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Part 1

Creating your “BRAND ”
In Unit 1, you researched one of the United States’ top 100 brands and 2 of its competitors. In this discussion assignment, you will introduce a fictitious brand that will compete in the same category. Although the brand you will invent is not real, use this opportunity to develop skills and treat the exercise as if it were a professional project for pay.

  • Introduce your brand.
  • Identify all brand elements (logos, slogans, symbols, trademarks, characters, and packaging).
  • Provide rationale for each of the elements in the context of the 3 competitors you researched in Unit 1.

Part 2

 Let us continue to refine and define the brand you have developed. Considering the brand in a vacuum will doom the endeavor to failure. A marketer needs to look beyond internal factors and address external ones like competition.

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  • Compare your brand to the competitors in terms of positioning.

    What are the points of parity?
    What are the points of differentiation?

  • Define the positioning opportunities for your brand.

If you are engaging in research, be sure to cite the source(s) in APA format.

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