integrative case assignment

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Assignment – Case


1 – Someone Has to Go: A Tough Layoff Decision [100 points]

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Read “Case 11 – Someone Has to Go: A Tough Layoff Decision” [textbook] to get started. Continue to read the assignment in the textbook but, be sure to refer to the “Rubric” as your guide for completing this assignment. [Both the textbook and the Rubric, together, are crucial for the completion of this assignment]. Read each section of the Rubric, follow the instructions in detail, respond to all questions, use any and all resources as required. You must use a combination of:

· your personal knowledge

· the textbook, Internet, friends/relatives, co-workers, employers, mentors, etc.

· I expect to see an exploration of this subject that will help you to understand: How this information will benefit you in developing your future career and, enhance your knowledge and skills. Your thoughts are important but, they cannot be vague, you must elaborate on your thoughts, illustrate and provide examples.

Format: Follow the order of the project [shown in the Rubric], indicate each section heading and number each question in that section, followed by your response. Use Arial, Times New Roman or Verdana 12-font. Please adhere to correct spacing between headings, questions and responses. [DO NOT run paragraphs together].

Grading: You will be graded on the content, research, logic, quality, clarity, accuracy, questioning, relevance, significance and timeliness of your work. These elements must be considered. [If using references/direct quotes or passages, be sure to footnote the authors work (work that is not your own to avoid “Plagiarism”).






1. What criteria should be used to determine potential layoff candidates?  Explain your answer.

20 Points

Responds to the question and explores the content clearly and concisely [brief but comprehensive]. Elaborates and provides examples. Shows and documents research that substantiates conclusions reached. Thoughts are relevant and presented in a logical manner.

12 Points

Responds to the question. Some thoughts are irrelevant and unclear leaving the reader with some unanswered questions. There is little to no research provided.

7.2 Points

The ideas expressed are not

totally connected to the subject and, the ideas expressed are limited and vague.

0 Points


2. What emphasis, if any, should be given to non-job-related factors such as personal problems or a spouse’s need to work?  Explain your answer. 

20 Points
Responds to the question and explores the content clearly and concisely [brief but comprehensive]. Elaborates and provides examples. Shows and documents research that substantiates conclusions reached. Thoughts are relevant and presented in a logical manner.

12 Points
Responds to the question. Some thoughts are irrelevant and unclear leaving the reader with some unanswered questions. There is little to no research provided.

7.2 Points
The ideas expressed are not
totally connected to the subject and, the ideas expressed are limited and vague.

0 Points

3. What should be included in a severance package for laid-off employees? Explain your answer.

10 Points

Provides 4+ elements that should be provided in a severance package. Elaborates and provides examples. Shows and documents research that substantiates conclusions reached. Thoughts are relevant and presented in a logical manner.

6 Points

Provides 2-3 elements that should be provided in a severance package. Some thoughts are irrelevant and unclear leaving the reader with some unanswered questions. There is little to no research provided.

3.6 Points

Provides 1 element that should be provided in a severance package. The ideas expressed are not

totally connected to the subject and, the ideas expressed are limited and vague.

0 Points

4. How long should the severance package last? Explain your answer.

5 Points

Responds to the question and explores the content clearly and concisely [brief but comprehensive]. Elaborates and provides examples. Shows and documents research that substantiates conclusions reached. Thoughts are relevant and presented in a logical manner.

3 Points

Responds to the question. Some thoughts are irrelevant and unclear leaving the reader with some unanswered questions. There is little to no research provided.

1.8 Points

The ideas expressed are not
totally connected to the subject and, the ideas expressed are limited and vague.

0 Points

5. Are there any potential legal implications in Martinez’s decision?  Explain your answer.

10 Points
Responds to the question and explores the content clearly and concisely [brief but comprehensive]. Elaborates and provides examples. Shows and documents research that substantiates conclusions reached. Thoughts are relevant and presented in a logical manner. 6 Points
Responds to the question. Some thoughts are irrelevant and unclear leaving the reader with some unanswered questions. There is little to no research provided. 3.6 Points
The ideas expressed are not
totally connected to the subject and, the ideas expressed are limited and vague.

0 Points

6. How would you handle the termination interview?  Explain your answer.

10 Points

Provides 4+ examples of how the termination interview should be conducted and elaborates on the reasons for conducting the interview in this manner. Shows and documents research that substantiates conclusions reached. Thoughts are relevant and presented in a logical manner.

6 Points

Provides 2-3 examples of how the termination interview should be conducted. Some thoughts are irrelevant and unclear leaving the reader with some unanswered questions. There is little to no research provided.

3.6 Points

Provides 1 example of how the termination interview should be conducted. The ideas expressed are not totally connected to the subject and, the ideas expressed are limited and vague.

0 Points

7. When you began this assignment, what were your initial thoughts of who should remain employed and, who should be terminated? Explain your answer.

7 Points

Responds to the question and explores the content clearly and concisely [brief but comprehensive]. Elaborates and provides examples. Shows and documents research that substantiates conclusions reached. Thoughts are relevant and presented in a logical manner.

4.2 Points

Responds to the question. Some thoughts are irrelevant and unclear leaving the reader with some unanswered questions. There is little to no research provided.

2.5 Points

The ideas expressed are not
totally connected to the subject and, the ideas expressed are limited and vague.

0 Points

8. Answer 8.1 and 8.2, only.

Answer 8.3 only if, 8.1 and 8.2 are not applicable. [DO NOT ANSWER BOTH]

[8.1] After completing this assignment, how have your thoughts changed from your initial reactions and conclusions and, [8.2] how will this information benefit you in developing your future career and, enhance your knowledge and skills?

[8.3] If there is no change in your initial thought processes, explain why, after exploring all of the data, you still believe in your initial conclusions?

10 Points
Responds to the question and explores the content clearly and concisely [brief but comprehensive]. Elaborates and provides examples. Shows and documents research that substantiates conclusions reached. Thoughts are relevant and presented in a logical manner.

6 Points
Responds to the question. Some thoughts are irrelevant and unclear leaving the reader with some unanswered questions. There is little to no research provided.

3.6 Points
The ideas expressed are not
totally connected to the subject and, the ideas expressed are limited and vague.

0 Points


8 Points

Assignment submitted prior to Due Date

4.8 Points

Assignment submitted on Due Date

2.9 Points

Assignment submitted one [1] day late after Due Date

0 Points

Assignment submitted more than one [1] day late after Due Date

Total Points




Someone Has to Go: A Tough Layoff Decision

Located in the Los Angeles area, Aero Performance, with 27 employees, is a sales and maintenance company that provides equipment upgrades and general aircraft maintenance to regional airlines, corporate aircraft, and small international carriers. When Aero Performance was created 12 years ago, the company faced little competition, and a robust airline market seemed to present an unlimited potential for growth. Unfortunately, industry economics coupled with cost-cutting measures by airlines and new competition from similar airline service companies means that Aero’s business performance has stabilized, and the company has actually experienced losses in certain specialized areas. One of these areas is the sales of the company’s technologically advanced equipment. Airline companies as well as the owners of corporate jets have delayed the purchase and installation of Aero’s advanced electronic equipment.

Mike Martinez, manager of the technology upgrade unit, faces a tough decision. With a significant downturn in his unit’s work, he must lay off one employee. The decision is made particularly difficult because all employees of the unit are qualified employees with average or better work records. Additionally, each employee has a unique personal background directly affecting his or her work life. A summary of the background and work record of each of the four employees follows. No question, Martinez faces a difficult decision.

Gary Meadors is married and has two children in high school. He lives modestly in order to send his kids to college. His wife works evenings at a convenience store to assist with family expenses. Meadors has worked nine years with Aero Performance, six years in airline maintenance and three years in the technology upgrade unit. He has learned airline technology largely through technical articles, trade journals, and on-the-job experience. His performance evaluations are average, and he is considered a consistent and reliable employee. His attendance and company loyalty are exceptional.

Brenda Baldwin is the only woman in the technology upgrade unit. She is a single mother with a child in elementary school. Brenda has three years of service with Aero Performance, all in Martinez’s unit. She joined the company after obtaining an airline technology degree from a well-respected four-year university. Brenda continues to take evening classes in her field and seems to have, according to Martinez, “the most potential for growth in the company.” However, her performance has slipped the past year, and she has been counseled for an attendance problem. She has felt somewhat resented as a female in a traditionally male-dominated industry.

Udit Chopra is a dedicated employee. In fact, everyone says he is “married to his job.” He will work long hours to complete technical installations and is regarded as a perfectionist. Udit has a college degree in marketing but has found his home in airline technology. He possesses an excellent ability to persuade Aero Performance customers to upgrade their technology systems. Udit drives a new BMW and is believed to come from a wealthy family.

Craig Cottrell joined Aero Performance three years ago, having been hired away from a competitor. He has a total of 12 years of experience in the airline service industry. Craig has a complete understanding of airline technology. Cottrell’s work performance the first two years with Aero Performance was barely average; however, his work record the past year was evaluated as very high. Currently, he is the top performer in the unit. There has been work friction between him, Baldwin, and Chopra over the selection and installation of cockpit instruments.

Mike Martinez must make his decision by this Friday. Aero Performance will grant the laid-off employee a severance package to assist transition to other employment. Martinez is committed to aiding his employee in finding another job in the airline service industry.

Follow the Rubric and respond to all questions.

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