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INFX 205: IT and Data Applications Calendar Microsoft Word 2016





Due Date

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·  Review syllabus, policies, and calendar. Sign the course contract regarding above documents.

·  Access the UL Lafayette – Office of Distance Learning “Online Student Orientation Course”. Read and Complete the Course (1 – Welcome, 2 – Getting Started, 3 – Learning Online, 4 – Student Support, 5 – Online Communication (Netiquette & Netiquette Quiz), 6 – Additional Resources, 7 – Orientation Completion (SAVE “Certificate of Completion” on your Computer.

·  Upload the “Certification of Completion” to the INFX 205 course in Moodle.



SIMnet Microsoft Word 2016 Lessons 1-9 SIMnet Lesson L01-W
SIMnet Lesson L02-W
SIMnet Lesson L03-W
SIMnet Lesson L04-W
SIMnet Lesson L05-W
SIMnet Lesson L06-W
SIMnet Lesson L07-W
SIMnet Lesson L08-W
SIMnet Lesson L09-W


·  SIMnet Microsoft 2016 Word Projects

SIMnet Microsoft Word Project 1 SIMnet Microsoft Word Project 2 SIMnet Microsoft Word Project 3

·  Study for Exam



***This calendar is subject to change.

INFX 205: IT and Data Applications Calendar Microsoft Excel 2016



Due Date





SIMnet Microsoft 2016 Excel Lessons

SIMnet Lesson L10-E SIMnet Lesson L11-E SIMnet Lesson L12-E SIMnet Lesson L13-E SIMnet Lesson L14-E SIMnet Lesson L15-E SIMnet Lesson L16-E SIMnet Lesson L17-E SIMnet Lesson L18-E


SIMnet Microsoft 2016 Excel Projects

SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 4 SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 5 SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 6


SIMnet Microsoft 2016 Excel Projects

SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 7 SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 8 SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 9 SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 10



SIMnet Microsoft 2016 Excel Projects

SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 11 SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 12 SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 13 SIMnet Microsoft Excel Project 14



***This calendar is subject to change.

INFX 205: IT and Data Applications Calendar Microsoft Access 2016



Due Date






SIMnet Microsoft 2016 Access Lessons

SIMnet Lesson L19-A SIMnet Lesson L20-A SIMnet Lesson L21-A SIMnet Lesson L22-A SIMnet Lesson L23-A SIMnet Lesson L24-A SIMnet Lesson L25-A


SIMnet Microsoft 2016 Access Projects

SIMnet Microsoft Access Project 15 SIMnet Microsoft Access Project 16 SIMnet Microsoft Access Project 17 SIMnet Microsoft Access Project 18


SIMnet Microsoft 2016 Access Projects

SIMnet Microsoft Access Project 19 SIMnet Microsoft Access Project 20 SIMnet Microsoft Access Project 21


SIMnet Microsoft 2016 Access Projects

SIMnet Microsoft Access Project 22 SIMnet Microsoft Access Project 23 SIMnet Microsoft Access Project 24



During finals week


***This calendar is subject to change.

Good afternoon!

I apologize for not posting on Wednesday. I am very sick and have had a rough few days. I am in quarantine and hopefully am over the hump. On a positive note, LUS Fiber is back working pretty consistently on my side of town, so I will be responding to all missed emails over the weekend. You are free to email me or if you need assistance immediately to text me. I am not very good at talking on the phone yet (lots of coughing and can’t catch my breath) so please don’t call my cell for the next few days.

Your first exam will be next week! This exam will cover all of Microsoft Word. Next Wednesday, September 16th at 12:01 am (CENTRAL) you will see your exam available in your SIMnet window. The exam will take approximately 40 minutes to complete and will be open on SIMnet from 12:01 am until Friday night (September 18th) at 11:59 pm (CENTRAL). At this time it will close completely. If you have not finished the exam, you will only receive credit for what you have completed by 11:59 pm on Friday. You will NOT need to sign up with a proctoring service to take the Exam.

You will be allowed to take the exam (based off of Lessons 1 – 9 and Projects 1 – 3) only once, but you will have 2 opportunities to get each question correct. Also note that some skills have more than one step needed to complete them. While these are separated in the lesson they may be combined into one question on the test. You will need to read each test question carefully and complete all parts to get it correct. Just read the entire question first and then perform each task one at a time making sure not to skip anything you are being asked to do.  Also remember that there are often more than one way to complete a task and you will need to make sure you are doing the task the way the question on the test is asking.

Do not rush. Clicking in the wrong place will result in an incorrect answer. Be patient and deliberate in your answers. SIMnet wants you to give answers as it taught them in the lessons. If you have a way of doing something that is different from the way SIMnet taught it, you need to learn the SIMnet way. Chances are right clicking is not the answer. Again, be patient. Most students know the correct answer, but because they rush, or because they don’t read the entire question before trying to finish the task, they get an answer incorrect.

I have opened an example exam on SIMnet.  This is NOT for a grade.  This is an optional assignment – to make sure that the exam will work on your home computer and so you can see how an exam is set up.  You can see the timer at the top right of your screen starts clicking immediately. 

You will also see at the top right hand of the screen (next to the question number) a left and right arrow.  This is if you need to skip a question. 

You will also see a button with three little lines and some check marks – this will bring you to a list of questions (shown below) – so you can skip around that way as well.  After the second screen loads, you would just select one of the questions, and select “Load Question” at the bottom of the screen.

The Exams will look similar to your lessons. The question that is being asked is at the top in the black section of the screen.

Please note while you are taking this Example Exam that clicking the wrong tab does not constitute as one of your chances. You will only “answer” the question when you choose a button.

This example exam will close on September 15th at 11:59 p.m. If you would like more than one attempt at this example exam (for more practice or to feel more comfortable with the process) please let me know – and I will open up another attempt for you.

Your homework for this week is listed below.  All of these activities are located in the Word Homework (Lessons & Projects) folder on SIMnet.  They are due on September 18th at 1:00 pm.

·         SIMnet      Project 01

·         SIMnet      Project 02

·         SIMnet      Project 03

On projects, you will have 10 chances to get your best grade on each project. You do not have to get a certain grade on them but I recommend trying until you get the best grade possible. All of the projects will equal 25% of your final grade.

The first step in working with projects is to open the Instruction file (on SIMnet) – please note, most students find it easier to print out the instructions – this will save you the trouble from going screen to screen and sometimes forgetting where you are.   If you are using a Mac computer, please make sure you choose the Instructions option for Office for Mac 2016. If you are using a PC please choose those instructions. You can also use the Download Wizard (the hyperlink is in blue in the paragraph under the Download Files heading) if you are having problems opening the files.

You then need to download the Start File (on SIMnet).  You follow the instructions and perform those steps to the Project (do not worry about changing the name of the file – keep the file name the same as it is when you download it). Once you are finished you can save your project (the location is up to you).  You then go back to SIMnet and press the button upload and save.  You will then navigate to where ever your file is saved and press open (this is just like attaching a file to an email).  Once you have uploaded the file to SIMnet – click on the Yes, submit the file if you are ready for the project to be graded. If you select the No, I’m not ready button, your file will be saved to the SIMnet cloud. This option is useful if you are working somewhere besides your home and do not have a flash drive with you.

After you submit your project for grading on SIMnet, it will take about 30 seconds or less to grade. To see what your grade is, go to the Grades tab (upper right hand corner). This will show you the project you just uploaded. You can click on the project you were just working on, and on the bottom right – “View Project Result Details”. The information in Red is what you missed. These are all drop down boxes. This will show you exactly what you have missed and what you need to correct on your document. If you missed a few things and want to go back and get a better grade, you do not need to start over from the beginning. You just need to take the document you submitted to SIMnet and make your changes. After you have made your changes, just re-submit to SIMnet. 

Please use your projects as another way to see if you are prepared for you Exam next week. If you submit your project for grading, and you missed a few skills/tasks, you know that you are not prepared for that section of the Exam. You should review those skills again in the lessons (please remember to use the PDF on our Moodle page that is titled “Word 2016 Skills by Lesson” so you can easily find the tasks again that you need to review). And remember you have a total of 10 chances to upload each Project (so that you can get the best grade possible as well as prepare for your Exam).

The best way to study for the exam is to:

–     Do the “Let Me Try” tabs on all of the lessons that you have previously completed.  It is best to time yourself, giving one minute per skill (Your Exam will be timed. The Word 2016 exam has 40 questions, and you have 40 minutes to take it).  Go back and review the “Teach Me” tab if you get an answer wrong.

Some things that I would definitely recommend studying are the following (this is not everything that is on your Word test – you still need to study the rest):

1. Mail Merge

2. Editing a picture

3. Headers and Footers

4. Working with Tables

5. Margins

6. Using Thesaurus

7. Spelling & Grammar Checker

8. Bibliography

9. Watermarks


11. Page Breaks

12. SmartArt

13. Using Passwords

14. Publishing as a PDF

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me so that we can rectify your issue as soon as possible. I hope you all have a nice week and good luck on your exam next week! And stay healthy (this is NOT fun at all).

Ms. Lormand

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone remained relatively unscathed from Hurricane Delta.



ALL past Excel SIMnet projects have been reopened.  They have a due date of 10/21/2020 11:59 PM.  This will give you a chance to go back and complete any assignments you may have missed or need to rework for a higher grade.  

**Please remember you have up to 10 chances on each project to get the best grade possible. SIMnet tells you what you are doing wrong!  Remember – you do not have to start over from scratch for your other attempts – just make the changes to the original document and then upload to SIMnet again.  Please do not forget that you can download Microsoft Office 365 for free from the link on the left hand side of our Moodle page – or you can work in one of the labs on campus.

Your Excel exam will be next week.  It will open at 12:00 am on Wednesday, October 21st and close on Thursday, October 22nd at 11:59 pm.  

Your Excel 2016 exam will have 45 questions on it – and you will have 50 minutes to take the exam.  This exam is based off of Excel lessons (10 – 18) and the Excel projects (4 – 14).  Please remember that you can go back and study from the Excel lessons to prepare you for the exam.  Please also use your projects as another way to see if you are prepared for you Exam.  If you submit your project for grading, and you missed a few skills/tasks, you know that you are not prepared for that section of the Exam.  You should review those skills again in the lessons (please remember to use the PDF on our Moodle page that is titled “Excel 2016 Skills by Lesson” so you can easily find the tasks again that you need to review).  And remember you have a total of 10 chances to upload each Project (so that you can get the best grade possible as well as prepare for your Exam).

 In regards to the exam, I recommend ESPECIALLY studying over the following list (this is not everything, but some of the more difficult tasks that are on your exam):

1.       Total Row


3.       Changing different number formats

4.       Charts

5.       Sorting

6.       Filtering

7.       Automatic subtotals

8.       Using the name manager

9.       Absolute/Relative references (absolute has the $ before the row and column)

10.   Importing/Exporting data

11.   Print area

12.   Scenarios

13.   Pivot tables

14.   Formulas (using the = followed by a mathematical calculation using the  + – / * signs) 



17.   CONCAT


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