Integrating Reading, Writing, and Math into a Science Lesson

Science requires reading, writing, and math skills, in addition to critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. When teachers contextualize learning and integrate that context across all subjects, students are typically more engaged in learning and are able to make connections.

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Locate and review a science or health lesson plan. Consider how you would revise the lesson plan to include the integration of reading, writing, and math skills. In addition, include suggestions for technology integration and differentiation.

Use the “5E Lesson Plan Template” for your revisions. Include the link to the original lesson plan.

Include a 250-500 word rationale explaining your choices.

5E Lesson Plan Template ACEI elements 3.1; InTASC 5(a), 5(j), 5(h)

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The 5E Lesson Plan Template components are addressed. The descriptions for each component are substantive.

Rationale ACEI elements 3.1; InTASC 5(a), 5(j), 5(h)


Rationale clearly explains the choices made. It includes several distinctive supporting details and/or examples to support lesson plan components.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)


Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)


All format elements are correct.

Total Percentage  100

GCU College of Education


Revised 1-5-2016

Teacher Candidate:

Grade Level:



Instructional Plan Title

I. Planning

Lesson Summary and Focus:

In a few sentences, summarize this lesson, identifying the central focus based on the content/skills you are teaching. Clarify where this lesson falls within a unit of study.

Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Technology:

List ALL materials, equipment, and technology the teacher
students will use during the lesson. Add or attach copies of ALL printed and online materials at the end of this template. Be sure to address how you will teach the students to use the technology in Section II. INSTRUCTION.

Classroom and Student Factors:

Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, non-labeled challenged students), and the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students to facilitate learning for all students.

National / State Learning Standards:

Identify the relevant grade level standards, including the strand, cluster, and standards by number
its text.

Specific Learning Targets/Objectives:

Specify exactly what the students will be able to do after the standards-based lesson.

Lesson Focus Question:

Write a question which is aligned to the learning target and which demonstrates the overall “big idea” students should learn through this lesson.

Academic Language:

Key Vocabulary:

Include the content-specific terms you need to teach and their meanings according to this lesson.

Instruction and Development:

Include instructional strategies for teaching the selected academic vocabulary terms, as well as vocabulary development activities to allow students to practice and apply the terms.

Summative Assessment:

Include details of any summative assessment as applicable. Explain how the summative assessment measures the learning targets/objectives.

Differentiation Strategies




Describe instructional differentiation strategies to be used throughout the lesson to enhance instruction and make the content comprehensible for all students.

Describe instructional differentiation strategies to be used throughout the lesson to scaffold learning and engage all students.

Describe differentiation strategies for formative and summative assessments to allow all students to demonstrate what they know or have learned.

II. Instruction

The 5Es

Probing Questions


Designed to help students understand the learning task and make connections to past and present learning experiences. It should stimulate interest and prompt students to identify their own questions about the topic. Typical activities in this stage include posing a question, defining a problem, or demonstrating a discrepant event, then using small group discussions to stimulate and share ideas. Instructors help students connect previous knowledge to the new concepts introduced in the unit.

Develop a few questions which help students access prior knowledge and get them thinking about the big idea of the lesson.


Students have the opportunity to get directly involved with key concepts through guided exploration of information. They begin identifying patterns and make connections to other disciplines. Frequently, students will diverge from the slated activity to explore their own questions, continually building on their knowledge base. In this stage, instructors observe and listen to students as they interact with each other and the information provided. Probing questions help students clarify their understanding and redirect their investigations when necessary.

Develop a few probing questions which help students move towards mastery of the learning target and promote critical thinking and inquiry-based learning.


Students are introduced more formally to the lesson’s concepts. Through readings and discussions, students gain understanding of the major concepts and can verify answers to questions or problems posed earlier. In addition, more abstract concepts not easily explored in earlier activities are introduced and explained. As students formulate new ideas, appropriate vocabulary can be introduced.

Develop a few questions for class discussion which help students work through misconceptions, gain a deeper understanding of the content, and move students toward mastery of the learning target.


Students expand on what they have learned and apply their newfound knowledge to a different situation. They test ideas more thoroughly and explore additional relationships.

Providing closure to the lesson and verifying student understanding is critical at this point.

Develop a few questions, aligned to the learning target, which allow students to apply new knowledge in a different context. Include the focus question here.


Formative Assessment:
The instructor continually observes students’ learning to monitor their progress using questioning techniques and discussions. More formal evaluation – traditional assessments in the form of quizzes and alternative assessments such as concept maps, summary projects or reports – can be conducted at this stage. The assessment should be aligned with the content of the learning experience.

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