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the deadline 1nov

Pg. 04

Question Four

Assignment 2

Deadline: Sunday 01/11/2020 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 5]

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Integrated Enterprise Systems


College of Computing and Informatics

Question One
2 Mark

Learning Outcome(s):
(LO2) Identify principal enterprise systems architectures and implementation strategies

Discuss the different models for Purchasing organization. Clarify your answer with drawing.

Question Two
1 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):
(LO1) Describe key issues related to enterprise systems and system integration

Describe the different data types in the vendor master, with examples.

Question Three
1 Marks

Learning Outcome(s):

(LO2) Identify principal enterprise systems architectures and implementation strategies

What are the main differences between Distribution Channels, Divisions, and Shipping points?

Question Four
1 Mark

Learning Outcome(s):

(LO5) Describe key issues related to supply chain management and customer relationship management.

Based on your understanding of Procurement process, what is a Procurement Management Process? What does it involve?

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