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Instructions: This project requires you to develop a PowerPoint slide presentation for use as a training tool with brand new supervisors!  You are in charge of presenting them on information on how to transition from a worker to a supervisor. There is great satisfaction in taking a brand new employee, helping them to develop their Management, Coaching and Leadership skills, and then watching them excel!  With this in mind, your presentation should have and title slide, an overview and body of slides for the audience.  You should focus the majority of your presentation (i.e., 8-10 slides) on what challenges a new supervisor may face, what makes a good supervisor (or bad one) and how to transition to becoming a supervisor. Factors to consider in all forms of communication–Who is your audience? What is your message? Are you trying to persuade? Inform?

Here are some guidelines to get you started: You are the Lead Shift Supervisor and are going to brief a small group of newly promoted team leads with little or no past leadership experience. They have all worked up through the ranks at the Bad Teddy Bear Manufacturing Facility.  Your audience ages are anywhere from 25-35 years of age, with various business backgrounds, some with military experience, and some that have been in a little trouble before but now want to move up in the company. Many of them have good friends still “on the line” and will may have a struggle adjusting. Have fun with some of the topics and graphics of course! 

There should be an introduction slide, a topic overview slide, 8-10 slides on presentation techniques, a conclusion slide and lastly a reference slide. Use the “notes” feature of PowerPoint to list your talking points on each slide for me to read what you would actually be saying. 

Submission Instructions: Submit your work as an MS PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation. The body of your presentation should include at least 8-10 presentation slides, in addition to a title slide, introduction slide(s), and references at the end of your presentation for a total of no more than 15 slides. PowerPoint presentations longer than 15 slides will not be read after the 15th slide. As such, please ensure that all assignment questions are answered within the first 15 slides, as your grade will be based on the first 15 slides received.

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Your grade will based on your ability to follow assignment instructions, research conducted, the effectiveness of the training proposed, critical thinking and analysis, and APA format.

Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (do NOT use your textbook as one of the three required references, or encyclopedias,  Wikipedia, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as brief articles from websites), include a reference section (i.e., 1-2 slides), and cite all sources properly in the text of each slide, in accordance with the 6th edition of the APA manual, Chapters 6 & 7.

Helpful Tips

I encourage you to go online to Purdue OWL, or Excelsior OWL, which have writing labs for students. Look up PowerPoint presentations in APA format in the search box. These websites will have helpful tips on best practices. TED talks are also another great source for good information. 


Excelsior OWL:

Purdue OWL:


Your Advice from the EWC

Your Advice from the EWC


John Davids




April 3, 2020



Congratulations on your progress in writing this assignment. You are on the right track by demonstrating your knowledge.

My name is Laura, and it’s my pleasure to work with you today. You can view my



by clicking on my picture. Before we begin, let’s review a few important guidelines and resources:

· Students may submit one request for advice (either written feedback or live online advising) every 48 hours.

· You are welcome to come to the Effective Writing Center for help at any stage in the writing process, whether you are just getting started an assignment or want feedback on a rough draft.

· Resources to help you revise your writing assignment are hyperlinked within this letter and in the More Resources section at the end.

· Before reading this advice, please review the writing that you submitted. We’ve pasted your draft at the end of this advice letter.

At the EWC we are attentive readers who help you improve as a writer by explaining and modeling effective writing skills. For a more detailed discussion of our services, please

click this link and visit the Effective Writing Center web site


Are You Interested in More Help?

Schedule a Live Advising Appointment!

· The Effective Writing Center also offers live, online advising via teleconference. You can submit an appointment request through the

MyUMGC portal


Advice Overview

We will discuss the following strategies that can help you to strengthen your paper:

· Thesis: End the introduction with a clear statement of one belief.

· Body: Tell a personal story as evidence for this essay. Do not use outside sources.

· Formatting: Please use a lowercase “h” in “Running head:” within the title page’s header.

· First Person: Please stay in singular, first person (i.e., “I” and “my”). Avoid using second person (you/your).

Please note that I will place any text that I excerpt from your paper in blue, and I will place my suggestions in green. If I quote from a helpful resource to explain a concept, the resource’s text will be placed in purple.

Although we will cover revisions and rules, your professor’s instructions always take precedence over any advice you receive from the EWC.  If you have any questions, refer to your assignment guidelines first and don’t hesitate to ask your professor to clarify any unanswered questions.

Assignment Management

Thank you for submitting the assignment requirements.  Our goal is to ensure that your paper meets your professor’s assignment requirements as closely as possible, so this information is a big help!

Below is a table with an overview of your assignment, what you have completed, and what you need to fulfill the requirements.

Assignment Requires

You Have

You Need

Cover sheet

Running head, page number, the assignment’s name, your name, and the institution’s name

See the formatting tips in Formatting & Citations below.


Double-spacing and 10 pt after the spacing. See screenshot:

Reduce the 10 pt after the spacing to zero.

500 words

659 words

Reduce the paper by approximately 159 words.

Name your belief

to develop certain beliefs as well as passion regarding my career

Please state one belief.

Tell a story

No personal story

Please tell a personal story using singular, first person pronouns, such as “I” and “my” in the paper.

Be positive



Thesis & Organization


· Articulate your thesis, argument, main idea, and/or purpose clearly.

· Organize your document or presentation in a manner that promotes understanding.


Being in the Working in military logistics, I and have ing gained experience in the same field, I have been able to learned a lot and this has helped me to develop certain beliefs as well as passion regarding my career. Logistics in the military can be regarded as one of the most about complex capabilities. provided in the military in today’s world. One of the reasons that have driven me to have passion in my area of career is the fact that I love to learn new things, including and there is always a new thing to learn in military logistics. Some of these include technology; business processes cybersecurity as well as new models, which is why this field is a good fit for me. Additionally, Although the logistics department in the military is sometimes a challenging task, I have found it better not to back down at such times but rather keep going and find solutions for related problems. This has greatly helped me to build my experience in this area and understand more about what is required of me. Another reason for having the passion and believing that this is a good area is that military logistics involves Also, I have built strong relationships with colleagues and therefore I have happened to meet many people who we have shared a lot of things and helped me learn new things. In particular, _____ was pivotal in my career development. This has continued to inspire me in different ways and their passion has also encouraged me. Thus, I believe ______.


· Combine the first two paragraphs into one.

· Remove repeated ideas.

· Introduce a specific person’s name who you will share a story about in the essay.

· End the introduction with a clear statement of one belief.

Helpful Resources

How to Use Writing Prompts to Outline Your Essay and Thesis Statement

How to Write a Great Introduction for Your Essay

Simple as That: Designing an Effective Thesis

Development & Research


· Develop coherent paragraphs, points, and/or sections so that each is internally unified and functions as a part of your entire document or presentation.

· Tailor your communications to the audience.

· Provide sufficient support for your ideas

· Integrate material from research (if required) smoothly into your own content.

Sandwich Method

When writing body paragraphs, please use the sandwich method where your writing is the bread that holds the sandwich together.

· Please start with a claim written in your own words and phrases (i.e., this is the top slice of bread).

· Then, please proceed to provide evidence to support your claim. Please remember to cite evidence from outside sources if you paraphrase, summarize, or quote another person’s ideas (i.e., this is the meat, veggies, and/or condiments).

· Finally, please end the paragraph with analysis that proves to the audience that the evidence supports your claim in your own words and phrases (i.e., this is the bottom slice of bread).


I learned from _____ that it is possible for anyone to accidentally introduce malware into a secure system. Often, people if they fail to adhere to good security practices that aim at securing your protect data from harmful viruses. For instance, [Tell a story about this situation from your professional experience]. It is was important for [Insert the person’s name] to understand that when you have used your emails and other social media platforms there is a [Choose the right pronoun or the person in the story: he or she] needed to log out of emails and social media platforms or keep on change ing your passwords regularly to protect your [Choose the right pronoun or the person in the story: his or her] data. The military is a critical area that needs a lot of care. Attackers are always on the lookout to benefit from vulnerable business systems. When you are dealing with logistics and supply chain programs, it is important to that I ensure that you have a strong cybersecurity program that will exists to protect all your data from falling into the wrong hands.


· Claim: Please make a claim about what you learned in the first sentence of the paragraph that connects back to your own belief.

· Evidence: Tell a story about how you learned from someone or about a specific incident when you learned the importance of certain information that connects back to your one belief.

· Analysis: Please remember to keep using singular, first person pronouns to keep the essay focused on your experiences. Do not directly address the audience (i.e., remove “you” and “your”).

Helpful Resources

Body Paragraphs (video)

Paragraph Structure

Paragraph Structure information from Hamilton College (PDF)

Formatting & Citations


· Format paper according to the rules of required style.

· Cite sources according to the rules of your required style.

Note: The information on APA style provided in this document is based on the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Some instructors may wish you to depart from the manual’s requirements. ALWAYS follow your instructor’s directions.


Sample Paper

Please download

Purdue OWL’s Sample Paper

, which contains recommendations and tips in blue and green boxes.

Video Tutorial

The EWC’s video on

APA 6th Edition Manuscript Formatting

provides helpful information and tips.

Download an APA Template

You can download the EWC’s free

template here

or the

x template here


Formatting Tips:

· Use a lowercase “h” in “Running head:” in the upper-left corner of the title page.

· Choose between “

Personal Belief Essay

” or “My Passion for Professional Experience” as the title of your paper. Then, please place the title that you selected in (1) the header in all caps, (2) across the center of the title page, and (3) centered across the top of the page where the essay begins.

· Format the title of the paper in title case capitalization.

· Do not bold the title of the paper.

· Remove the punctuation after the title.

· Example: My Passion for Professional Experience

Grammar & Mechanics


· Use sentence structure appropriate for your task, message, and audience.

· Follow conventions of Standard Written English.


Please use first person pronouns throughout this essay because it is about your one belief and uses your stories to support your belief.


I make ing sure that all your software and virus detection measures are up to date in your my organization because it helps to is one important key aspect in keeping your data safe from the threats of attackers (Turnbull, 2018). Also, I worked ing together with a cybersecurity firm to perform an analysis of you’re my department’s systems to assess your the its needs, strengthen your its security posture, and minimize its exposure to the attacks. Additionally, when my staff understood ands how vulnerable our data is was to cyber attackers, they can started keeping the company’s information secure as well as that of theirs own. An My organization ought to frequently communicates to staff the importance of securing its data and the risks of it falling in the hands of attackers.


· Remove “you” and “your” from the paper.

· Use “I” and past tense verbs to discuss what you have done in the past.

· Use “its” as the possessive pronoun for an organization.

· Please be sure to couch the information being provided into a story that connects back to your one belief.

Helpful Resources

Proofreading Checklist

Style, Genre, & Writing


Good luck! As you continue your work on this project, please be sure to:

1. Thesis: End the introduction with a clear statement of one belief.

2. Body: Tell a personal story as evidence for this essay. Do not use outside sources.

3. Formatting: Please use a lowercase “h” in “Running head:” within the title page’s header.

4. First Person: Please stay in singular, first person (i.e., “I” and “my”). Avoid using second person (you/your).


More Resources

For more helpful information on writing, grammar, and mechanics, please go to the

Effective Writing Center’s Web Index

, the

Guide to Grammar and Writing from the Capital Community College Foundation

, and

Purdue Online Writing Lab’s Site Map


Copy of Your Draft

Please see the next page.

Personal Belief Essay

John Davids

University of Maryland Global Campus

My passion for my professional experience.

Being in the military logistics and having gained experience in the same field, I have been able to learn a lot and this has helped me to develop certain beliefs as well as passion regarding my career. Logistics in the military can be regarded as one of the most complex capabilities provided in the military in today’s world. One of the reasons that have driven me to have passion in my area of career is the fact that I love to learn new things and there is always a new thing to learn in military logistics. Some of these include technology; business processes cybersecurity as well as new models.

Additionally, although the logistics department in the military is sometimes a challenging task, I have found it better not to back down at such times but rather keep going and find solutions for related problems. This has greatly helped me to build my experience in this area and understand more about what is required of me. Another reason for having the passion and believing that this is a good area is that military logistics involves relationships and therefore I have happened to meet many people who we have shared a lot of things and helped me learn new things. This has continued to inspire me in different ways and their passion has also encouraged me.

My aspirations.

In conjunction with this, I, however, have aspirations in cybersecurity and I would wish to learn and get to know much as far as this aspect is concerned. Cybersecurity has been an issue in the current world with cyber attackers trying to manipulate data for an organization. This has made me aspire to know more about cybersecurity issues. Every organization is always aware that there are risks that are associated with everyday operations within its premises. It is therefore important for organizations to define how best it can respond to cyber-security issues or any other event that can lead to data loss.

Putting in place good disaster recovery mechanisms ensures that an organization can quickly restore its operations and get back to its normal way of operating (Bada, Sasse, & Nurse, 2019). My passion is to keep track of cybercrime cases and the emerging attacks in my area of career to ensure business continuity. Securing computer networks from attackers who may be targeting to get confidential information from the users and also securing opportunistic malware from affecting the computer security details is important and therefore I aspire to study more about how I can control myself from such attacks.

It is possible for anyone to accidentally introduce malware to a secure system if they fail to adhere to good security practices that aim at securing your data from harmful viruses. It is important to understand that when you have used your emails and other social media platforms there is a need to log out or keep on changing your passwords regularly to protect your data. The military is a critical area that needs a lot of care. Attackers are always on the lookout to benefit from vulnerable business systems. When you are dealing with logistics and supply chain programs, it is important to ensure that you have a strong cybersecurity program that will protect all your data from falling into the wrong hands.

Making sure that all your software and virus detection measures are up to date in your organization is one important key aspect in keeping your data from the threats of attackers (Turnbull, 2018). Also working together with a cybersecurity firm to perform an analysis of your systems to assess your needs, strengthen your security posture and minimize exposure to the attacks. Additionally, when staff understands how vulnerable data is to cyber attackers, they can keep the company’s information secure as well as that of theirs. An organization ought to frequently communicate to staff the importance of securing its data and the risks of it falling in the hands of attackers.

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