoting a brand has found multiple avenues to reach large groups of people while remaining relatively inexpensive. Part of selling a product is understanding your target audience and promoting in places they frequent to get their attention and what’s a better place for tech products than the internet itself? Everyday the average person is going to encounter ads in various ways whether its their favorite social media platform or something as simple as ads before or during a YouTube video. Tech Warehouse will use this to its advantage and display ads via social media and even set up accounts outside of its home site to engage with customers, offer support and take in feedback. Tech products have been gaining visibility through sponsorships or sending products to social media influencers. Much like having celebrity endorsers credible tech reviewers like MKBHD often promote brands that they use and enjoy. Being able to capitalize on this could be a huge opportunity to reach new buyers as word of mouth and demonstrations explaining the services the company provide will be on full display from trusted personalities.


      Any startup company with stiff competition needs to have a proper marketing and promotion plan to get it off the ground and gain momentum. Tech Warehouse is a brand that provides a service many people could get behind and with a mapped out plan of the correct promotional channels the company is on pace to see substantial growth.




NOTE: The reference list starts on a new page after your conclusion. 


Bridgwater, A. (2021, March 23). How e-commerce became a technology bread and butter.

Kan, M. (2020, October 9). Inside the Pandemic’s Biggest Cash Cow: Scalper Bot Networks Hawking Hot Products. PCMAG.

Author, N. (2020). Top 100 Retailers 2020 List. NRF.

Perricone, C. (2020, October 15). Everything You Need to Know About Ecommerce Marketing. HubSpot Blog.,campaigns%20to%20attract%20visitors%20and%20facilitate%20purchases%20online.

Vorhaus, M. (2020, June 23). Gaming Industry Sees Big Growth While People Stay Home. Forbes.

Author, N. (2021, February 22). What is BRAND POSITIONING?

Author, N. (2021). Traditional Promotional Methods. Traditional Promotional Methods | Market Your Catch.




Allure is a global brand that manufactures luxury automobiles. The luxury automobile market is valued at over 400 billion. In 2020 and is expected to reach over 500 billion by the year 2026. The world of luxury continues to increase globally. Allure’s vision is simple; to provide premium automobiles to prestigious people. Allure focuses on encouraging customer loyalty.



Allure is a global brand that manufactures luxury automobiles. The company’s product mix includes cars, SUVs, sedans, and crossovers. The luxury car industry is known to provide the highest quality of comfort, safety, and performance. The luxury car industry is expected to continue to rise in sales throughout 2026. Allure’s brand is known globally as a symbol of prestigious status, class, and wealth.  Allure products are considered to have a sleek, luxurious design, along with top-of-the-line technology.  Allure also offers a variety of services to its customers. In their fully staffed sales center, they also have service centers where they provide various repairs from services and maintenance, tires, and parts. Because Allure is manufactured with only high-grade material and sheer precision on the details, it is highly recommended that customers use the services, parts, and tires offered exclusively by Allure dealerships. Allure ensures a consistent quality of care, service, and parts to ensure their automobiles’ life span. 


Part 1: Industry/Category Analysis

           Allure automobiles are a part of the luxurious automobile segments. The luxury automobile market is valued at over 400 billion. In 2020 and is expected to reach over 500 billion by the year 2026. The world of luxury continues to increase globally. According to Statista, the luxury car industry accounted for .7% of the 2019 global market revenue (Statisic, 2021). Luxury attracts wealthy clients globally. Owners of luxury vehicles see them as a symbol of social and financial status. A brand is considered luxury based on its perception (Kapferer, & Bastien, 2012).. The high-end market segment consists of passenger cars, SUVs, etc. 

The industry leaders consist of Mercedes, BMW, Cadillac, Lincoln, Bentley, Porsche, and Rolls- Royce. Allure will follow the industry trends of creating high-end automobiles with dynamic design, industry-leading technology, high performance, and luxurious comfort. Like its competitors, Allure will produce premium automobiles held to a high standard. Their target audience consists of wealthy, upper-class society, including professionals and executives. Their modern vehicles are equipped with the latest technology and top-of-the-line features.  Allure appeals to the customers’ wants and their desires to ha e top-of-line automobiles.  . Allure only focuses on the features and benefits of its automobiles. The CAGR forecasted to see a 5% increase from 2021-2026. 


Part 1: Competitive Analysis (Positioning Map) 

           The luxury car industry provides the highest quality of comfort, safety, and performance. In a recent survey, participants were asked what brand came to mind when they thought of a luxury car. Three out of five first response was Mercedes. Mercedes has built a worldwide presence as the top-of-the-line premium automobiles. Like Mercedes, the Allure brand plans to position its self in high quality and high prices. Allure will match and exceed its competitor’s high-quality standards. Allure intends to build a strong presence of quality over quantity. Focusing on a distinguished group of high society, corporate executives, doctors, lawyers, and influencers, understanding that the goal is to gain customer trust and brand recognition, such as its top competitors Mercedes, BMW, and Audi. While BMW can cost more to maintain than Mercedes, Allure automobiles will offer free oil changes and tire rotation for loyal customers, but other services will be top-aligned with BMW prices. Allure will offer sedans, coupes, SUVs, and crossovers, just as all three competitors. The attraction will feature top-of-the-line luxury comfort, innovative technology, the highest comfort level, and high-quality performance. Allure we become a global name. Recognized by its symbol and drove by the wealthiest people around the county. 


Part 2: Brand Strategic Plan (Vision/objectives/strategies/tactics) 

           Allure’s vision is simple; to provide premium automobiles to prestigious people. Allure focuses on encouraging brand loyalty. Focusing on a high level of quality, unique design, the best safety features, and the latest technology.  Allure offers only the best craftsmanship expected from a luxury vehicle.  Allure’s luxury cars will offer a number of technology options include antilock brakes, review cameras, headrest TV screens, Bluetooth connectivity, music interface, remote starters, electronic parking aids, rain-sensing windshield wipers, and so on, these cars make driving safe, smooth, and hassle-free (Nair, 2019). An Allure automobile is more than a car; it is an experience. Driving a luxury car is an experience in itself, especially if it is an Allure automobile. The brand stands for providing premier-driving pleasure, along with an interior that is nothing short of fantastic, creating a true luxury feeling in a personal space.  Allure’s objective is to produce premium products, provide premium services, and prepare prestigious people for a luxurious experience. Luxury has never been about the price. It is about the brand and its authenticity. It is about appealing to the right level of heritage and pedigree—understanding how this prestigious group of customers desire a feeling from their purchase. Allure will provide that feeling that experience, that elite status of buying from start to finish; from the moment a customer walks in or visits its website; they will receive superb customer service from only the best salespeople. That will ensure that this will be an authentic luxury shopping experience.

            Allure uses celebrity endowments and social media influencers to help promote the features of the luxury automobile.  As well as paid Facebook, Instagram, etc., social media ad and Bing ads to help capture the attention of its target audience. According to Bing, one-third of their audience has an annual income of 100,000 or more Allure will target ads based on the user’s income level.  Allure targets its high-end market by using paid searches and paid word association.  Therefore, when certain words are searched Allure will be at the top of the search engine optimizers list. . Allure excludes using words like cheap, inexpensive, free, in their search engine optimizer but will adapt words like luxury, wealthy, prestige, pedigree, and powerful as words associated with the Allure brand. 


Part 2: Target Customer Segmentation Analysis 

    Luxury cars provide a high level of comfort and safety features, creating opportunities for the market. Allure’s target audience consists of millennials and the upcoming Generation Z. The Allure design is  for customers in the high-end income bracket. The premier car line of products ranges in price from $30,000 to over $100,000. Allure is marketing to an upscale target audience, primarily individuals with an annual income of over $100,000. Their goal, however, was to expand on their already strong brand. Allure focuses on building brand consistency, unique benefits, and appealing to its wealthy customers’ emotions. Allure is not trying to be the typical luxury brand; they are trying to be the ultimate luxury brand. Allure brand success depends on the success of the new generation. Allure will host annual events that bring out the consumers to preview the latest releases, test drive, educate, and build a brand community. The luxury car market ships car worldwide and caters to the high-end target audience. Their marketing mix pricing is at premium product prices, premium service prices to match their premium product line. 


Part 2: Customer Insight 

Better customer experiences mean happier customers, and customers that are more pleased represent a better brand investment. To how do leading brands find that sweet spot with local marketing? As it comes to allure, it sets its sights on returning customers with high-quality credentials. Luxury has been associated with the likes of art, because both aim to be perceived as imperial and timeless and share a love for creativity, craftsmanship, rare materials, and exclusivity (Julie-Sofie, 2018).  Allure is one of the best examples of a brand doing luxurious customer satisfaction right. As one of the most well-known brands in the automotive industry today, Allure is synonymous with car buyers with both polished sophistication and performance. We are featuring a diverse line of luxury sedans, crossovers, and SUVs as the new luxury brand, Allure, makes its debut. Allure offers the very finest in automotive engineering with our latest innovative brand of Allure motor vehicles. Allure is implementing the world’s leading technology creating a memorable ad for this new Allure trademark. Our customer goal is for our customers to think of one or two of our “Luxurious Driving” ads just by hearing about it. We wanted to create relevant content in helpful and entertaining ways to advertise Allure based on data-driven insights. That way, the business hopes to reach both existing customers and those that might be considering Allure but do not yet own one. Allure is always thinking of its customer, consumer-first, which means for us mobile-first with speed—combining two technologies, accelerated mobile pages, and progressive web apps to bring both ends together on one site (Arica, 2020). It also shows when creativity and engineering are a priority. 



Part 2: Brand Essence/Equity Elements

         Like BMW, Allure represents in a variety of ways: awareness, reputation, differentiation, energy, relevance, loyalty, and flexibility (Kelley, 2019). The Allure brand will differ in the type of leisure cars provided. In addition, it is different because of the high level of comfort and safety features, creating opportunities for the market as we target millennials. Allures brand’s relevance is innovating our new premium vehicle features, including a dynamic design that features the latest technology. New industry-developed Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist systems (a system that forward sensors to detect obstacles ahead, give warning to the driver, and engage breaks if needed) will be the Allure top-selling feature (Shukla,2020). Allure’s essence and equity elements are similar to the BMW brand, and consist of a set of assets or liabilities in the form of brand visibility, brand associations, and customer loyalty that add or subtract from the value of a current or potential product or service driven by the BMW brand (Prophet,2021). Allure will adapt management guru Tom Peter’s famous quote: “In an increasingly crowded marketplace, fools will compete on price. Winners will find a way to create lasting value in the customer’s mind.”  In order for a brand to be considered a luxury, it has to be deemed luxurious by it customers.   The Allure brand will offer the essence of luxury, creating an emotional attachment with its customers.  The brand’s dynamic design and elite social status will surely create lasting value in the mind of the customer. The beauty in the Allure brand, the value, the high endurance, the performance, the high-quality performance, will surpass the expectation of the customers. Allure’s unique elements are such as comfort, premium upholstery, plush carpeting, polished wood trim, sleek styling, safety features, entertainment options, and even the distinct scent are signs of the brand’s dynamic features. Another component of the Allure brand is that it is an automobile manufacturer known worldwide as a luxury symbol. The Allure extracts corporation value around excellence. Allure projects high performance and power. In addition, this brand exhibits elements such as precision, discipline, and efficiency.  By using social status, celebrities, and influencers to build brand awareness, and inform the target audience of the dynamic features and benefits. Allure will build brand awareness, public relations, and a divine force that will separate it from its competitors.  Allure customers desire the rarity of Allure automobiles, this makes them feel unique, powerful, elite, and one of a kind. Some elements that make this brand so successful are the brand component is an automobile manufacturer known worldwide as a luxury symbol. The Allure brand extracts corporation value around excellence. Allure projects high performance and power. This also brand exhibits elements such as precision, discipline, and efficiency.


Brand Positioning 

            Brand positioning refers to how the brand resides in the mind of the customer or desired customers. Allure luxury car collection will be the most sought out luxury automobile on the market.  The high-end leather seats, luxury features, and environmentally friendly automobiles will draw customers to the brand.  Customers who enjoy and look for the same values will be drawing these aesthetics and the safety features of the Allure automobiles to its target audience. Luxury vehicles come with better safety features such as traction control, side front airbags, curtain airbags, and anti-lock braking systems, as well as, better crash-test results (Nair, 2019).  The Allure commitment is to instill values that give it a distinct position in the luxury automobile industry. The Allure brand message will be consistent and precise, focusing on luxurious design, high performance, high quality, trustworthy automobiles.  With Allure automobile, its customers understand that this is a luxurious journey, not a destination.  Allure will earn the trust of their customers; make its way into their hearts, creating widespread of admiration for the brand.  Making it a brand icon among the wealthy, prestigious, and powerful. 


Brand Concept

            Allure’s brand concept distinguishes premium automobiles.   Allure vehicles are exceptional, not accessible.  Luxury product characteristics include their price, quality, aesthetic, and scarce availability.  According to Forbes, if it is exquisite, expensive, and exclusive, then it is luxury (DeAcetis, 2020). This is the reason customers are will to pay the price for the rarity or the exclusiveness.  Allure has built a worldwide presence as the top of the line, premium automobiles. Their leisure automobiles are globally manufactured and distributed. The brand has built a long last brand of superior style, innovative, high-performance vehicles for a particular social group. The comfortable and premium upholstery, plush carpeting, polished wood trim, sleek styling, and entertainment options differentiate them from its competitors. Allure, best known for its incredible power, outstanding artistry, quality safety feature, and unique craftsmanship. The Allure brand embodies value and empowers individual expression.  The goal is to develop a trusting customer-centric relation with the consumers. The Allure luxury automobiles must also line with Forbes, the definition of a luxury brand, and be very agile and innovative in order to gain the preference of the new luxury customers. Allure products are made with high-quality material, the latest safety feature, high-level performance feature, and authentic craftsmanship, which appeals to the old and the young.  The Allure automobiles offer safety features that appeal to families, and individuals.  Customers desire the Allure automobile and with its A logo it is immediately recognizable. This is what sets Allure luxury automobiles apart from its competitors.    Allure is brand-centric, focusing on maintaining a solid, trustworthy, high quality, prestigious perception to its customers. Ensuring that customers can identify with the brand concept, its excellent design, sophisticated aesthetics, and unique stature. 


Strategic Brand Promotional Mix: Traditional promotions with rationale

            Luxury is easily identifiable. Allure use all media channels for promotion, including social media, commercials, video ads, print, and billboards. The traditional promotions of Allure automobiles include traditional print advertisements.  These advertisements can found in high-end magazines, exclusive restaurants, luxury retail stores, and any other high-end publication.    As well as, television commercials that focus on the Allure car.  Implementing elements of design in both such as images, colors, sound, and emotional connections, such moods, and feelings. Allure will utilize direct and personal selling. Allure will work with and host sponsored events.  Lance Helgeson, said auto sponsorships and events, however, because both aim to connect with consumers outside showrooms (Halliday, 1999). Not only that an event allows Allure representative to reach the consumer directly attracting more customer participation.  The Allure brand advertisements target a specific target audience.   The Allure brand will create visually appealing ads and commercials that are immediately recognizable. Allure advertisements will offer precision, unique design, extraordinary features, innovative technology, and pure excellence that its automobiles offer.  Allure will maintain the perception that their automobiles are scarce and is a brand only available to the elite. The persona is a distinctive brand that identifies with its audience through brand communication in the advertisement.  Allure is capturing the personality, values, and emotions of their consumers through a variety of traditional advertising including print ad, commercials, events, and celebrity endorsements. 


Strategic Brand Promotional Mix: New Media Promotions with Rationale

            Allure has a strong social media presence. Although Allure can be found on all social media platforms, the brand posts more on its Instagram page.  The Allure brand feels that it is important to be involved on all social media platforms, but it is more important to excel on one platform and then expand its horizon. Allure does stream digital ads and videos on all social platforms. Over time Allure, data team has found Instagram followers to be a more engaged, and effective platform to utilize. Allure’s goal is to focus on the quality of its automobiles.  Allure will be sure to post reels that focus on the features and benefits of the Allure cars, as well as pictures that display its unique beauty.  Allure will work with social media influencers to be brand ambassadors. Influencers help the brand connect to a broader audience who are interested in the same luxury lifestyle. Influencers can assist in building brand awareness, and attract a younger target audience Allure is looking for. The brand will feature blogs and feature customer testimonies that evolve around the excellence of the brand.   Allure is dedicated to increasing visibility on all social media platforms to add more value to this growing brand. Allure utilizes Instagram stories, chat, and hyperlinks that take the consumer directly to the product or a personal sales representative depending on the needs of the shopper. Sixty-two percent of Instagram users say they have become more interested in a brand after seeing it in a IG story (Allure is the preferred luxury brand.  Allure is a customer-centric brand, which ensures a personal representative is always available. This offers the consumer personal attention to take their time to shop and gather as much information as need.   Allure’s goal is to inform, assist, persuade, and remind its followers of the greatness in the Allure brand. 



          Allure’s vision is simple; to provide premium automobiles to prestigious people. Allure focuses on encouraging customer loyalty. Focusing on the high-quality product to make their cars, a dynamic design that features the latest technology and high performance ensures customers invest in the best luxury automobile. The luxury car industry is expected to continue to rise in sales throughout 2026. Allures brand is known globally as a symbol of prestigious status, class, and wealth. Allure uses all media channels for promotion, including social media, commercials, video ads, print, and billboards. Allure focuses on the features and benefits of its automobiles. Allure is committed to continuing to build brand awareness and increase its brand value. As BMW and Mercedes-Benz compete in the same premium cars market, they have the same ambitious reference frame.  Luxury cars have state-of-the-art systems, and Allure is no different. With advanced technology, features that help prevent head-on collisions, and adding an extra layer of security for the people in the car (Sukla, 2020). Allure is one of the best examples of a brand doing customer satisfaction right worldwide. As one of the most well-known brands in the automotive industry today, Allure is synonymous with car buyers with both polished sophistication and excellent performance. Allure focuses on building a prestigious global brand that encourages customer loyalty and the ultimate customer driving experience.   Allure the luxurious driving experience. 



MKT665: Group Project

Your answers should not be yes/no. Substantive feedback requires analysis

Industry/Category Analysis (U2 IP)

 Is the analysis thorough and backed by quality, graduate-level research?

Competitive Analysis (Positioning Map) (U2 IP)

 Does the information contained give you a good understanding of the concepts being covered in the plan?

 Is there something missing? Or an area that need further explanation?

Brand Strategic Plan (Vision/objectives/strategies/tactics) (U2 IP)

 Are the aspects clearly explained?

 Are they a good match to the brand?

Target Customer Segmentation Analysis (U2 IP)

 Does the segmentation strategy fit the product/service?

 Is the chosen target market a good fit?

Customer Insight (U2 IP)

 Are appropriate tools used to back-up the content of this section?

Brand Essence/Equity Elements (U2 IP)

 Is solid back-up provided?

 Are the elements a good fit to the brand?

Brand Positioning (U3 IP)

 Is the positioning strategy sound based on the competition and the target market?

Brand Concept (U3 IP)

 Do all of the components of the brand launch come together?

 Is there a plan to sustain competitive advantage?

Strategic Brand Promotional Mix: Traditional promotions with rationale (U3 IP)

 Are the messages a good fit considering this promotional tool and the execution style?

Strategic Brand Promotional Mix: New Media Promotions with Rationale (U3 IP)

 Are the messages a good fit considering this promotional tool and the execution style?

You must critique each section of the paper; 2-3 sentences per section is adequate in most cases. If you write less,
you will receive little or no credit for your critique. More extensive feedback may be required if the section is lacking

or if you have good ideas that may assist the author.

By Sunday of Group Week, please PASTE your critiques as replies to the corresponding threads on the Group
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Allure is a global brand that manufactures luxury automobiles. The luxury automobile market is valued at over 400 billion. In 2020 and is expected to reach over 500 billion by the year 2026. The world of luxury continues to increase globally. Allure’s vision is simple; to provide premium automobiles to prestigious people. Allure focuses on encouraging customer loyalty.




Allure is a global brand that manufactures luxury automobiles. The company’s product mix includes cars, SUVs, sedans, and crossovers. The luxury car industry is known to provide the highest quality of comfort, safety, and performance. The luxury car industry is expected to continue to rise in sales throughout 2026. Allure’s brand is known globally as a symbol of prestigious status, class, and wealth.  Allure products are considered to have a sleek, luxurious design, along with top-of-the-line technology.  Allure also offers a variety of services to its customers. In their fully staffed sales center, they also have service centers where they provide various repairs from services and maintenance, tires, and parts. Because Allure is manufactured with only high-grade material and sheer precision on the details, it is highly recommended that customers use the services, parts, and tires offered exclusively by Allure dealerships. Allure ensures a consistent quality of care, service, and parts to ensure their automobiles’ life span. 


Part 1: Industry/Category Analysis

           Allure automobiles are a part of the luxurious automobile segments. The luxury automobile market is valued at over 400 billion. In 2020 and is expected to reach over 500 billion by the year 2026. The world of luxury continues to increase globally. According to Statista, the luxury car industry accounted for .7% of the 2019 global market revenue (Statisic, 2021). Luxury attracts wealthy clients globally. Owners of luxury vehicles see them as a symbol of social and financial status. A brand is considered luxury based on its perception (Kapferer, & Bastien, 2012).. The high-end market segment consists of passenger cars, SUVs, etc. 

The industry leaders consist of Mercedes, BMW, Cadillac, Lincoln, Bentley, Porsche, and Rolls- Royce. Allure will follow the industry trends of creating high-end automobiles with dynamic design, industry-leading technology, high performance, and luxurious comfort. Like its competitors, Allure will produce premium automobiles held to a high standard. Their target audience consists of wealthy, upper-class society, including professionals and executives. Their modern vehicles are equipped with the latest technology and top-of-the-line features.  Allure appeals to the customers’ wants and their desires to ha e top-of-line automobiles.  . Allure only focuses on the features and benefits of its automobiles. The CAGR forecasted to see a 5% increase from 2021-2026. 


Part 1: Competitive Analysis (Positioning Map) 

           The luxury car industry provides the highest quality of comfort, safety, and performance. In a recent survey, participants were asked what brand came to mind when they thought of a luxury car. Three out of five first response was Mercedes. Mercedes has built a worldwide presence as the top-of-the-line premium automobiles. Like Mercedes, the Allure brand plans to position its self in high quality and high prices. Allure will match and exceed its competitor’s high-quality standards. Allure intends to build a strong presence of quality over quantity. Focusing on a distinguished group of high society, corporate executives, doctors, lawyers, and influencers, understanding that the goal is to gain customer trust and brand recognition, such as its top competitors Mercedes, BMW, and Audi. While BMW can cost more to maintain than Mercedes, Allure automobiles will offer free oil changes and tire rotation for loyal customers, but other services will be top-aligned with BMW prices. Allure will offer sedans, coupes, SUVs, and crossovers, just as all three competitors. The attraction will feature top-of-the-line luxury comfort, innovative technology, the highest comfort level, and high-quality performance. Allure we become a global name. Recognized by its symbol and drove by the wealthiest people around the county. 


Part 2: Brand Strategic Plan (Vision/objectives/strategies/tactics) 

           Allure’s vision is simple; to provide premium automobiles to prestigious people. Allure focuses on encouraging brand loyalty. Focusing on a high level of quality, unique design, the best safety features, and the latest technology.  Allure offers only the best craftsmanship expected from a luxury vehicle.  Allure’s luxury cars will offer a number of technology options include antilock brakes, review cameras, headrest TV screens, Bluetooth connectivity, music interface, remote starters, electronic parking aids, rain-sensing windshield wipers, and so on, these cars make driving safe, smooth, and hassle-free (Nair, 2019). An Allure automobile is more than a car; it is an experience. Driving a luxury car is an experience in itself, especially if it is an Allure automobile. The brand stands for providing premier-driving pleasure, along with an interior that is nothing short of fantastic, creating a true luxury feeling in a personal space.  Allure’s objective is to produce premium products, provide premium services, and prepare prestigious people for a luxurious experience. Luxury has never been about the price. It is about the brand and its authenticity. It is about appealing to the right level of heritage and pedigree—understanding how this prestigious group of customers desire a feeling from their purchase. Allure will provide that feeling that experience, that elite status of buying from start to finish; from the moment a customer walks in or visits its website; they will receive superb customer service from only the best salespeople. That will ensure that this will be an authentic luxury shopping experience.


Allure uses celebrity endowments and social media influencers to help promote the features of the luxury automobile.  As well as paid Facebook, Instagram, etc., social media ad and Bing ads to help capture the attention of its target audience. According to Bing, one-third of their audience has an annual income of 100,000 or more Allure will target ads based on the user’s income level.  Allure targets its high-end market by using paid searches and paid word association.  Therefore, when certain words are searched Allure will be at the top of the search engine optimizers list. . Allure excludes using words like cheap, inexpensive, free, in their search engine optimizer but will adapt words like luxury, wealthy, prestige, pedigree, and powerful as words associated with the Allure brand. 


Part 2: Target Customer Segmentation Analysis 

    Luxury cars provide a high level of comfort and safety features, creating opportunities for the market. Allure’s target audience consists of millennials and the upcoming Generation Z. The Allure design is  for customers in the high-end income bracket. The premier car line of products ranges in price from $30,000 to over $100,000. Allure is marketing to an upscale target audience, primarily individuals with an annual income of over $100,000. Their goal, however, was to expand on their already strong brand. Allure focuses on building brand consistency, unique benefits, and appealing to its wealthy customers’ emotions. Allure is not trying to be the typical luxury brand; they are trying to be the ultimate luxury brand. Allure brand success depends on the success of the new generation. Allure will host annual events that bring out the consumers to preview the latest releases, test drive, educate, and build a brand community. The luxury car market ships car worldwide and caters to the high-end target audience. Their marketing mix pricing is at premium product prices, premium service prices to match their premium product line. 


Part 2: Customer Insight 

Better customer experiences mean happier customers, and customers that are more pleased represent a better brand investment. To how do leading brands find that sweet spot with local marketing? As it comes to allure, it sets its sights on returning customers with high-quality credentials. Luxury has been associated with the likes of art, because both aim to be perceived as imperial and timeless and share a love for creativity, craftsmanship, rare materials, and exclusivity (Julie-Sofie, 2018).  Allure is one of the best examples of a brand doing luxurious customer satisfaction right. As one of the most well-known brands in the automotive industry today, Allure is synonymous with car buyers with both polished sophistication and performance. We are featuring a diverse line of luxury sedans, crossovers, and SUVs as the new luxury brand, Allure, makes its debut. Allure offers the very finest in automotive engineering with our latest innovative brand of Allure motor vehicles. Allure is implementing the world’s leading technology creating a memorable ad for this new Allure trademark. Our customer goal is for our customers to think of one or two of our “Luxurious Driving” ads just by hearing about it. We wanted to create relevant content in helpful and entertaining ways to advertise Allure based on data-driven insights. That way, the business hopes to reach both existing customers and those that might be considering Allure but do not yet own one. Allure is always thinking of its customer, consumer-first, which means for us mobile-first with speed—combining two technologies, accelerated mobile pages, and progressive web apps to bring both ends together on one site (Arica, 2020). It also shows when creativity and engineering are a priority. 


Part 2: Brand Essence/Equity Elements

         Like BMW, Allure represents in a variety of ways: awareness, reputation, differentiation, energy, relevance, loyalty, and flexibility (Kelley, 2019). The Allure brand will differ in the type of leisure cars provided. In addition, it is different because of the high level of comfort and safety features, creating opportunities for the market as we target millennials. Allures brand’s relevance is innovating our new premium vehicle features, including a dynamic design that features the latest technology. New industry-developed Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist systems (a system that forward sensors to detect obstacles ahead, give warning to the driver, and engage breaks if needed) will be the Allure top-selling feature (Shukla,2020). Allure’s essence and equity elements are similar to the BMW brand, and consist of a set of assets or liabilities in the form of brand visibility, brand associations, and customer loyalty that add or subtract from the value of a current or potential product or service driven by the BMW brand (Prophet,2021). Allure will adapt management guru Tom Peter’s famous quote: “In an increasingly crowded marketplace, fools will compete on price. Winners will find a way to create lasting value in the customer’s mind.”  In order for a brand to be considered a luxury, it has to be deemed luxurious by it customers.   The Allure brand will offer the essence of luxury, creating an emotional attachment with its customers.  The brand’s dynamic design and elite social status will surely create lasting value in the mind of the customer. The beauty in the Allure brand, the value, the high endurance, the performance, the high-quality performance, will surpass the expectation of the customers. Allure’s unique elements are such as comfort, premium upholstery, plush carpeting, polished wood trim, sleek styling, safety features, entertainment options, and even the distinct scent are signs of the brand’s dynamic features. Another component of the Allure brand is that it is an automobile manufacturer known worldwide as a luxury symbol. The Allure extracts corporation value around excellence. Allure projects high performance and power. In addition, this brand exhibits elements such as precision, discipline, and efficiency.  By using social status, celebrities, and influencers to build brand awareness, and inform the target audience of the dynamic features and benefits. Allure will build brand awareness, public relations, and a divine force that will separate it from its competitors.  Allure customers desire the rarity of Allure automobiles, this makes them feel unique, powerful, elite, and one of a kind. Some elements that make this brand so successful are the brand component is an automobile manufacturer known worldwide as a luxury symbol. The Allure brand extracts corporation value around excellence. Allure projects high performance and power. This also brand exhibits elements such as precision, discipline, and efficiency.


Brand Positioning 

            Brand positioning refers to how the brand resides in the mind of the customer or desired customers. Allure luxury car collection will be the most sought out luxury automobile on the market.  The high-end leather seats, luxury features, and environmentally friendly automobiles will draw customers to the brand.  Customers who enjoy and look for the same values will be drawing these aesthetics and the safety features of the Allure automobiles to its target audience. Luxury vehicles come with better safety features such as traction control, side front airbags, curtain airbags, and anti-lock braking systems, as well as, better crash-test results (Nair, 2019).  The Allure commitment is to instill values that give it a distinct position in the luxury automobile industry. The Allure brand message will be consistent and precise, focusing on luxurious design, high performance, high quality, trustworthy automobiles.  With Allure automobile, its customers understand that this is a luxurious journey, not a destination.  Allure will earn the trust of their customers; make its way into their hearts, creating widespread of admiration for the brand.  Making it a brand icon among the wealthy, prestigious, and powerful. 


Brand Concept

            Allure’s brand concept distinguishes premium automobiles.   Allure vehicles are exceptional, not accessible.  Luxury product characteristics include their price, quality, aesthetic, and scarce availability.  According to Forbes, if it is exquisite, expensive, and exclusive, then it is luxury (DeAcetis, 2020). This is the reason customers are will to pay the price for the rarity or the exclusiveness.  Allure has built a worldwide presence as the top of the line, premium automobiles. Their leisure automobiles are globally manufactured and distributed. The brand has built a long last brand of superior style, innovative, high-performance vehicles for a particular social group. The comfortable and premium upholstery, plush carpeting, polished wood trim, sleek styling, and entertainment options differentiate them from its competitors. Allure, best known for its incredible power, outstanding artistry, quality safety feature, and unique craftsmanship. The Allure brand embodies value and empowers individual expression.  The goal is to develop a trusting customer-centric relation with the consumers. The Allure luxury automobiles must also line with Forbes, the definition of a luxury brand, and be very agile and innovative in order to gain the preference of the new luxury customers. Allure products are made with high-quality material, the latest safety feature, high-level performance feature, and authentic craftsmanship, which appeals to the old and the young.  The Allure automobiles offer safety features that appeal to families, and individuals.  Customers desire the Allure automobile and with its A logo it is immediately recognizable. This is what sets Allure luxury automobiles apart from its competitors.    Allure is brand-centric, focusing on maintaining a solid, trustworthy, high quality, prestigious perception to its customers. Ensuring that customers can identify with the brand concept, its excellent design, sophisticated aesthetics, and unique stature. 


Strategic Brand Promotional Mix: Traditional promotions with rationale

            Luxury is easily identifiable. Allure use all media channels for promotion, including social media, commercials, video ads, print, and billboards. The traditional promotions of Allure automobiles include traditional print advertisements.  These advertisements can found in high-end magazines, exclusive restaurants, luxury retail stores, and any other high-end publication.    As well as, television commercials that focus on the Allure car.  Implementing elements of design in both such as images, colors, sound, and emotional connections, such moods, and feelings. Allure will utilize direct and personal selling. Allure will work with and host sponsored events.  Lance Helgeson, said auto sponsorships and events, however, because both aim to connect with consumers outside showrooms (Halliday, 1999). Not only that an event allows Allure representative to reach the consumer directly attracting more customer participation.  The Allure brand advertisements target a specific target audience.   The Allure brand will create visually appealing ads and commercials that are immediately recognizable. Allure advertisements will offer precision, unique design, extraordinary features, innovative technology, and pure excellence that its automobiles offer.  Allure will maintain the perception that their automobiles are scarce and is a brand only available to the elite. The persona is a distinctive brand that identifies with its audience through brand communication in the advertisement.  Allure is capturing the personality, values, and emotions of their consumers through a variety of traditional advertising including print ad, commercials, events, and celebrity endorsements. 


Strategic Brand Promotional Mix: New Media Promotions with Rationale

            Allure has a strong social media presence. Although Allure can be found on all social media platforms, the brand posts more on its Instagram page.  The Allure brand feels that it is important to be involved on all social media platforms, but it is more important to excel on one platform and then expand its horizon. Allure does stream digital ads and videos on all social platforms. Over time Allure, data team has found Instagram followers to be a more engaged, and effective platform to utilize. Allure’s goal is to focus on the quality of its automobiles.  Allure will be sure to post reels that focus on the features and benefits of the Allure cars, as well as pictures that display its unique beauty.  Allure will work with social media influencers to be brand ambassadors. Influencers help the brand connect to a broader audience who are interested in the same luxury lifestyle. Influencers can assist in building brand awareness, and attract a younger target audience Allure is looking for. The brand will feature blogs and feature customer testimonies that evolve around the excellence of the brand.   Allure is dedicated to increasing visibility on all social media platforms to add more value to this growing brand. Allure utilizes Instagram stories, chat, and hyperlinks that take the consumer directly to the product or a personal sales representative depending on the needs of the shopper. Sixty-two percent of Instagram users say they have become more interested in a brand after seeing it in a IG story (Allure is the preferred luxury brand.  Allure is a customer-centric brand, which ensures a personal representative is always available. This offers the consumer personal attention to take their time to shop and gather as much information as need.   Allure’s goal is to inform, assist, persuade, and remind its followers of the greatness in the Allure brand. 



          Allure’s vision is simple; to provide premium automobiles to prestigious people. Allure focuses on encouraging customer loyalty. Focusing on the high-quality product to make their cars, a dynamic design that features the latest technology and high performance ensures customers invest in the best luxury automobile. The luxury car industry is expected to continue to rise in sales throughout 2026. Allures brand is known globally as a symbol of prestigious status, class, and wealth. Allure uses all media channels for promotion, including social media, commercials, video ads, print, and billboards. Allure focuses on the features and benefits of its automobiles. Allure is committed to continuing to build brand awareness and increase its brand value. As BMW and Mercedes-Benz compete in the same premium cars market, they have the same ambitious reference frame.  Luxury cars have state-of-the-art systems, and Allure is no different. With advanced technology, features that help prevent head-on collisions, and adding an extra layer of security for the people in the car (Sukla, 2020). Allure is one of the best examples of a brand doing customer satisfaction right worldwide. As one of the most well-known brands in the automotive industry today, Allure is synonymous with car buyers with both polished sophistication and excellent performance. Allure focuses on building a prestigious global brand that encourages customer loyalty and the ultimate customer driving experience.   Allure the luxurious driving experience. 


Apple Inc.

Institutional Affiliation

April 13, 2021


In the paper, a brief introduction about the Apple brand is given. The brand positioning and brand concept are discussed, and further exploration is done on the industry’s strategic brand promotional mix. All aspects of brand promotion are considered traditional to new media by giving conventional advertising and new media promotion.


At the later of the paper, a summary is developed with a conclusion.



Apple Inc. is an industry that deals with information technology by providing a wide range of products ranging from personal computers, television products, cellphones, tablets, and wearable devices. Apple is producing aesthetic and quality products since it exists in 1976 as a hardware and software company. Currently, Apple provides its customer a good experience by making the products highly competitive ahead of the market’s competitors. In this paper, measuring and interpreting brand performance is done by looking at brand positioning and concept. Also, analysis of strategic brand promotion mix is discussed considering traditional and new media.

Industry Analysis

Industry analysis is used to help the Apple company to understand the position it covers relative to its competitors. (Cheng et al 2017). Three major elements are used to analyze the industry. These are the workforces that underlie the company, the attractiveness of the company, and the factors which determine the success of the company. According to Porter’s 5 forces model, five keys are examined as the key forces of competition. The first one is the industry level of completion, and the other is considered to be impacting the level of completion and these include threats of new entrants, the threat of consumers, threat of substitute products, and bargaining power of suppliers.

Apple’s success is brought by its ability to do innovation of bringing new products. Five forces analysis portrays Apple’s completion and buyers’ bargaining power as the strongest forces which bring great profitability to apple. The weaker part of the industry is contributed by the threat of new products, the threat of substitute products, and the threat of bargaining power of suppliers. It is fact that Apple has been dominant in the industry since its establishment, but because of unpredictable future challenges which may come up, the company is required to continue building quality products through innovation.

                                                                                   Competition of the industry

There is a high competition that Apple is facing in the market. The competition has created an influence on each other with direct competitors such as Samsung, Amazon, Google, and the Hewlett-companies. all of these companies Apple being among them spend a lot of capital on including marketing market research and development so this means that the force of completion is strong within the market. (Lockamy III ,2017). The low switching cost is making high completion in the industry. There is no substantial requirement of capital for a customer to ditch a product from Apple to Samsung. For example, iPhone to a Samsung Galaxy S7. Competitiveness has been the key industry of Apple and it has been dealing with it since in product development and provision of a unique product which brings the market share strength. Apple is concentrating on completion based on the price by keeping away from products that have a low end in the market. Apple has been able to position itself in the mind of the consumer by providing unique and quality products.

Bargaining Power of the Buyer

A discussed in the previous part, there is the existence of low switching costs in the industry for the customers. This brings the strength of the consumer’s bargaining buyer and it is the key element which apple put into consideration during decision making. However, there are two types of consumer bargaining power in the market which include the collective consumer bargaining buyer and individual consumer bargaining power. bargaining power for an individual is considered low because losing a single customer to a company is close to nothing considering the loss of revenue when compared to the bargaining power of a collection of buyers. Their bargaining power becomes high and losing them will be detrimental to the revenue of the company because the buyer land in the hands of the competitors. Apple is continuously working on this force by investing its capital in the development and research of new products such as Apple pay and watch. The switching cost of some of the Apple products has been increasing through the keeping of feature in those products to be same all across the Apple brand like Pages, iPhoto, iMovie, and calendars.

Bargaining Power of supplier

Suppliers’ bargaining power is considered to be low in the industry. There are a variety of suppliers which Apple choose from therefore their bargaining power is lowered. Apple has a low switching cost when moving across all the suppliers and the requirement of more products gives it power over its suppliers. Because of the large volume of Apple products, Apple makes a great customer to its suppliers so they fight to ensure that apple remains as their customer in the business. Apple designing the chip product internally, so the chip suppliers have been reduced. Also, some of the part components are being manufactured by Apple so that they can be used only by the apple product hence giving a challenge to the competitors.

The threat of substitute and new products

The threat of substitute products and new products is moderated in the industry. These products do not include the qualities which can serve the same satisfaction. Always Apple is ahead in producing products that replace existing products before it is done elsewhere. It is expensive for companies to establish replaceable products over Apple which has already gain trust in the industry.

Brand Strategic Plan


The vision of the ability is found on its website. it states that “Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software, and Internet offerings”


Apple aims at designing Macs, which are the best and leading personal computers in the world, with the use of iLife, OS X, professional software, and work. Apple is leading in the revolution of digital music with the aid of online iTunes and iPods stores. There are reinventions of smartphones including the iPhone and its App Store. (Engel ,2018). Apple Inc. is continuing to define the mobile device’s future with the use of iPad values.


According to the Apple company, it has a defined strategy which is always stated on their report. The brand strategy is as follows: The Company is aiming to bring out the best experience from the consumers by providing innovations on the soft wares, peripheral devices, and hardware services. (Payne ,2017).The brand strategy brings uniqueness in designing and developing operating systems, soft wares, hardwires, and other services. It provides the customers with quality products that possess the ease of use superiority, seamless integrations, and innovations in the designs. The company work toward continuous investment in product development, research, advertising, and marketing which contributes to the critical part of product innovation. Another strategy is the continuous expansion of platforms that can be used by third parties to deliver content that has been discovered through the online iTunes store. this iTunes store is associated with the iBook Store and App Store that gives the consumer ability to download discovered applications for Windows, Mac, or IOS devices. Mac device user, the Appstore was discovered by Apple company so that they can install the application on their own. The company has Apple Inc.4 community which provides support to third-party developers on hardware and software products complementing the Apple company. There is an expansion of distribution networks that are used to reach end-users and provide quality products and services including user experience support. The use of the company’s vision mission and strategy helps in defining daily operation workflow.

Target Customer Segmentation Analysis*

The target market for Apple is focused on customers who have few characteristics. Apple chooses the middle class as the main target because they have the potential of paying high prices on Apple products. This class considers the quality of the product and is willing to increase little amounts because their income allows them to do so. Another target market for Apple is the Millennials. They have been hooked to the changing technology when compared to the other generation. Also, they have an influx amount of money which they can spend. According to statistic in every one out of four people interviewed aged above 35 they are planning to have Apple product for those who don’t have shortly. Those who love music are also the main target for Apple company. This is because the iTunes Store is providing a variety of applications that can be downloaded to be used in music. The “music lovers” are drawn to products from Apple because they are provided a platform for storing and purchasing music. Apple products have unique features which make design and media professional to use their products than other devices.

Customer Insight

When a successful innovation is brought into the market it affects it affects the economy because it has forced other products to drop in their grip. When Apple introduced the iPhone in the market Nokia phones which have been in the market lead started declining/. Apple technology brought changes in people’s views. (Mandal ,2017). Currently, Apple has got many products driven by innovation which has made its brand to be well known. It is import5ant to have customer information because it helps in developing products that meet the customer’s needs. The reason why Apple has remained as the top marketer in the industry is that it has focused enough on customer experience. The everyday undertaking of Apple is based on the customer experience. Also, Apple is focusing on innovations that bring secure and seamless infrastructure.

Apple always inspires its customers to be creative and do things in their unique way. They provide classes for the young generation so that they can capture their imagination in the future. It organizes its marketing basing on the targeted audience, not its products. it targets the government, SME Enterprises, and education. When organizing the salesperson, the customers to be served are prioritized over the products to be sold. App le find less to focus on using pricing to win its customers but instead it provides an outstanding experience so that its customers remain loyal.

Brand Essence

Brand essence is about the feeling that a customer gets when they first interact with the product. Apple focuses on three ideas mainly simplicity, difference, and innovation. Apple is among the top organization which is leading in information technology. It has been able to set a difference between other competitors through the standards of the brand essence. Apple has been investing in the latest innovation in technology for example use of facial recognition and AI. However, it has been able to maintain its simplicity by making sure that customers can be able to use them. By designing unique products, it has position itself in a different position.

Branding essence has made customers look for Apple products day and night. A branding strategy that Apple uses deals with emotion. Through the branding essence, Apple has been able to appeal to the customers thus affecting their emotions and experience toward the products. These daily experiences make the customers turn into product ambassadors because of the internal desire of a customer in determining the purchasing power. This is because one of the driving forces that Apple Company has is improving the experience of the customer.


Brand positioning

Apple Inc.’s real magic on its valuation is not about the line of fancy products but product positioning. ( Payne, 2017). It has brought achievable and enviable figures of sales from loyal and robust customers. Apple has produced a lifestyle brand rather than a functional brand, thus building a sub-conscious mind of Apple as a superior and creative class. Apple uses a well-known saying of “simple is stylish,” and the tenets used are creativity, simplicity, and humanity. Emotional value Apple Company goes after its branding based on something customers can feel in mind and their heart. The core beliefs that A[pple has about its product is imagination, design, and innovation, which are promoted and reflected via advertising of products and customer experiences.

There are factors in which Apple has been position in the market. The first one is a brand identity where all the brand’s assets, such as brand color, employees, tone of voice, brand values, and other elements, have contributed to the position of the apple brand by forming specific perceptions in the customer’s mind. Apple products and design are quality, and this has been its epitome since the establishment. For example, Macintosh was an Apple product as a personal computer with a user graphical interface and mouse. Innovative technology helps improve the products’ design, thus giving Apple a competitive advantage in the market with premium prices. The medium which Apple has been using to promote their messaging is straight and clear. The philosophy of “The Less, the Better” has been followed, and it contributed a role in Apple’s positioning. Apple emphasizes the online points and the maximization of an offline store because there are customers get there to have Apple products experience.

Brand concept

Apple Inc. uses the Apple brand as a tool for competitions across the global market. The Apple brand evolution has expanded the range of services and products. (Kumar et al., 2017). It started with Desktops and computers 1n the 1970s, followed by laptops in 1990s, and from there l20 years later the company expanded to IPod 2001, then iPhone followed by IPad and currently A the Apple Watch Apple Pay. Apple branding has been focusing over decades on individuality, needs, and styles for ordinary people rather than the standard mandates that conform to a big business. However, how Apple’s brand position has evolved, it is still consistent carrying the early promises. Its core branding competence remains on customer experience special delivery which is the branding strategy of the company.

The branding strategy of Apple is focused on customer’s emotions. It is how the product from Apple Inc. makes the customers feel. Brand personality for Apple is about removing complexities from people’s lives, thus creating the value of simplicity. It also brings lifestyle such as innovation, passions, aspirations, dreams, hopes, imagination, and liberty regains to the customers’ lives. Apple has been able to embody substantial equity of brand and customer franchise. The preference of considering Apple products kept the brand alive, and it enabled premium pricing of products to be sustained. Strengths in appreciation of the brand have contributed to the company’s high profits while the equity in the brand is maintained.

The company has maintained a culture of producing beautifully designed, innovative, and ergonomic products, which are fundamental in keeping. Apple understands customer experience aspects as essential and that the brand must be reinforced with all the touchpoints. Distribution of the products has been improved and expanded through the capabilities of opening retail stores worldwide. Various resellers have contributed to IPad and iPod accessibility, thus increasing online outreach. Apple brand values are given to the customers as direct experience prospects.

Apple has excellent brand power, which has brought business sustainability to the market. The logo is differentiable from competitors and carries the perception of high quality. According to the Forbes annual study, Apple has been at the top with the valuable brand in the world. The brand is still in the market because Apple creates a strong relationship with its customers. If it was not the connection it had with the people, the business could have exited in the 1990s. A brand becomes powerful and can be compelling more than religion. Commerce is transcended when there is a connection with customers.

These three essential brand strategies have placed the Apple brand in a competitive position since its existence. The company is portraying corporate ethics powerfully, involving the community, depicting corporate culture to humans, and supporting good causes. The second is about product design and advertisement where verbal vocabulary and unique visuals are expressed. So, Apple products are distinguishable. Lastly, heartfelt connections have been created by the company by developing trust in the product to the community. Apple branding stands for humanity since the Steve Jobs magnetism to the love for technology concepts on products’ creation. 

Strategic Brand Promotional Mix

Promotion mix is one of the used by many organizations in marketing strategy to achieve business objectives. There are recognizable features that are used in the promotional process by Apple. The promotions and direct and straightforward, where most of the Apple advertisements come with an elegant background which can be black or white containing pictures of the products or service implementations. ( LI,2019). The observation is seen on Billboards or YouTube promotions. The Apple promotions are long-lasting. It ensures that the customers capture the ads on screen or the billboards while outside their homes. The products come with high prices compared with competitors. Its products have been following the trend of the latest release of a product is most expensive. The premium pricing strategy has successfully boosted steady sales regularly because the consumers are aware of the availability of the products that they need to purchase at a particular time. Apple does have to mention product prices either on screens or billboards. The strategic brand promotional mix is categorized into two philosophies, traditional promotion and new media promotion.

Traditional promotion

Extreme planning has enabled Apple Inc. to use traditional channels in promotions. Media that are known in detail are used to avoid areas where there is no confidence in promoting products. Word of mouth is a form of marketing that Apple has used, and it has generated a lot of publicity about the released product of Apple. Apple has used print media and television to do product marketing. Release of new development and launching is done on these traditional platforms.        Every channel becomes effective depending on how the information is communicated. Some posters are all over the place which reaches different kinds of people.

The advantages of this are the coverage, message control, and reputation will be protected by the company as messages are communicated effectively. ( Chatterjee et al.). The disadvantage leads to personification; it is one-way communication, reduced flexibility, and the inability to close sales. Personal selling is also promoted on the offline stores where customers are encouraged to visit and experience the products’ quality. It is associated with customer attention; it is interactive, persuasion, relationship development with the customer, and ability to close a sale. Some other promotions which Apple implement are through teaching classes, gifts, trading off the new phone for new ones and product demonstration.    

Apple uses direct mails and text that notifies customers about upgrading their old products or getting new products. The company receives relative feedbacks, it is easy to customize the messages used in marketing, and success is easily measured.  Junk mails can make the management of databases expensive, and responses are becoming challenging to handle. The promotional strategy is measured as successful if the objectives of the company are achieved.

New media promotion

Large brands are using social media to achieve marketing and business objectives.

Marketing-related needs are solved through the use of social media accounts. It brings connection with customers through the running of campaigns and holding discussions. Apple is a large technology company, is the leading in surpassing market cap by two trillion dollars. The industry of technology has high competition, and the point of competition is about recognition of brands. Facebook networks bring advantages by giving good access to the customers globally. The features are used in creating connections as well as building long-lasting relationships.

Apple has deepened its reach to the customer through social media. It has gain popularity considering the number of its followers. Facebook is lading with popularity among other social media platforms. It has a social media experience in which Apple is engaging its customers. Apple has created several accounts running on this platform with about 11 million followers. Apple is only using the platform to touchpoint rather than promotion like what other brand does. Apple is avoiding overcrowding, and thus most of the rise is done on its blog and website because Facebook needs shrewd marketers. Else you can be brought down anytime.

Similarly, several Twitter accounts for Apple are dedicated to different products; Apple uses them mainly for education and awareness in the support account. Promotional activities on Twitter are active than Facebook accounts with Apple Inc. Also, Instagram shows a level of engagement which is high, with 24 million followers for Apple. It is already trending, with several thousands of likes in every post. The only challenging factor with the social media platform is that carefulness is required. If care is not taken into place, the brand reputation might be affected, and the image of the company will get spoiled unintentionally.


In conclusion, Apple has successfully had a solid brand name with solid competitors such as Google, Microsoft, and Samsung. Brand positioning has given Apple a good s competitive advantage over its competitors because of its quality and unique products. The promotional marketing strategy has enabled Apple to reach out to its customers and deliver information about new product releases.


Payne, B. (2017). Brand Positioning and its Usefulness for Brand Management: the Case of Apple Inc. Newcastle business school student journal, 1(1), 51-57.

 Kumar, S., & Patra, S. (2017). Does promotion mix help enhance brand equity: A literature review—Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 8(2), 80.


Chatterjee, N., Goswami, A., Fernandes, A., & Rojas, M. Comprehensive and conceptual analysis of revival of Apple Inc. in 1997.


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