Interpersonal communication

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Final Project
CMST 1103: Interpersonal Communication
Fall 2020

We are nearing the end of the semester. We have learned a great deal together.

For your final project in Interpersonal Communication, Fall 2020, you may choose from the following:

Option 1: A reflection presentation using one of these tools: PowerPoint, Sway, Prezi, or another medium of your choice. This presentation involves reflections on what you learned this semester. Identify what your perceptions were before the class and what you know now about interpersonal communication concepts, skills, and relationships.

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Option 2:  You may create an individual Public Service Announcement, addressing 3 or more different interpersonal concepts.

Option 3:  Create an assignment for the course. What do you wish you would have been assigned— what does it look like?  Include both the criteria and how you would assess (grade) the work. Imagine that this assignment would be used for a class in future semesters.

The final project is worth 50 points and is due by noon, April 19. The assessment (Grade) will be based on Content, Creativity, and Candor.

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