Internal & External stakeholders in healthcare

The role of governance has a vital impact on the interests of the important stakeholders in a healthcare system.

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Markwell, S. & Leigh-Hunt, N. (2016). Identifying and managing internal and external stakeholder interests. Retrieved from

In a 2- to 3-page paper answer/complete the following:

  • Who are the internal stakeholders? What are their roles and responsibilities? What are their interests?
  • Who are the external stakeholders? What are their roles and responsibilities? What are their interests?
  • Address how the potentially conflicting interests of stakeholders may be addressed in the governance process. (To do this, you will need to clearly define the purpose of governance, its areas of influence, and its methods of influencing. You will also need to define the limits of governance, what issues are not appropriate to address through governance, and what actions are not appropriate for a governing board to take.)

In your scholarly paper, you should include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.

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SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your responses.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages.
  3. Support your proposal with peer-reviewed articles with 3 or 4 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
  4. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment:
  5. For additional information on reliability of sources review the following source:
  6. This assignment will be graded based on the SLP assignment rubric.

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