Islamic literature


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In the Islamic literature attached below, describe the values you find supported in at least two of these pieces.  You may choose the selection from the Qur’an and the story from the Thousand and One Arabian Nights, or a couple of poems and the Arabian Nights story.  I’ll consider two poems as equal to one larger reading.  In other words, if you want to compare poems only, then compare a total of four poems to each other.  You may find similar values, or you may find very different values in the works you choose. 

These writings are challenging.  Join us in the discussion forum for Paper 2 (see “Discussions” in the left-hand column on this page) in order to understand them and in order to help you organize a paper.  I want to help you understand these materials and help you write a good essay.  If you don’t join the discussion you won’t have my help or the ideas of your classmates.  I also encourage you to take advantage of the Writing Center on each of the Valencia campuses to get help with organizing your ideas and proofreading drafts of your work.  Alternatively, you may use the online proofreading help offered you through SmarThink, available through Atlas.

Double-space your paper and put your name on the top.  Underline the work Thousand and One Arabian Nights .  Put quotation marks around the titles of the poems.  Submit your work as a Word document or in RTF (Rich Text Format) on this link.

Qur’an, Islamic poetry and storytelling

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