IS Case Study

In the Fundamentals of Information Systems, Chapter 8 Case 1 p. 427. Write a 1200 word minimum paper answering the questions below. The paper must be in research paper format and APA compliant.  Be sure to use your book as well as other sources for your research.  All information gleaned from your research should be cited and referenced. Please see specific rubric attached to guide the answers to the Case 1 (See attached rubric for grading details and sample APA format report).  Case 2 Questions to guide the paper for discussion, please research and explain:What error did the Missile Defense Agency make in the development of the GMD system?How do the factors that pushed the agency to release the GMD compare to those that rush the development of business software?What steps can businesses take to ensure that engineers report all potential problems that arise during development?What steps can IT professionals take to make business managers aware of the importance of following the complete systems development process?

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