IT principles in electronic discoveries HW4

You have just gone into the final meeting with the client concerning the final forensic report that must be supplied to the court in the morning. During the investigation, it was found the internal employee hacker compromised 50,000 customer financial records and then transmitted the records outside the country. It will be critical to inform the client in the meeting what will be in the forensics report. Key sections of the computer forensics report include the Executive Summary, Objective, and Computer Evidence Analyzed sections.Provide the following portions of the forensics report in a 5–7 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (complete with speaker notes 200–250 words):A title pageAn introductory slideBullets for what will be in the Forensics Report Executive Summary, to include expansion of this summary in the speaker notesBullets for what will be in the ObjectiveBullets for what will be in the Computer Evidence Analyzed section, to include 1 paragraph expansion of this summary in the speaker notesConclusion slide summarizing major pointsReference slide in APA formatThe forensic report should be a minimum of 5–7 slides in length (excluding the title and reference slides) and neatly formatted. Slides should include speaker notes (200–250 words each)

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