Is globalization responsible for the increase in conflicts in the world today?


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Is globalization responsible for the increase in conflicts in the world today?




Read the assignment brief, assignment, and the assessment crit

eria through




Plan and organize your work



When you have completed your work, check it against the assessment criteria



Plagiarism or other forms of cheating will receive a ‘0’ grade and the matter will


be referred to the Academic Committee.


Papers submitted with more than a 20% Plagiarism score will not be graded.

Assignment Objectives:

Students are required to submit a structured 5 paragraph essay


The essay must be

minimum 1,000 / maximum 1,200 words

counting content

only (without cover page, reference list, etc.). You are requi

red to research a

central question on the chosen topic and present and discuss origins and issues.

Through your research findings, you are to conclude on the impact the topic has

/ has had on people, communities, and environments.

Additional Requiremen



Research well and present your evidence using Harvard citation in your paragraphs


and a full reference list.


Write using formal language, avoiding contractions (it’s, don’t)

and personal


pronouns (I, you, we) and only give your opinion in the



Include a cover page and automatic table of contents.


Check grammar and spelling.


Check your essay against the assessment criteria below before submission.


Is globalization responsible for the increase in conflicts in the world today?



Read the assignment brief, assignment, and the assessment crit
eria through



Plan and organize your work carefully.


When you have completed your work, check it against the assessment criteria



Plagiarism or other forms of cheating will receive a ‘0’ grade and the matter will


be referred to the Academic Committee.


Papers submitted with more than a 20% Plagiarism score will not be graded.

Assignment Objectives:

Students are required to submit a structured 5 paragraph essay

The essay must be
minimum 1,000 / maximum 1,200 words

counting content

only (without cover page, reference list, etc.). You are requi
red to research a

central question on the chosen topic and present and discuss origins and issues.

Through your research findings, you are to conclude on the impact the topic has

/ has had on people, communities, and environments.

Additional Requiremen


Research well and present your evidence using Harvard citation in your paragraphs


and a full reference list.


Write using formal language, avoiding contractions (it’s, don’t)
and personal


pronouns (I, you, we) and only give your opinion in the


Include a cover page and automatic table of contents.


Check grammar and spelling.


Check your essay against the assessment criteria below before submission.

Topic: Is globalization responsible for the increase in conflicts in the world today?


 Read the assignment brief, assignment, and the assessment criteria through


 Plan and organize your work carefully.

 When you have completed your work, check it against the assessment criteria


 Plagiarism or other forms of cheating will receive a ‘0’ grade and the matter will

 be referred to the Academic Committee.

 Papers submitted with more than a 20% Plagiarism score will not be graded.

Assignment Objectives:

Students are required to submit a structured 5 paragraph essay.

The essay must be minimum 1,000 / maximum 1,200 words counting content

only (without cover page, reference list, etc.). You are required to research a

central question on the chosen topic and present and discuss origins and issues.

Through your research findings, you are to conclude on the impact the topic has

/ has had on people, communities, and environments.

Additional Requirements:

 Research well and present your evidence using Harvard citation in your paragraphs

 and a full reference list.

 Write using formal language, avoiding contractions (it’s, don’t) and personal

 pronouns (I, you, we) and only give your opinion in the conclusion.

 Include a cover page and automatic table of contents.

 Check grammar and spelling.

 Check your essay against the assessment criteria below before submission.

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