ITS 532- cloud computing – SBAR/ Business case

Q) For this assignment make a business case/SBAR for installing Peoplesoft in the cloud vs on premise.  Review the

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Getting Started on Peoplesoft Installation

for details.   Use the SBAR template to document the business case, include the the TCO document, and submit the assignment for grading.   


1. No Plagiarism at any cost as the assignment is attached to safe assign.

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2. The submission date is Friday (14/2/20), so the deadline to complete the assignment is Thursday (13/2/20)

3. The solution document should be 2 to 3 pages and entirely in APA formatting 

4. Atleast 3 references in APA format

5. Screenshot of Required textbook has been put in the attachments

as soon as possible

SBAR – Add a Title


In this section, you provide a high-level overview. This section should be two to three sentences that are precise.


In this section, you provide the details. This section should include enough information that the reader does not have to ask you questions.


In this section, provide your assessment of the problem. Where applicable, use data.


For this section, provide a precise and descriptive explanations on exactly what’s needed to address the situation. Provide two to three solutions. Include total cost of ownership (TCO).  

Don’t forget to include your TCO Excel Spread Sheet

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