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After learning about the Whole Child and the importance of creating activities and routines that are also appropriate for each individual child, you will now be reflecting on individually appropriate practices and your role as an ECE educator.

  1. For this assignment, be prepared to explain how the activities you observe match or vary from the principles described in the Individually Appropriate Practices lecture in this module and why, using the Exploration Assignment Template below.
    To complete this assignment, first watch all of the videos below.

    Infants Explore the Harp
    Snack Time: Four Infants at Once
    An Invented Game
    Fly, Fly, Go Away
    Painting with Watercolors
    Video as Mirror to One Year Old
    Invisible Rats – Reality in Fantasy
    Sharing Weekend Adventures
    Tapping Together
    What Sound Does this Make?
    Why Children Make Play Challenging        .  

2.Download the template below. You will want to save it with a new name for the module so you can re-use the document again in subsequent modules containing these questions below

  1. Question 1:

    Name and individually summarize 5 of the videos, choosing one or more from each age group.
    Provide specific examples of how the adult demonstrated this key area of practice.

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  2. Question 2:

    Share a specific example of how you plan to use Individually Appropriate Practices in your work with young children and families.
    Write a full paragraph response which is defined as a minimum of 4 sentences.

  3. Question 3:

    Share an example of one “a-ha” moment or a key take away from one of the videos.
    Write a full paragraph response which is defined as a minimum of 4 sentences

ExplorationAssignment – Module 03

Key Area of Practice:

Your Name:

NOTE: Refer back to the assignment instructions for details about answering the following questions.

1. Reflect on this module’s key area of practice. Share specific examples of what this looked like in the video(s).

2. Share an example of how you plan to use this key area of practice in your work with young children and families.

3. Briefly share one “a-ha” moment or a key take-away from the video(s).

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