Interpret an Ethical Dilemma

Everyone has experienced ethical dilemmas. An example includes feeling that the only way you will meet a quota is by cutting corners. Maybe there was no noticeable harm, or perhaps the outcome was devastating. Not taking all required steps can result in financial losses, employee turnover, or worse: an employee is injured on the job. What would have happened if different directions were made? What if you followed the ethical guidelines as set forth by your organization? You may realize a poor decision was made; the key is to learn from previous ethical decisions to possibly alter (if at all) your next decision.

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Using a case study format, explain a time when you were faced with a professional ethical dilemma. Identify the key issues and challenges you faced. Then, explain the course of action you took. Be sure to include the following:

  • Determine if you would have done anything differently and provide examples.
  • Interpret how you acted in a socially responsible manner; if not, explain how you could have responded differently to the dilemma.
  • Explain whether there were any concerns surrounding your communication skills.
  • Recommend improvements, if necessary, as related to communications skills required of an ethical leader.

Please be as detailed as possible, while also being clear and succinct. This case study should be written through the lens of one who is about to deliver a lecture on ethical decision-making. Be vulnerable yet professional.

Length: 4-6 pages, not including title or reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

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Your case study should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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