Must post first.

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Topic: Where is the best place for you in the VMI team?

Virginia Meats has hired you to take one of four open managerial positions. During this period of your onboarding into the company, Mr. Chinn, the CEO, is assessing the position for which you will bring the greatest strengths. He has asked HR to provide him with a series of tests that will aid him in assessing your placement.  A short job description for each of the open positions is also provided. Since you are familiar with these positions and their roles from your orientation, you realize these tests will not only tell Chinn the job for which you are best suited, but also will enlighten you as well. This self-knowledge may give you a better idea of your fittedness and likelihood of gaining the position.


1. By FRIDAY, complete the following:

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  • See the steps set out below and complete the table and explanation of the results.
  • You must use course material to support your responses and APA in-text citations with a reference list.

2. THROUGHOUT the week, complete the following:

  • Respond to your classmates three or more days throughout the week. Remember you are trying to develop the best answers possible to the questions. Your classmates are doing the same so read the posts carefully looking for the best ideas being presented.  The goal is that by the end of the week the class will come to some consensus as to the best answers giving you the chance to submit the best ideas in the final post.
  • You must use course material to support your responses but you do not need to use APA in the brainstorming discussion with the exception of Friday’s initial first impression post.
  • Participation is worth 2.5 points each week (20% of the final grade). Participation must be reflected in the final post so grades will be affected by the content portion of the post if participation is not shown. Therefore, it is important to get in the class often and with the idea of improving your initial post with the discussion so that the final grade will be the best you can deliver.

3. FINAL POST, complete the following:

  • Attach your final post in the classroom by Monday at 11:59 p.m. ET.
  • The final post must reflect the brainstorming activities and should be different than your Friday initial post.
  • The final post must include a variety of sources from the class material as well as the use of scenario or case study facts where appropriate.
  • It must USE APA in-text citations and reference list.

Steps for Completion of the Assignment:

Step 1. Below you will find the instruction “

Skill Assessment Chart & Quiz Links

”. Take all of the quizzes found in the list.

Step 2. You will report your results by creating a Word document and include this table. You will identify the type of quiz, list all component scores and then answer the implication questions. These questions are found in the “Skill Assessment Chart & Quiz Links” instruction. Do not copy or summarize from the explanations given by the test website. Instead, with that explanation in mind as it pertains to your own traits and behaviors, answer the questions concisely.

Type of Quiz

Quiz Taken and Results

(list all components)

Implication Question Answers

Step 3. In your report, this table will be followed by a 2-page summary (singled spaced) in which you explain your results and select the position or positions for which you will be the best fit.

The final report should be organized as follows:

  1. a brief introduction naming the position for which you are applying
  2. the completed table
  3. a discussion of quiz results that explains ‘you’ by integrating the results with our knowledge base (learning materials) from weeks 1-3, primarily week 3 readings. Rather than rehashing from the test websites or your answers in the table, you will be demonstrating your understanding of the meaning of these results as explained by our theories and concepts in required readings.
  4. the analysis of the job for which you are applying. Address the job or jobs that best fit you and/or the one you want and your reasons for the selection. In that discourse, you will explain how the test results indicate your fittedness for the role. Our required readings will provide the theories for you to prove your understanding of trait-related behaviors. In this write-up, it should also be clear how you will affect the two types of performance and affective commitment of the organization.

Either in the job analysis or a final conclusion, address the effectiveness of your selection for the organization.

Skill Assessment Chart & Quiz Links
Candidate Positions BMGT 464

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads

SkillAssessment Chart & Quiz Links

(Week 3 Brainstorming Discussions)

Skill Assessment Chart

Self-Awareness Ability,
Personality or


Tool To Be Used Implication


Ability to
recognize one’s
own behavioral


DISC What are my
‘default’ behaviors
when interacting
with others? How
would these affect

the manner in
which I

collaborate with a


Ability to
recognize the
emotions of

others and self to
use information


Mind Tools EI

Do I understand
and use emotion
to make effective
decisions? Can I
relate to people

well because I can
read their

emotional state?


Ability to function
well in the context

of differences

Cultural Quotient
Scale (CQS)

Am I aware of
important cultural
differences? Do I
act in ways that

show I value


Personality Traits Personality

that remain stable
over one’s life

Big Five

What are my

personality traits?
How do I

maximize my
traits to best fit

with others?

Adapted From Table 1.3 page 29 Baldwin, Timothy T., Bommer. William H., Rubin,
Robert S., Managing Organizational Behavior: What Great Managers Know & Do, 2013
McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York NY

Assessment Links:

• Cooperation/Collaboration – DISC profile

• Emotional Intelligence – MindTools EI Test

• Cultural Intelligence – Earley and Mosakowski’s Cultural Intelligence

• Personality Traits – Big Five (OCEAN):

Candidate Positions (Week 3 Brainstorming Discussions)

Position 1: Director of North American Sales

Location: Headquarters, Richmond, VA, USA

Answers to: VP of Headquarter Operations

Regional US sales has been the backbone for Virginia Meats, Inc. (VMI) sales since its
inception. Sales regionally in North America are still strong, but national sales seem to be
running flat in the last two years, and you have heard that the current Director is being
pushed into retirement so that new ideas can come to the sales force. The North American
sales director’s position, while located in the company headquarters, interfaces with the rest
of the company globally. It requires a great deal of virtual work coordinating with all other
departments and divisions. The current North American sales team is highly diverse and
has predominantly women who are “high-flyers.” This is a high-profile position but
competition from the new company employees (who know the language, etc. is a concern.

Position 2: Assistant VP of Headquarter Operations

Location: Headquarters, Richmond, VA, USA

Answers to: President and CEO

The Headquarters houses R&D, Quality Control, HR, IT, Purchasing, and Finance. Each of
these departments has its own “subculture,” and each department is distinct from each
other. The young, youthful subculture of IT often clashes with the conservative subculture of
the Finance department, for example. Many of the members of the Finance and HR teams
are baby boomers and are near retirement. This leader oversees the smooth operation of all
these departments and ensures the coordination of these departments with each other and
with each of the four geographic divisions across the world.

Position 3: Assistant Director of Human Resources, North American Division

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Answers to: Director of Human Resources, North American Division

In this position, you would assist the Director in HR. This division is seen as the “flagship”
by all other divisions because it creates all the policy and sources employees from all
divisions of VMI. This Executive Director has the “ear” of the CEO and spends a lot of time
with the executive staff. This leader is faced with spearheading the future direction of HR
and is challenged with filling openings throughout the United States and Canada caused by
fast growth and a retiring Baby Boomer population. You have heard

that this director is a Type A personality and can be very demanding. This Director has his
finger on everything and is vying for the CEO position should it become vacant in the future.
Position 4: Director of Production Europe
Location: Headquarters, Wiesbaden, Germany
Answers to: VP of Headquarter Operations
This leader oversees the day-to-day operations of the production department. This leader is
expected to aid in strategic planning with the executive team. This person is expected to bring a
conservative approach to the strategic planning table, to balance out the high-risk tolerance of the
rest of the leadership at VMI. A “big picture” perspective is needed here.

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