JEDI Resource Review


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For Component #1 of the portfolio, you will identify a resource related to JEDI (justice, equity, diversity, and/or inclusion) that would be relevant and engaging to discuss in our course.

Then, you will review the resource by answering a series of questions.

MGMT640 Spring 2021


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Instructor: Queen Jaks
Visiting Professor of Management



Office Hours:

By appointment on Calendly

My name is Queen Jaks and I am a hoodologist/ghettologist, professor, researcher,
and consultant who focuses on highlighting the contributions those from marginalized
populations offer to the workplace, and society as a whole. I’m interested in advancing
the academic field of hoodology in all disciplines of study. My work explores multiple
facets of diversity, equity and inclusion, including race and class.

My purpose is to support you in gaining valuable knowledge that will positively affect
your experience inside and outside of a class setting.

Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, students will be able to:

* Expand self-awareness of their values, identities, biases, and privileges
* Effectively manage collaboration and conflict in diverse groups, teams, and

* Identify, respond to, and prevent challenges related to diversity, equity,

and inclusion (DEI) in organizations
* Locate additional resources for navigating DEI issues in the workplace


MGMT 640 is a Zero Cost Course, which means that all course materials are free of
charge and available on iLearn.


* iLearn will reflect the weekly assignments/activities due depending on your
section, before class on Wednesdays by 12:00 pm PST/Thursdays by
12:00pm (unless otherwise specified)

* You may submit late work as long as you email or set up a meeting with me
prior to the assignment deadline

* Use the Activity Completion Tool on iLearn to monitor your progress for course
readings and deliverables

Assessment of Learning
Your final course grade is based on the following assessments:



25% Assignments weekly activities + assessments
25% Engagement and participation during virtual segment
25% Group project
25% Portfolio project [individual assignment]

Your final course grade is based on overall percentages:


Letter Grade

93.00% –


90.00% – 92.99% A-

87.00% – 89.99% B+

83.00% – 86.99% B

80.00% – 82.99% B-

77.0% – 79.99% C+

73.00% – 76.99% C

70.00% – 72.99% C-

67.00% – 69.99% D+

63.00% – 66.99% D

60.00% – 62.99% D-

0.00% – 59.99% F

Course Values + Community
When interacting via Zoom or email, please address me as Queen or
Dr./Professor/Instructor Jaks (pronouns: they/them/theirs; she/her/her
If you have any questions about the class material, job challenges, graduate school, or
anything else, please reach out. You may:

* Email me at You should receive a response within 48 hours
on weekdays between 9 am – 5 pm

* Schedule a Zoom meeting – click here to sign up . The default meeting time is
15 minutes; if you’d like to meet for longer than this, then sign up for multiple
back-to-back slots.

* Post to the Anonymous Feedback Forum on iLearn. Note: Please include
your name if you’d like me to follow-up with you.

Seminars require extensive interaction and participation. You can expect a
range of individual and group activities that will help build your management
skills, including discussions, debates, presentations, self- assessments, case
studies, and creative exercises.
Active participation is essential for developing your management skills. As such,
this course is largely student-led and relies on your personal contributions. Regardless
of your prior experience and skill level, I encourage and expect you to contribute
meaningfully and frequently.
Even though our class has an asynchronous aspect, I still expect you to participate
meaningfully and extensively:

* asking questions in class discussions
* answering questions posed by the instructor or classmates
* sharing examples from personal experience or popular culture
* referencing relevant material from other courses, current events,


* recommending relevant podcasts, documentaries, articles, video clips, resources,


Late Work
Unless otherwise specified, I do accept late work. You will not receive a late penalty if
you email me prior to the deadline.
I encourage you to reach out to me if you think you may submit an assignment late or if
you feel like you’re falling behind. I’m here to help you brainstorm strategies for
managing time, projects, and deadlines.

I understand that there may be circumstances in which you may not be able to attend
class. In this case, please reach out to me. Keep in mind that frequent absences do
negatively affect the overall percentage attributed to Engagement and Participation.
However, everything is considered on a case-to-case basis.

Grade Appeals
If your grade is incorrect or does not accurately reflect the quality of your work, you
may submit a grade appeal. You must wait at least 24 hours after receiving a grade,
but no later than 2 weeks after receiving your grade.
You must first meet with me in office hours (virtually) to review your
assignment and feedback. If you still wish to appeal your grade, then
email the following documents to me:

* A detailed explanation of why the assignment should be re-graded (1-2
paragraphs, single-spaced), including specific references to course
materials that substantiate your explanation

* A PDF copy of the graded assignment (including instructor feedback)
If your assignment is re-graded, the grade can increase, decrease, or stay the same,
and will serve as your final grade for the assignment.

College of Business Policies
Undergraduate Academic Standards

SF State College of Business regards incidents of academic misconduct as serious
matters. The following explains what academic misconduct is and outlines the
consequences of academic misconduct. (Updated April 2017)
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct is defined as follows:
1. Cheating: Any unauthorized attempt to offer or obtain assistance in a formal
academic exercise (e.g., an examination or class exercise); assuming another
student’s identity with intent to provide an advantage for the student; copying, in part
or in whole, from another’s test or other evaluation instrument; submitting work
previously presented in another course, if contrary to the rules of either course.
2. Plagiarism: The unauthorized use (i.e., representing as one’s own work) or
reproduction or close imitation of original creations (ideas, words, sentences,
paragraphs, or parts thereof; or artistic/scholarly works such as computer programs,
photographs, or similar works) of another author (person, group, organization,
including anonymous authors) without due acknowledgment (accepted standards of
citation or reference of the original source of the used or quoted content).
3. Fabrication: The distortion of data, information, or citations in any formal academic
exercise or altering grading or grading instructions.
4. Deception: Providing false information to an instructor concerning a formal
academic exercise—e.g., giving a false excuse for missing a deadline, falsely
claiming to have submitted work, or submitting false information regarding

Disciplinary Sanctions
Two major types of sanctions may be imposed for any academic misconduct:
Academic and Administrative. Academic sanctions are actions concerned with the
coursework and grades which are the jurisdiction of the instructor. Administrative

sanctions are related to a student’s status on campus and are governed by the Office
of Student Conduct (OSC). The imposition of one form of sanction will not rule out the
imposition of the other.
1. Academic Sanctions: Upon verification of academic misconduct by personal
observation and/or documentation, an instructor reserves the right to take one or more
of the following academic actions:
i. Reprimand: A verbal or written notification of unacceptable behavior, violating
the student honor code. Reprimand may be considered for any academic
misconduct at the discretion of an instructor.
ii. Modification of Grade: A student may be failed in the evaluation instrument
(assignment or exam), may receive a reduced course grade, or may fail the course.
2. Administrative Sanctions: Academic integrity is essential to the educational
process. Traditional academic practices require that faculty members address cases of
academic dishonesty in the classroom. Executive Order 1078, Article III, K, Cases
Involving Academic Dishonesty, insists that, in addition, CSU faculty members report
any infractions to a central location so that a student can be held accountable for
multiple academic violations and the campus can recognize any patterns of
misconduct. Cases of academic dishonesty for both cheating and plagiarism should be
reported to their respective department chairs who should then report it to the
Associate Dean or designee of the College (e.g., Assistant Dean). The Associate Dean
or designee will then instruct the faculty member to complete the Confidential Faculty
Report of Academic Dishonesty form. The form, which goes directly to the OSC, will
ask for the following information: names of students, SFSU ID #s, date of incident, class
name/number/section, instructor’s contact information, type of incident- cheating or
plagiarism, etc.

I find that students often plagiarize, consciously or unwittingly, when they are
under time pressure or do not understand an assignment. Please reach out if
you need help with an assignment.

Course Withdrawal Policies
A. During the first three weeks of instruction, withdrawing from courses is
permitted without restriction or academic penalty. This action is commonly referred to
as “dropping a class.” No symbol is recorded on the student’s permanent record, future
class lists, or grade report. The drop period (the withdrawal-without-penalty period) is
the three-week period beginning when all classes meeting more than once a week
begin. The procedure for dropping a course during this period is described in detail by
the Registrar’s Office. At SF State, dropping a course is the student’s responsibility.
However, faculty are authorized to instructor-drop students who do not attend the first
class meeting or do not meet the course criteria. Faculty are strongly encouraged to
instructor- drop all students who are not attending class before the end of the drop
B. Fourth Week through the Twelfth Week of Instruction From the beginning of
the fourth week through the twelfth week of instruction, withdrawal from a course will be
permissible, for serious and compelling reasons, by consulting the faculty member

teaching the course. The student must complete a “Petition for Withdrawal from Course
or University” and submit the petition to the instructor for a decision. The petition must
be accompanied by a copy of the student’s unofficial SFSU transcripts. The instructor
will have the prerogative to approve or deny the request. All petitions must be signed by
the instructor and by the department chair/program director and/or the college dean. If
the student has previously withdrawn from the same course two times, the faculty
member, department chair /program director, and/or the college dean shall deny the
petition.The student will receive a ‘W’ grade (Withdrawal) if the withdrawal is approved.
The student’s name will appear on the grade report with a pre- assigned ‘W,’ and the
student’s permanent record will show a ‘W’ grade. However, such grades will not be
used to compute a student’s GPA. From the beginning of the fourth week through the
twelfth week of the semester, an instructor may initiate the withdrawal of a student for
serious and compelling reasons, if the student has not previously withdrawn from the
same course two times. The instructor will submit the withdrawal petition to the
department chair /program director for approval.
C. Thirteenth Week through the Last Day of Instruction Withdrawals shall not be
permitted after the twelfth week of instruction except in cases, such as accident or
serious illness, where the cause of withdrawal is due to circumstances clearly beyond
the student’s control and the assignment of an Incomplete is not practicable.
Withdrawals of this sort may involve total withdrawal from the university or may involve
only withdrawal from one or more courses, except that course grade and credit or an
Incomplete may be assigned for courses in which sufficient work has been completed to
permit an evaluation to be made. Requests for permission to withdraw from a course
under these circumstances shall be handled and filed as indicated in Section B, except
that such requests must also be approved by the Board of Appeals and Review
(BOAR). Requests for permission to withdraw from the university under these
circumstances do not require instructor, department chair/program director, or college
dean approval; these requests shall be submitted by the student directly to the Registrar
for review by BOAR. Such withdrawals will not count against the maximum number of
withdrawal units provided for in Section

The Registrar’s Office is authorized to establish a unique grade symbol, e.g., “WM”,
to differentiate between withdrawals permitted under Section C from withdrawals
permitted under Section B.
D. Maximum Number of Withdrawal Units Undergraduate students may withdraw
from no more than 18 semester-units of courses taken in matriculated status at SF
State. This limit does not apply to coursework completed via self-support enrollment.
Only withdrawals approved as described in Section B for matriculated students’
enrollment in regular SF State courses in Fall 2009 and subsequent semesters shall
be counted towards the limit on withdrawals. Approved student-initiated withdrawals
submitted as described in Section C will not count against the maximum number of
withdrawal units provided for in this section. Course withdrawals that result from a
student petition to “withdraw from the university’ (see Section C above) do not count
against the maximum number of withdrawal units provided in this section.
E. Appeal The student may appeal the instructor, chair/director, or dean’s denial of a
withdrawal request through to the Board of Appeals and Review (BOAR). Withdrawals
approved by BOAR or related administrative action shall be assigned a grade of ‘W.’ or,
if approved under Section C, “WM.”

SF State Policies
Disclosures of Sexual Violence (Title IX)

SF State fosters a campus free of sexual violence including sexual harassment,
domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and/or any form of sex or gender
discrimination. If you disclose a personal experience as an SF State student, the
course instructor is required to notify the Dean of Students. To disclose any such
violence confidentially, contact:

* The SAFE Place – (415) 338-2208;
* Counseling and Psychological Services Center – (415) 338-2208;
Disability Access
Students with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations are encouraged to
contact the instructor. The Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) is
available to facilitate the reasonable accommodations process. The DPRC is located in
the Student Service Building and can be reached by telephone (voice/TTY 415-338-
2472) or by email to .

JEDI Resource Review

For this component of the portfolio, you will identify a resource related to JEDI (justice, equity, diversity, and/or inclusion) that would be relevant and engaging to discuss in our course.

The resource should be a scholarly source, similar to the types of course materials that are assigned in MGMT 640. The following are examples of appropriate resources for this assignment:

· documentary

· podcast

· peer-reviewed article

· evidence-based trade publication (e.g.,

HR Magazine










· TED talk or similar ‘scholarly’ video

· Another format (please reach out to me to discuss)

Please reach out to me if you have trouble locating a resource or would like me to vet yours.

After identifying your resource, paste a link to it below, then answer the following questions.

[Paste a link to your resource here]

Describe/summarize the resource and why you chose it. 

[Add your description/summary here]

Where in the syllabus (i.e., specific week/unit) would this resource best fit?

[Add your response here; write ‘special topic’ if it does not neatly fit within an existing unit]

How does this resource align with MGMT 640 Learning Objectives, goals, and themes? How could this resource help people improve their self-awareness and/or JEDI skills?

[Respond in approximately 1 paragraph]

List 2-3 discussion questions (relevant to this resource) that’d be interesting to address.




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