Journal 7

Please follow the instructions and rubric very carefully 

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ENG 510 Module Seven Journal Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: Journal activities in this course are private between you and the instructor. A course journal is generally made up of many individual assignments.

The journals in this course will help to prepare you for Final Project II, the creative writing tool kit. In this final project, you will select creative writing styles and
techniques that you believe will be most effective in both expressing your goals as a writer and reaching the audiences you plan to target in your work.

Prompt: For this journal assignment, compose a short scene, a poem, or an excerpt from a screenplay where two people argue about “something” but are really
arguing about “something else.” For instance, perhaps the characters are arguing about whose responsibility it was to do a household task, when they are really
arguing about one of the character’s immaturity. By the end of this short scene, the meaning of this “something else” should be clear to the reader—perhaps by
using dialogue, thought, or one or both characters’ gestures or actions in a setting.

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Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Communicate the details of the setting through action and dialogue (direct, indirect, or a combination of the two). Make sure you deliberately choose a
setting that is not one or both of the characters’ home(s).

 Justify choices for the writing techniques used to convey the argument. What is the “something else”? What were the two characters really arguing
about? What writing techniques did you use to convey this?

Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your journal
assignment should be no more than 400 words and any sources should be cited in MLA format.

Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Scene Meets “Proficient” criteria and

provides exceptional detail in
composing a short scene, a
poem, or an excerpt from a
screenplay where two people
argue about “something” but
are really arguing about
“something else” (100%)

Composes a short scene, a
poem, or an excerpt from a
screenplay where two people
argue about “something” but
are really arguing about
“something else” (90%)

Composes a short scene, a
poem, or an excerpt from a
screenplay where two people
argue about “something” but
are really arguing about
“something else,” but
composition is unclear or lacks
details (70%)

Does not compose a short
scene, a poem, or an excerpt
from a screenplay where two
people argue about
“something” but are really
arguing about “something else”


Setting Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides exceptional detail in
communicating the details of
the setting through action and
dialogue (100%)

Communicates the details of
the setting through action and
dialogue (90%)

Communicates the details of
the setting through action and
dialogue, but communication is
unclear or lacks details (70%)

Does not communicate the
details of the setting through
action and dialogue (0%)



Justifies choices for the writing

techniques used to convey the
argument (100%)

Justifies choices for the writing
techniques used to convey the
argument, but justification is
unclear or lacks details (70%)

Does not justify choices for the
writing techniques used to
convey the argument (0%)


Articulation of

Journal assignment is free of
errors in organization and
grammar (100%)

Journal assignment is mostly
free of errors of organization
and grammar, which are
marginal and rarely interrupt
the flow (90%)

Journal assignment contains
errors of organization and
grammar but they are limited
enough so that assignment can
be understood (70%)

Journal assignment contains
errors of organization and
grammar that make the journal
difficult to understand (0%)


Total 100%

Assignments View Feedback

Feedback for 7-2 Journal: Wri!ng a Tense

Submission Feedback

Rubric Name: ENG 510 Module Seven Journal Rubric


20.7 / 30 – F

Feedback Date

Mar 15, 2020 8:26 PM


7-2 Journal: Wri!ng a Tense Conversa!on



You cra”ed a scene in which you achieved the dual-layered argument. You wrote with passion and
convic!on which amplified the emo!onal he” embedded within the piece. However, you did forget
one major component of the assignment which resulted in a significant deduc!on. Please see the
rubric for more specific commentary.

Be well and have fun.


Submission ID Submission(s) Turni!n® Similarity Date Submi#ed


10441957 journal 7 x (9.03 KB) 0 % Mar 7, 2020 3:10 PM

Done x?ou=344913

Assignments View Feedback

Feedback for 7-2 Journal: Wri!ng a Tense

Submission Feedback

Rubric Name: ENG 510 Module Seven Journal Rubric


20.7 / 30 – F

Feedback Date

Mar 15, 2020 8:26 PM


7-2 Journal: Wri!ng a Tense Conversa!on



You cra”ed a scene in which you achieved the dual-layered argument. You wrote with passion and
convic!on which amplified the emo!onal he” embedded within the piece. However, you did forget
one major component of the assignment which resulted in a significant deduc!on. Please see the
rubric for more specific commentary.

Be well and have fun.


Submission ID Submission(s) Turni!n® Similarity Date Submi#ed


10441957 journal 7 x (9.03 KB) 0 % Mar 7, 2020 3:10 PM

Done x?ou=344913

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