IS technology current event


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Continuous developments in the realm of information systems technology are promulgated in the news media on an almost daily basis. Somewhere out during the ‘wee hours’ of the night, the latest Bill Gates clone is ‘burning the midnight oil’ working to develop another remotely possible concept into an actual productive technology.

IS Current Event Assignment

Review the Current Event Requirements section, as well as the

Course Specific-APA Style requirements.

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In this assignment, search through the articles in the RSS news feed below, and choose one from the last year relating to an information systems technology that has impacted a business decision or served prominently as a solution utilized by an enterprise. Be aware that some articles in the news feed may not be appropriate for this assignment. The idea here is to locate timely, newsworthy data relating to an MIS that one might utilize as a manager in today’s On-Demand Economy. You will evaluate and synthesize your new-found data and post a summary (minimum 250 words) of the topic in the forum below to share the knowledge with your peers.

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