Introduction To Physical Education, Exercise Science, & Sport Tenth Edition Chapter 8

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5 November 2020

Review Questions Chapter 8

1. What were some of the characteristics of Native Americans’ sport and what were their polar sports?

Native Americans’ sports were closely aligned with social, spiritual, and economic aspects of life. Popular sports included: gambling, archery, baggataway, canoeing, fishing, footraces, modern day field hockey, and swimming.

2. What were the differences between sporting activities of the Puritans, Dutch, and English settlers?

3. How and why were German gymnastics spread in this country?

4. What program of exercises did Catharine Beecher develop and why?

5. What was Lewis’s system of gymnastics and how was it spread?

6. Which system of gymnastics was most popular with females in the late 1800s and early 1900s and why?

7. What were the components of Edward Hitchcock’s program at Amherst College?

8. What were the two primary characteristics of Dudley Sargent’s program at Harvard?

9. What was the purpose of the YMCA Training School?

10. What was the Battle of the Systems, and what was the outcome?

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