injury & rehab prevention

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HFMG 3121: Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

Lab 6: Lower Extremity Lab

Name ____________________________________________________

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For this lab you will be writing an article review on the lower extremity injury of your choice and then completing a case study on the injury. Please see the instructions for each below.

Article Review

This article review will serve as a lead in for your case study. The injury/condition you do your article review on will be the same one you will do your case study on.

· For the article review you are to:

· Choose a lower injury or condition that you would like to know more about (ie ACL, total hip replacement, high ankle sprain, etc) and search for an article that talks about that injury/condition in general and/or a treatment method for the selected topic

· Where to find a scholarly article:


· Search for your topic, when the results page loads look to the left hand side and click on “Free Full Text”

· Google Scholar

· Look for articles that have [PDF] and a website next to the title, these are the ones that are free.


Provide a summary (do not copy and paste the abstract, use your own words)

· Overview of the article/study

· What were the researchers looking at?

· What were they predicting the outcome would be?

· Procedures/methods

· how did they conduct their study?

· Subject Population

· Age, gender, etc

· Results

· What did the study find?

· What further research do you think needs to be done?

· Describe why you chose this injury/condition?


Case Study

The case study is based on the injury/condition you chose for your article review.

Now you will evaluate how a physician believes the injury/condition should be treated.

· Find a rehabilitation protocol for your injury/condition.

· Google search using the injury followed by protocol will pull these up

· Look for a protocol from a reputable source such as a doctor’s office or medical center

· Does the protocol you selected agree with what the research article said? Why or why not

· Based on what you have learned this semester do you agree with the program? Why or Why not?

· What would you change, add or remove? Why?


*Make sure to properly site your article in APA format. Article reviews without citation will be considered plagiarism and will receive an automatic 0. Please use the formatting guidelines below or use a web based citation generator.

APA format for an article is:

Last, F. M., & Last, F. M. (Year Published). Article title. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), Page(s). date of issue:number

APA format for a website is:

Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Webpage title. URL


This assignment should be 4-6 double spaced pages in length total.

· Article review should be 2-3 double spaced pages in length.

· Case Study should be 2-3 double spaced pages in length.

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