Journal Article Critique

For this assignment, you are going to do a thorough critique of a journal article based somewhere in the field of your future career in healthcare, or a personal interest of yours (i.e. a medical condition you or a loved one have, a medical treatment or issue that interests you, etc.). really take the time to pick an article that you think is well written and analyze every aspect of it- from the title, to the way they present their research question, to the way they wrote their methodology, to their use of subheadings, to how they wrap up the paper in a thoughtful conclusion. Look at their use of language- consider how they present the process they went through. Does everything make sense to you? How could the author(s) have done better? Read it a few times if you can. Be critical! Even great articles have weaknesses, and even boring/monotonous articles have good points. Remember, you are not critiquing the study, but the actual article itself. This is also not a place to just summarize the article or give your opinion about the topic. (P.S I will attach the article below)

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Critiques must be one to two (1-2) full pages of writing, excluding cover page. The entire document must be in APA formatting. That means 12 point font, one inch margins, double spacing, page headers, references, and a standard APA cover page (see APA examples in module)- but you don’t need an author’s note or abstract. APA adherence will be part of your grade! Don’t use bullets or lists in your critique- it should be in paragraph form using full sentences. You don’t need any external resources for this aside from your article.


Socio-economic inequalities in the multiple
dimensions of access to healthcare: the
case of South Africa
Tanja Gordon1*, Frederik Booysen2 and Josue Mbonigaba3

  • Abstract
  • Background
  • : The National Development Plan (NDP) strives that South Africa, by 2030, in pursuit of Universal Health
    Coverage (UHC) achieve a significant shift in the equity of health services provision. This paper provides a diagnosis
    of the extent of socio-economic inequalities in health and healthcare using an integrated conceptual framework.

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    Method: The 2012 South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1), a nationally
    representative study, collected data on a variety of questions related to health and healthcare. A range of concentration
    indices were calculated for health and healthcare outcomes that fit the various dimensions on the pathway of access. A
    decomposition analysis was employed to determine how downstream need and access barriers contribute to upstream
    inequality in healthcare utilisation.

  • Results
  • : In terms of healthcare need, good and ill health are concentrated among the socio-economically advantaged
    and disadvantaged, respectively. The relatively wealthy perceived a greater desire for care than the relatively poor.
    However, postponement of care seeking and unmet need is concentrated among the socio-economically disadvantaged,
    as are difficulties with the affordability of healthcare. The socio-economic divide in the utilisation of public and private
    healthcare services remains stark. Those who are economically disadvantaged are less satisfied with healthcare services.
    Affordability and ability to pay are the main drivers of inequalities in healthcare utilisation.

  • Conclusion
  • : In the South African health system, the socio-economically disadvantaged are discriminated against across
    the continuum of access. NHI offers a means to enhance ability to pay and to address affordability, while disparities
    between actual and perceived need warrants investment in health literacy outreach programmes.

    Keywords: Access, Health inequality, Healthcare, Concentration index, Decomposition, South Africa

    The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal
    (SDG) 3.8 strives towards the achievement of access to
    quality, effective, and affordable medical care for all and
    the assurance of universal coverage [1]. In addition,
    mandated in South Africa’s National Development Plan
    (NDP) is the goal to provide universal equitable, efficient
    and quality healthcare [2]. In light of these global and
    national policy prerogatives, socio-economic inequalities
    in access to healthcare remain high on the policy

    Research finds that over one billion people in low- and
    middle-income countries (LMIC) are unable to afford
    healthcare and that the poor within these countries
    benefit least from healthcare utilisation [3, 4]. In the case
    of South Africa, the socio-economically disadvantaged
    are more likely to experience poor health status, disabil-
    ity, the simultaneous occurrence of more than one con-
    dition/disease (multi-morbidity) and are less likely to use
    inpatient care [5–7]. The South African health system is
    two-tiered with the least advantaged heavily dependent
    on the under-resourced public sector, while the wealthy
    (many of whom have private medical insurance) use the
    private sector [8–15]. Since 1996, user fees were waived
    for all seeking primary public healthcare, although eligi-
    bility for free care at public sector hospitals is subject to

    © The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
    International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
    reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
    the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
    ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

    * Correspondence:
    1Research Impact Assessment programme (RIA), Human Sciences Research
    Council (HSRC), HSRC Building 134 Pretorius Street, Pretoria 0002, South
    Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289

    a means-test [16, 17]. In order to access a private health-
    care facility one has to pay out-of-pocket (OOP) or be
    covered by health insurance (even then the patient may
    incur a co-payment). In 2015/16, private healthcare ex-
    penditure was 4.4% and OOP expenditure 0.06% of
    GDP, whereas public healthcare expenditure amounted
    to 4.1% of GDP and is funded from general tax [8, 17].
    Although each health sector makes an almost equal con-
    tribution to GDP, the public sector services approxi-
    mately 84% of the population while the private sector
    services a mere 16% [8, 9].
    South African studies on health inequalities, however,

    with the exception of Harris et al. [18], are rather unidi-
    mensional in nature, generally focusing only on a limited
    number of outcomes rather than a wide variety of di-
    mensions of access to healthcare. Studies tend to look at
    single dimensions on the pathway of access, for example,
    healthcare outcomes such as multi-morbidity and dis-
    ability [6], life-style diseases [19, 20], child [21, 22] and
    maternal health [23, 24], and healthcare utilisation [7].
    Current research, therefore, is limited in that it fails to
    examine the full spectrum of the dimensions of access.
    Another important point to note is that inequality in ac-
    cess, where it has been analysed comprehensively [18],
    has only been measured descriptively, whereas this study
    adopts a more standard method and makes use of the
    concentration index and employs a decomposition ana-
    lysis to determine the main contributors to inequality in
    healthcare utilisation. As the country embarks on the
    implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) [8],
    advancing the understanding of inequalities in access to
    healthcare and tracking these inequalities remains a priority.
    The one purpose, therefore, of this study is to describe

    socio-economic inequalities in South Africans’ access to
    healthcare using a standardised indicator of inequality
    applied to an integrated conceptual framework. The
    other purpose is to determine how upstream need and
    access barriers contribute to downstream inequality in
    healthcare utilisation in the private and public sectors
    with the aid of a decomposition analysis.

    Conceptual framework
    Elsewhere, access has been defined as availability (the lo-
    cation of the healthcare facility and the ability of the in-
    dividual to access the facility), affordability (direct/
    indirect costs of healthcare utilisation and the ability of
    the individual to meet these costs); and acceptability (the
    point at which the service from the provider meets the
    expectation of the patient) [25]. This study however,
    uses the even more detailed framework adopted by Lev-
    esque et al. [26] to conceptualise the various dimensions
    of access to healthcare (Fig. 1). These authors define ac-
    cess as ‘realised utilisation’. More intrinsically, access
    comprises the perception of an individual’s need for

    care, healthcare seeking, healthcare reaching and the
    utilisation of healthcare and its consequences. The path-
    way is influenced by individual and community-level
    health system supply-side factors: 1) approachability;
    2) acceptability; 3) availability and accommodation; 4) af-
    fordability and; 5) appropriateness as well as demand-
    side factors: 1) ability to perceive; 2) ability to seek;
    3) ability to reach; 4) ability to pay and; 5) ability to engage.
    Given the broad dynamics of this definition, this study uses
    proxies that best fit the applicable stages or dimensions of
    access and selected demand- and supply-side factors.

  • Methods
  • Data
    Data analysis was conducted using the nationally repre-
    sentative 2012 South African National Health and Nutri-
    tion Examination Survey (SANHANES-1). The objective
    of the survey was to examine the current health and nu-
    trition status of South Africans in relation to non-
    communicable disease (NCD) prevalence and their asso-
    ciated risk factors. For the purpose of the survey, 500
    Enumerator Areas (EA’s) representative of the demo-
    graphic profile of South Africa were identified from the
    2007 HSRC Master Sample of 1000 EAs selected from
    the 2001 population census. Thereafter, 20 visiting
    points were randomly selected from each EA totalling a
    sample of 10,000 visiting points (VPs). Of the 10,000
    households (VPs) sampled, 8168 were valid households
    of which 6307 (77.2%) were successfully interviewed.
    From the total number of valid households who con-
    sented to participate in the study, 27,580 individuals
    aged 15 years and older were eligible for interview. Over-
    all, 92.6% of all qualified individuals completed the indi-
    vidual interview. The SANHANES-1 survey received
    ethical clearance from the Research Ethics Committee
    (REC) of the Human Science Research Council (HSRC)
    (REC 6/16/11/11) [27].

    Health and healthcare outcomes
    Table 1 below maps out the variables selected to repre-
    sent each dimension of access to healthcare based on
    the study’s conceptual framework (see Fig. 1).

    Wealth index
    To investigate the socio-economic gradient in each of
    the health and healthcare outcomes in the access path-
    way, a wealth index and corresponding wealth quintiles
    were constructed by applying Multiple Correspondence
    Analysis (MCA) to the household survey data. Use was
    made of a total of 16 variables, including housing type,
    water and sanitation services, and ownership of 13
    household assets. The percentage inertia explained by
    the first dimension is approximately 90%. The wealth
    index was used as it is considered a more reliable

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289 Page 2 of 13

    measure of socio-economic status (SES) in developing
    countries as compared to income [28].

    The concentration index
    The concentration curve plots the cumulative propor-
    tion of the population by SES, beginning with the least
    advantaged and ending with the most advantaged,
    against the cumulative proportion of health or ill health.
    The line of equality or the diagonal signifies the absence
    of inequality. If the curve lies above the line, ill health
    falls on the least advantaged in the population, and if it
    lies below, the more advantaged. The further the curve
    lies from the diagonal the greater the degree of inequal-
    ity. The concentration index is defined as twice the area
    between the curve and the line of equality. It takes on a
    positive value when it lies below the line of equality and
    a negative value when it lies above. A positive value can
    be interpreted as the concentration of health among the
    relatively wealthy and a negative value among the rela-
    tively poor. The minimum value the index can take is −
    1 and the maximum value is + 1. Should the index be
    equal to zero (or not statistically significantly different
    from zero), no inequality exists [29–31].
    According to the literature, the standardised concen-

    tration index is suitable for variables with a ratio scale,
    the equation of which is as follows:

    C ¼ 2

    cov h; rð Þ ð1Þ

    where C is the standardised concentration index, h is the
    healthcare variable, μ is the mean of the healthcare vari-
    able, and r is the ith- ranked individual in the socio-
    economic distribution from the relatively poorest to the
    richest [28, 29, 31, 32].
    Bounded variables, on the other hand, complicate the

    measurement of inequality. Given that bounded variables
    can take the form of attainments or short falls the mir-
    ror property that requires absolute values of health I(h)
    and ill health I(1 − h) to be equal with different signs, is
    not satisfied with the standardised concentration index
    [32]. In this regard, one common practice concerning
    variables with a limit is the use of the Erregyer corrected
    concentration index. The index is desirable as it satisfies
    properties required for bounded variables [33]. The
    equation for the Erregyer index is as follows:

    CCI ¼ 4μ

    �C ð2Þ

    where CCI is the corrected concentration index, μ is the
    mean of the attained healthcare, b and a the maximum
    and minimum values, respectively, and C the standar-
    dised concentration index [32–34].

    Decomposition analysis
    A decomposition analysis was conducted to determine
    how upstream factors such as health status, need and ac-
    cess barriers contribute to downstream socio-economic
    inequality in healthcare utilisation. Following Wagstaff

    Fig. 1 Dimensions of access to healthcare: a conceptual framework

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289 Page 3 of 13

    Table 1 Health and healthcare outcomes, by access dimension

    Access dimension Outcome Survey question

    Healthcare need:

    Self-reported health (SRH) Binary: Very good and good 1, 0

    In general how would you rate your health today? [AQ]

    World Health Organisation Disability
    Schedule (WHODASscore)

    Continuous In the last 30 days, how much difficulty did you have in …?
    (12 questions) [AQ]

    Kessler Psychological Distress
    Scale (K10)

    Binary: Psychological distressed 1, 0

    The following questions concern how you have been feeling
    over the past 30 days. (10 questions) [AQ]

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Binary: PTSD 1, 0 otherwise In the past week, how much trouble have you had with the
    following symptoms? (17 questions) [AQ]

    Perceived healthcare need:

    Needed care Binary: Needed care 1, 0 otherwise When was the last time you needed health care (from a doctor
    or hospital)? [AQ]

    Healthcare seeking:

    Household healthcare postponed Binary: Household healthcare
    postponed 1, 0 otherwise

    In the last 12 months, have you put off or postponed getting
    the healthcare you need? [VPQ]


    Household distance to a
    healthcare facility

    Binary: 0–10 Km away from a
    healthcare facility 1, 0 otherwise

    How far do you live from the nearest health clinic or hospital?

    Healthcare reaching:

    Unmet need Binary: Unmet need 1, 0

    The last time you needed health care, did you get health
    care? [AQ]


    Household difficulty affording cost
    of care

    Binary: Yes 1, 0 otherwise In the past 12 months, have you had difficulty affording the
    cost of necessary medical care? [VPQ]

    Household difficulty affording
    prescription medicine

    Binary: Yes 1, 0 otherwise In the past 12 months, have you had difficulty affording the
    cost of prescription medication? [VPQ]

    Ability to pay:

    Household private medical

    Binary: In my own name/
    through a family member
    1, 0 otherwise

    Do you have private medical aid/ health insurance either in
    your own name or through another family member? [VPQ]

    Healthcare utilisation:

    Household private care Binary: Private 1, 0 otherwise Where do you usually get your healthcare from? [VPQ]

    Household public care Binary: Public 1, 0 otherwise

    Individual private care Binary: Private doctor/hospital/
    clinic in the last year 1, 0

    When was the last time that you received health care from a
    private doctor/hospital/clinic? [AQ]

    Individual public care Binary: Public doctor/hospital
    in the last year 1, 0 otherwise

    When was the last time that you received health care from a
    public doctor/hospital/clinic? [AQ]

    Overall individual care Binary: Individual private or
    public care in the last year
    1, 0 otherwise

    Healthcare consequences:

    Healthcare service satisfaction Binary: Very satisfied and
    satisfied, 0 otherwise

    In general, how satisfied were you with how the health care
    services were run in your area? [AQ]

    Healthcare service provider

    Binary: Very satisfied and satisfied, 0

    How would you rate the way health was provided in your area?

    AQ adult individual questionnaire, VPQ visiting point household questionnaire

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289 Page 4 of 13

    [35], Eq. 3 depicts the linear relationship between the
    health variable (utilisation) and its determinants:

    hi ¼ β0

    βkxik þ εi ð3Þ

    where hi is the healthcare variable of interest, xik the set of
    demographic and socio-economic contributing factors,
    and εi the error term. Like the concentration indices, the
    decomposition technique used for the standard concentra-
    tion index (C) (not shown here) [35–37] is modified to
    suit the corrected concentration index (CCI) as follow:

    CCI hð Þ ¼ 4

    βkxkC xkð Þ þ GCε

    ” #

    The decomposed CCI is the summed product of the
    degree of responsiveness, i.e. the elasticity ðβk�xkÞ to
    health changes and the degree of socio-economic in-
    equality C(xk) in that determinant, plus the generalised
    concentration index of the error term (GCε), all multi-
    plied by 4. All things being equal, a positive contribution
    (x % > 0) by a factor would decrease socio-economic in-
    equality. Alternatively, a negative contribution (x % < 0), all things being equal, would increase socio-economic inequality [20, 38, 39]. The unexplained part of the con- tribution of factors to inequality, the residual, can take on negative values, with an explained percentage in ex- cess of 100%, which, by interpretation, suggests that measured inequality is completely explained by the model’s explanatory variables [40], as has been the case in other decomposition studies [40–44]. To determine whether actual and perceived need and access barriers are sector-specific, the decomposition analysis was strati- fied by private/public healthcare utilisation as charac- terised by the two-tiered South African health system. The Generalised Linear Model (GLM) from the binomial family with a link function was used as it is considered the least sensitive to the choice of reference group when the dependent variable is a binary health outcome [45]. The decomposition analysis was bootstrapped at 500 rep- lications to obtain standard errors and p-values for the statistical significance of the absolute contributions [46]. Data analysis was conducted in STATA software version 15 and weighted with post stratified sample weights.

    Table 2 describes the adult sample’s socio-demographic
    characteristics and each of the access variables. The
    adult sample comprised slightly more females than
    males (52% versus 48%). The average age of respondents
    was 37 years. Respondents mainly comprised Africans
    (78%) and lived mainly in urban areas (67%).

    Table 2 Summary statistics

    Variable Mean (%) SE n

    A. Demographics


    Male 47.96 0.004 15,911

    Female 52.04 0.004 15,911


    Age 36.75 0.128 15,886


    African 77.64 0.003 15,839

    non-African 22.36 0.003 15,839

    Geographical area:

    Urban 66.70 0.004 15,405

    Rural 33.30 0.004 15,405

    B. Access dimension

    Healthcare need:

    Self-reported health 78.49 0.003 14,351

    WHODAS score 5.29 0.096 13,407

    Psychological distress 6.46 0.002 14,215

    Perceived healthcare need:

    Needed care 50.57 0.005 9937

    Healthcare seeking:

    Household healthcare

    21.19 0.005 5651

    Household distance to a
    healthcare facility

    77.46 0.005 5817

    Healthcare reaching:

    Unmet need 3.16 0.002 6852


    Household difficulty affording
    cost of care

    27.64 0.006 5613

    Household difficulty affording
    prescription medicine

    26.09 0.006 5603

    Ability to pay:
    Household private medical

    21.09 0.005 5804

    Healthcare utilisation:

    Household private care 27.38 0.006 5823

    Household public care 71.32 0.006 5823

    Individual private care 30.52 0.004 11,029

    Individual public care 42.37 0.005 10,489

    Overall individual care 59.49 0.005 10,293

    Healthcare consequences:

    Healthcare service satisfaction 71.37 0.004 14,143

    Healthcare service dissatisfaction 69.35 0.004 14,059

    Note: All estimates are weighted proportions, SE Standard error, WHODAS score
    World Health Organisation Disability Assessment Schedule, K10 Kessler
    Psychological Distress Scale

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289 Page 5 of 13

    Overall, 78% of individuals self-reported good or very
    good health. On average, 5% of individual respondents
    found it difficult to complete basic physical, cognitive and
    social activities. In addition, 6% of respondents experi-
    enced high or very high levels of psychological distress.
    From the results, just over 50% of the population received
    the healthcare they required and just about 21% of house-
    holds postponed seeking healthcare. Unmet need was low,
    at 3%, and just over three quarters of households lived
    within 10 km from a healthcare facility. Roughly 21% of
    households had private medical insurance. In addition, an
    estimated 28% of households had difficulty affording their
    medical care and 26% their prescription medication.
    Among individual respondents, 31% used private care and
    42% public care in the year prior to the survey, with 59%
    having used either a private or public healthcare facility.
    Approximately seven in ten households used a public
    healthcare facility compared to only 27% of households
    that used a private facility. In terms of satisfaction, 71 and
    69% of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with
    their healthcare services and service provider, respectively.
    These averages, however, mask substantial socio-
    economic inequalities, as illustrated by the patterns across
    the wealth quintiles (Table 3) and the estimates of the
    concentration indices (Table 4).

    Socio-economic inequalities in access to healthcare
    Healthcare need and perceived healthcare need
    Table 4 shows the concentration index for good self-
    reported health to be positive in value and statistically sig-
    nificant in margin. That is, relatively wealthier individuals
    perceived their current health state as very good or good
    (CCI + 0.074, p < 0.001). Concentration indices for respon- dents who had difficulty completing physical, cognitive and social tasks (C − 0.101, p < 0.001) or reported psycho- logical distress (CCI − 0.041, p < 0.001) lie below zero. In other words, the socio-economically disadvantaged are more likely to have poor health outcomes. In terms of per- ceived healthcare need, relatively economically better-off respondents were more likely to perceive a need for healthcare (CCI + 0.060, p = 0.022).

    Healthcare seeking and reaching
    Socio-economically disadvantaged households were more
    likely to postpone seeking healthcare compared to those
    at an advantage (CCI − 0.154, p < 0.001). Relatively wealthy households were more likely to be located within a 10 km radius of a healthcare facility in comparison to relatively poorer households (CCI + 0.210, p < 0.001). From Fig. 2, the most common reason households post- poned obtaining healthcare was because they could not af- ford care, followed by high transportation costs. The socio-economically disadvantaged were also more likely

    than those at an advantage to need healthcare but to re-
    port not receiving care (CCI − 0.029, p < 0.001).

    Affordability, healthcare utilisation and healthcare
    In terms of affordability and ability to pay, which pro-
    vides a bridge between reaching and using healthcare
    [26], results show households at an economic advantage
    to be more likely to have private medical insurance
    when compared to those at a socio-economic disadvan-
    tage (CCI + 0.490, p < 0.001). Economically disadvan- taged households found it difficult to pay for their medical care (CI − 0.162, p < 0.001) and prescription medicine (CI − 0.169, p < 0.001). Although individual overall utilisation was unequally distributed across the five wealth quintiles, the summary measure of inequality was not significantly different from zero (CCI + 0.033, p = 0.257) and hence overall utilisation was not decom- posed. The concentration indices depicted in Table 4 also differentiate the private and public sectors, respect- ively, in terms of the nature of healthcare utilisation. Pri- vate care (CCI + 0.247, p < 0.001) was concentrated among relatively better-off individuals, while those indi- viduals who were economically worse-off depended on the public sector (CCI − 0.231, p < 0.001). Sector-specific household-level socio-economic inequalities were even more pronounced, with concentration indices as high as CCI + 0.490 (p < 0.001) for private healthcare and CCI − 0.462 (p < 0.001) for public healthcare utilisation. In terms of healthcare consequences, the results show that relatively wealthy individuals were more likely to report being satisfied or very satisfied with their healthcare ser- vice (CI + 0.074, p = 0.008) and service provider (CI + 0.078, p = 0.006), respectively.

    Decomposition of socio-economic inequality in healthcare
    Table 5 shows the results of the decomposition analysis.
    The columns report the margins, absolute contributions
    (the product of each determinant’s elasticity and CI) and
    their bootstrapped standard errors and p-values, as well
    as the percentage contributions of each explanatory fac-
    tor. In terms of sector-based healthcare utilisation, two
    factors, namely household wealth (45.20%) and access to
    private medical insurance (46.40%), together explained
    almost all of the observed inequality in private sector
    healthcare utilisation. The same two factors (household
    wealth – 34.76% and private medical insurance –
    48.58%), together with being African (20.24%), were all
    statistically significant and large contributors to inequal-
    ity in public sector healthcare utilisation. Subjectively
    perceived need (12.81%, p = 0.001), and challenges with
    the affordability of care (− 6.62%, p = 0.008) made mod-
    est but statistically significant contributions to inequality

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289 Page 6 of 13

    in private sector healthcare utilisation. Need also made a
    modest (− 12.44%) but statistically significant (p = 0.002)
    contribution to public sector healthcare utilisation. For
    private sector healthcare utilisation, the contribution of
    age was statistically significant (p = 0.004), but small
    (1.96%). In the case of public sector healthcare utilisa-
    tion, the contribution of self-reported health was small
    (2.12%) yet statistically significant (p = 0.001). The unex-
    plained residuals for both the private (− 11.13) and pub-
    lic (− 0.48) decomposition models are negative and, as a
    result, the need, access and other variables explain all of
    the measured inequality in healthcare utilisation.

  • Discussion
  • Levesque et al. [26] provide an in-depth conceptualisa-
    tion of the term access to healthcare. In essence, a path-
    way is described beginning with healthcare need,
    followed by perceived healthcare, healthcare seeking,

    healthcare reaching, healthcare utilisation and lastly
    healthcare consequences. This paper provides an expos-
    ition of socio-economic inequalities across this con-
    tinuum of access using a set of 17 indicators.
    All three measures of health status used in the analysis

    exhibited a socio-economic gradient, with healthcare
    need (poorer health status) concentrated in the poor.
    Another study also found that those socio-economically
    disadvantaged were most likely to report disability in re-
    lation to their intellect and emotions [5]. Concerning
    psychological distress, other studies also have found a
    lower prevalence among individuals with high incomes
    groups compared to those who belong to low income
    groups [47–49].
    The ability to identify one’s healthcare needs is the next

    stage along the pathway of access to healthcare [26]. In
    SANHANES-1, respondents reported when last they
    needed healthcare. Financially better-off respondents were

    Table 3 Health and healthcare outcomes in each access dimension, by wealth quintile

    Access dimension Quintile 1 (%) Quintile 2 (%) Quintile 3 (%) Quintile 4 (%) Quintile 5 (%) F-statistic p-value

    Healthcare need:

    Self-reported health 74.52 75.98 75.94 78.47 83.42 20.1 0.000

    WHODAS score 6.10 6.09 5.65 5.00 3.74 20.7 0.000

    Psychological distress 8.48 6.87 8.06 6.92 2.99 21.9 0.000

    Perceived healthcare need:

    Needed care 49.00 45.45 46.78 53.72 54.54 12.0 0.000

    Healthcare seeking:

    Household healthcare postponed 28.88 26.21 23.22 15.19 10.65 39.4 0.000


    Household distance to a healthcare facility 61.75 73.47 80.15 86.53 86.64 73.4 0.000

    Healthcare reaching:

    Unmet need 5.55 3.80 2.96 3.26 1.59 7.9 0.000


    Household difficulty affording cost of

    36.45 31.47 29.38 24.32 15.22 36.1 0.000

    Household difficulty affording
    prescription medicine

    34.01 31.83 26.85 22.99 12.61 41.4 0.000

    Ability to pay:

    Household private medical insurance 3.01 3.69 10.73 23.50 66.53 683.7 0.000

    Healthcare utilisation:

    Household private care 8.01 10.09 16.44 32.75 70.92 513.5 0.000

    Household public care 88.47 88.70 82.29 65.75 30.05 430.1 0.000

    Individual private care 19.85 18.62 25.02 34.30 48.26 153.8 0.000

    Individual public care 52.39 50.36 46.97 42.81 24.18 108.2 0.000

    Overall individual care 59.13 56.73 57.25 60.65 62.18 4.1 0.003

    Healthcare consequences:

    Healthcare service satisfaction 70.77 68.34 66.81 68.35 79.91 38.6 0.000

    Healthcare service provider satisfaction 69.25 66.25 66.13 64.20 79.41 49.5 0.000

    Note: All estimates are weighted proportions; WHODAS score World Health Organisation Disability Assessment Schedule, K10 Kessler Psychological Distress Scale

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289 Page 7 of 13

    Table 4 Socio-economic inequality in access to healthcare, by dimension

    Access dimension C/CCI SE p-value

    Healthcare need:

    Self-reported health 0.074 0.020 0.000

    WHODAS score −0.101 0.025 0.000

    Psychological distress −0.041 0.008 0.000

    Perceived healthcare need:

    Needed care 0.060 0.026 0.022

    Healthcare seeking:

    Household healthcare postponed −0.154 0.013 0.000


    Household distance to a healthcare facility 0.210 0.013 0.000

    Healthcare reaching:

    Unmet need −0.029 0.008 0.000


    Household difficulty affording cost of care −0.162 0.014 0.000

    Household difficulty affording prescription medicine −0.169 0.014 0.000

    Ability to pay:

    Household private medical insurance 0.490 0.011 0.000

    Healthcare utilisation:

    Household private care 0.490 0.012 0.000

    Household public care −0.462 0.013 0.000

    Individual private care 0.247 0.026 0.000

    Individual public care −0.231 0.027 0.000

    Overall individual care 0.033 0.029 0.257

    Healthcare consequences:

    Healthcare service satisfaction 0.074 0.028 0.008

    Healthcare service provider satisfaction 0.078 0.028 0.006

    Note: C Standard concentration index, CCI Erregyer corrected concentration index, SE Standard error, WHODAS score World Health Organisation Disability
    Assessment Schedule, K10 Kessler Psychological Distress Scale

    Fig. 2 Most common reasons for households postponing healthcare

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289 Page 8 of 13

    Table 5 Decomposition analysis of private and public individual healthcare utilisation

    Individual healthcare utilisation

    Private care Public care

    Variable Margins Absolute SE p-value (%) Total Margins Absolute SE p-value (%) Total


    Male = reference

    Female −0.025 0.001 0.001 0.321 0.31 0.31 0.071a −0.002 0.001 0.094 0.92 0.92

    Age 0.001a 0.005 0.001 0.004 1.96 1.96 0.001c 0.003 0.001 0.085 −1.24 −1.24


    Non-African = reference

    African −0.006 0.003 0.007 0.767 1.03 1.03 0.108a −0.047 0.005 0.000 20.24 20.24

    Geographical area:

    Rural = reference

    Urban 0.027 0.015 0.009 0.181 5.95 5.95 −0.029c −0.016 0.005 0.081 6.78 6.78

    Self-reported health:

    Poor health = reference

    Good health −0.029 −0.002 0.001 0.148 −0.89 −0.89 − 0.065a −0.005 0.001 0.001 2.12 2.12

    WHODAS score −0.001 0.002 0.001 0.332 0.66 0.66 0.002 −0.004 0.002 0.167 1.54 1.54

    Psychological distress:

    Not distressed = reference

    Distressed 0.041 −0.002 0.001 0.305 −0.67 −0.67 0.024 −0.001 0.001 0.509 0.42 0.42

    Needed care:

    No = reference

    Yes 0.519a 0.032 0.008 0.001 12.81 12.81 0.472a 0.029 0.005 0.002 −12.44 −12.44

    Household healthcare postponed:

    No = reference

    Yes −0.028 0.005 0.004 0.381 1.95 1.95 0.007 −0.001 0.002 0.754 0.56 0.56

    Unmet need:

    No = reference

    Yes 0.015 0.000 0.001 0.763 −0.18 −0.18 −0.042 0.001 0.001 0.537 −0.52 −0.52

    Household distance to a healthcare facility:

    More than 10Km away = reference

    0–10 Km away 0.023 0.005 0.004 0.273 2.02 2.02 0.008 0.002 0.002 0.635 −0.75 −0.75

    Household medical insurance:

    No = reference

    Yes 0.208a 0.115 0.010 0.000 46.40 46.40 −0.204a − 0.112 0.008 0.000 48.58 48.58

    Household difficulty affording cost of care:

    No = reference

    Yes 0.083a −0.016 0.005 0.008 −6.62 −6.62 −0.034 0.007 0.003 0.197 −2.89 −2.89

    Household difficulty affording prescription medicine:

    No = reference

    Yes −0.014 0.003 0.006 0.663 1.20 1.20 0.027 −0.006 0.003 0.291 2.41 2.41

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289 Page 9 of 13

    more likely to perceive a subjective need for healthcare.
    The fact that need was concentrated in the poor, but that
    subjectively perceived need for healthcare was concen-
    trated among those who were better off, is of concern. In
    terms of the ability to perceive one’s needs [26], this dis-
    parity highlights the potential importance of health liter-
    acy in addressing health beliefs that are barriers to
    healthcare seeking [50]. Where approachability may be
    the problem [26], community-based outreach through
    ward-based teams of community health workers may pro-
    vide a means for enhancing access [51].
    In the matter of seeking care, relatively poorer

    households sometimes postponed obtaining health-
    care. The most common reason households gave for
    not seeking care was their inability to afford health-
    care. McLaren et al. [52] also found both monetary
    and time travel costs constrained an individual’s
    healthcare seeking behaviour. Harris et al. [18] instead,
    found the most common reason for postponed care
    was that respondents considered themselves not sick
    enough to seek treatment, exemplified here in the
    pro-rich inequality in subjectively perceived need for
    Access involves more than just the first contact a pa-

    tient has with a health facility [26]. Findings from this
    study show the socio-economically disadvantaged to be
    more likely to have expressed an unmet need for health-
    care. Allin and Masseria in their study on European
    countries found those with lower incomes and poorer
    health were also more likely to report unmet need [53].
    Seeing that financially better-off households were more
    likely to live within a 10 km radius of a facility, availabil-
    ity may be an important supply-side constraint in
    regards to the greater occurrence among the poor of
    postponed care and unmet need. Cabieses and Philippa
    refer to access barriers of this nature as physical or geo-
    graphical barriers [54]. In lieu of expanding healthcare
    infrastructure in the long term, extended opening hours
    may help address these barriers to access in settings with

    high patient volumes, as may be the provision of free or
    subsidised patient transport.
    Once an individual realises he/she has a healthcare

    need, is able to perceive their need, seek and reach
    healthcare, utilisation takes places [26]. Noteworthy in
    this study is the expected high magnitude of concentra-
    tion in the public and private sectors by the poor and
    the wealthy, respectively, which provides further evi-
    dence of the divide between the public and private
    healthcare sectors in the two-tiered South African
    healthcare system [9–12]. These inequalities in utilisa-
    tion are attributable to the substantial socio-economic
    gradients reported in affordability (difficulty with afford-
    ing the cost of care and medicine), and especially in abil-
    ity to pay (access to private medical insurance).
    Literature on the full spectrum of inequality in access to
    healthcare as described in this study may be scant but
    there are studies that consider socio-economic inequal-
    ities between the public and private healthcare sectors.
    One such study in Mongolia found private hospital out-
    patient visits and inpatient admissions were concen-
    trated among those economically better-off while the
    worse-off used public secondary outpatient care [55].
    Saito et al. [41] instead made an overall comparison be-
    tween sectors in Nepal and found significant pro-rich in-
    equality in private healthcare use but found no conclusive
    evidence for inequality in public healthcare use.
    The final stage on the pathway includes healthcare

    outcomes or the consequences of service use [26]. Pa-
    tients’ self-reported assessment of service quality is sub-
    jective and presents with it a number of limitations [56];
    nonetheless, the patient has an opportunity to give feed-
    back on their overall healthcare experience. From the
    descriptive results, the study finds high satisfaction levels
    with healthcare. Similarly, other researchers have re-
    ported high levels of satisfaction in nationally represen-
    tative surveys [57–59]. Conversely, greater dissatisfaction
    has been reported among patients who are disadvan-
    taged socio-economically [57, 58, 60]. Findings from

    Table 5 Decomposition analysis of private and public individual healthcare utilisation (Continued)

    Individual healthcare utilisation
    Private care Public care

    Wealth index:

    Quintile 1 = reference

    Quintile 2 −0.007 0.002 0.008 0.822 0.89 0.041c −0.014 0.004 0.059 5.83

    Quintile 3 0.052c −0.004 0.002 0.086 −1.47 −0.013 0.001 0.001 0.589 −0.38

    Quintile 4 0.075b 0.020 0.007 0.011 8.19 −0.035 − 0.010 0.004 0.138 4.15

    Quintile 5 0.130a 0.093 0.021 0.000 37.58 45.20 −0.081b − 0.058 0.013 0.007 25.16 34.76

    Residual −0.027 −11.13 0.001 −0.48

    Total 0.247 100.00 −0.231 100.00

    Note: SE Standard error, % Percentage contribution, WHODAS score World Health Organisation Disability Assessment Schedule, K10 Kessler Psychological Distress
    Scale, PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; astatistically significant at the 1% level; b statistically significant at the 5% level; cstatistically significant at the 10% level

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289 Page 10 of 13

    other research show that over a third of patients who
    used a public facility were dissatisfied with the quality of
    care they received compared to the small proportion of
    patients who received private care [18]. Despite this
    public-private divide in satisfaction, one study, however,
    found that SES still predicts patient satisfaction even
    after adjusting for facility type [58]. The Ideal Clinic
    programme offers a means to improve the quality of
    public primary healthcare services that is the first port of
    call for the majority of South Africans [61].
    In line with findings from other African countries [62],

    wealth was found to be one of the highest contributors
    to inequality in healthcare utilisation. Private medical in-
    surance has been considered an important determinant
    of access to healthcare in South Africa, that is, those
    with healthcare cover are not exempted from but face
    lower odds of financial impoverishment due to exorbi-
    tant healthcare costs [18, 63]. Ability to pay, proxied by
    household wealth and access to private medical insur-
    ance, and race, which, in South Africa’s case remains in-
    dicative of socio-economic status, explain almost all of
    the inequality in healthcare utilisation. Resonating with
    findings in this paper, other studies also find health in-
    surance as a major contributing factor to inequality in
    access to healthcare [64, 65]. The proposed NHI scheme,
    which comprises a single-payer fund purchasing services
    from public and private sector service providers, if af-
    fordable and effectively implemented, may provide one
    lever for enhancing South African’s ability to pay for
    healthcare, while its capacity for strategic purchasing
    may assist in addressing affordability concerns, especially
    in the private sector. The continued improvement of the
    economic circumstances of the poor presents a second
    important lever for improving the poor’s access to
    Only one other study has conducted a sector-specific

    decomposition analysis of inequalities in healthcare use,
    this in Nepal [41]. The authors, using a much smaller set
    of explanatory variables, which apart from need excludes
    upstream proxies of other pathways on the access con-
    tinuum, detect some differences in the factors contribut-
    ing to inequality in public as opposed to private healthcare
    use. Age and education matter substantially more in
    explaining public than private sector inequality. Self-
    reported disease, at more than 50%, and household con-
    sumption, at around 88%, matter considerably but rela-
    tively equally for inequality in healthcare use in the public
    and private sectors. Need therefore matters much more in
    the Nepal setting than in the South African setting, but
    proxies of socioeconomic status more or less equally.
    Similar to our study, the unexplained residual is substan-
    tially larger for private than public healthcare [41].
    The study has a number of limitations. The operatio-

    nalisation of the conceptual framework is entirely

    dependent on the specific nature of the data available
    from the survey employed in the analysis, which pre-
    cludes the analysis from being a perfect representation
    of the full dynamics of the access pathway. Nevertheless,
    this study does encompass indicators of each of the
    framework’s core dimensions and a selection of the sup-
    ply- and demand-side factors, thus presenting a more
    nuanced and complete perspective on the far-reaching
    and inter-related nature of socio-economic inequalities
    in health and healthcare in South Africa than that avail-
    able from other studies. The variability of self-reported
    data present another limitation to the study. Self-
    reported data is largely dependent on the cognitive abil-
    ity and socio-demographic characteristics of the re-
    spondent [66, 67]. So for example, concentration among
    the relatively wealthy of their better assessment of
    healthcare needs may simply be a function of their
    greater levels of education. There was considerable non-
    response in the survey. The results, therefore, are indica-
    tive rather than fully representative of the situation in
    South Africa. Recall bias, in addition adds to the possible
    bias of subjectivity and reliability of patient-reports [66].
    Lastly, the data used in the analysis of this study is dated
    and may not account for any recent scale-up of health-
    care facilities or other shifts in the health system and its
    environment. It is necessary, therefore, that health au-
    thorities consider commissioning SANHANES-2 to en-
    able researchers to assess progress on these entrenched
    inequalities in access and to set a pre-NHI baseline.

    Papers that examine the full spectrum of the dimensions
    of access to healthcare are important diagnostic tools to
    inform health policy. The intended purpose of this study
    was to measure inequality in access to healthcare, along
    a multi-dimensional pathway. According to the results,
    the poor are disadvantaged across all dimensions of the
    access pathway. Constraints on affordability, and, pre-
    dominantly, ability to pay, are the main drivers of in-
    equality in healthcare use. NHI offers a means to
    enhance ability to pay and to address affordability, while
    disparities between actual and perceived need warrants
    investment in health literacy outreach programmes.

  • Abbreviations
  • C: Standard concentration index; CCI: Erregyer corrected concentration index;
    EA: Enumerator Area; GDP: Gross Domestic Product; GLM: Generalised Linear
    Model; HSRC: Human Science Research Council; K10: Kessler
    Psychological Distress Scale; LMIC: Low- and Middle-Income Countries; MCA:-
    Multiple Correspondence Analysis; NCD: Non-Communicable Diseases;
    NDP: National Development Plan; NHI: National Health Insurance;
    OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; OOP: Out
    of Pocket; PHC: Primary Healthcare; SANHANES: South African National
    Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; SDG: Sustainable Development
    Goals; SDH: Social Determinants of Health; SES: Socio-Economic Status;
    UHC: Universal Health Coverage; VP: Visiting Point; WHODASscore: World
    Health Organisation Assessment Schedule

    Gordon et al. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:289 Page 11 of 13

  • Acknowledgements
  • With thanks we acknowledge the funders, experts in data collection and
    participants in the SANHANES-1 survey.

  • Authors’ contributions
  • TG conceptualised the study and conducted the data analysis. FB
    contributed in terms of assisting with the conceptualisation of the study and
    gave overall direction to the study. TG and FB co-wrote the manuscript. JM
    contributed towards study direction, feedback and gave commentary. All
    authors have read and approved the manuscript.

  • Funding
  • SANHANES-1 was funded by the Human Science Research Council (HSRC),
    the United Kingdom (UK) Department for International Development (DFID)
    and the South African National Department of Health (DoH).

  • Availability of data and materials
  • The data analysed is available on reasonable request from the HSRC.

  • Ethics approval and consent to participate
  • The South African Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1)
    received ethical clearance from the Research Ethics Committee (REC) of the
    Human Science Research Council (HSRC) (REC 6/16/11/11). Adult respondents
    provided written consent and a parent/guardian consented on behalf of
    participants under the age of 18 years prior to all interviews.

  • Consent for publication
  • Not applicable.

  • Competing interests
  • The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

  • Author details
  • 1Research Impact Assessment programme (RIA), Human Sciences Research
    Council (HSRC), HSRC Building 134 Pretorius Street, Pretoria 0002, South
    Africa. 2School of Economic and Business Sciences (SEBS), University of
    Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg, South Africa. 3Department of
    Economics, University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Durban, South Africa.

    Received: 4 June 2019 Accepted: 18 February 2020

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      Conceptual framework
      Health and healthcare outcomes
      Wealth index
      The concentration index
      Decomposition analysis
      Socio-economic inequalities in access to healthcare
      Healthcare need and perceived healthcare need
      Healthcare seeking and reaching
      Affordability, healthcare utilisation and healthcare consequences
      Decomposition of socio-economic inequality in healthcare utilisation

      Authors’ contributions
      Availability of data and materials
      Ethics approval and consent to participate
      Consent for publication
      Competing interests
      Author details
      Publisher’s Note

    How To Critique A Journal Article
    Sponsored by The Center for Teaching and Learning at UIS

    Last Edited 4/9/2009 Page 1 of 2

    So your assignment is to critique a journal article. This handout will give you a few guidelines to
    follow as you go. But wait, what kind of a journal article is it: an empirical/research article, or a
    review of literature? Some of the guidelines offered here will apply to critiques of all kinds of
    articles, but each type of article may provoke questions that are especially pertinent to that type
    and no other. Read on.

    First of all, for any type of journal article your critique should include some basic information:
    1. Name(s) of the author(s)
    2. Title of article
    3. Title of journal, volume number, date, month and page numbers
    4. Statement of the problem or issue discussed
    5. The author’s purpose, approach or methods, hypothesis, and major conclusions.

    The bulk of your critique, however, should consist of your qualified opinion of the article.
    Read the article you are to critique once to get an overview. Then read it again, critically. At this
    point you may want to make some notes to yourself on your copy (not the library’s copy,

    The following are some questions you may want to address in your critique no matter what type
    of article you are critiquing. (Use your discretion. These points don’t have to be discussed in this
    order, and some may not be pertinent to your particular article.)
    1. Is the title of the article appropriate and clear?
    2. Is the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form?
    3. Is the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction?
    4. Do you find errors of fact and interpretation? (This is a good one! You won’t believe how
    often authors misinterpret or misrepresent the work of others. You can check on this by looking
    up for yourself the references the author cites.)
    5. Is all of the discussion relevant?
    6. Has the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature? If the author has included
    inconsequential references, or references that are not pertinent, suggest deleting them.
    7. Have any ideas been overemphasized or underemphasized? Suggest specific revisions.
    8. Should some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted?
    9. Are the author’s statements clear? Challenge ambiguous statements. Suggest by examples how
    clarity can be achieved, but do not merely substitute your style for the author’s.
    10. What underlying assumptions does the author have?
    11. Has the author been objective in his or her discussion of the topic?

    In addition, here are some questions that are more specific to empirical/research articles. (Again,
    use your discretion.)
    1. Is the objective of the experiment or of the observations important for the field?
    2. Are the experimental methods described adequately?
    3. Are the study design and methods appropriate for the purposes of the study?
    4. Have the procedures been presented in enough detail to enable a reader to duplicate them?
    (Another good one! You’d be surprised at the respectable researchers who cut corners in their
    writing on this point.)

    How To Critique A Journal Article
    Sponsored by The Center for Teaching and Learning at UIS

    Last Edited 4/9/2009 Page 2 of 2

    5. Scan and spot-check calculations. Are the statistical methods appropriate?
    6. Do you find any content repeated or duplicated? A common fault is repetition in the text of
    data in tables or figures. Suggest that tabular data be interpreted of summarized, nor merely
    repeated, in the text.

    A word about your style: let your presentation be well reasoned and objective. If you
    passionately disagree (or agree) with the author, let your passion inspire you to new heights of
    thorough research and reasoned argument.

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