initiating the project


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Assigned Readings

Assigned Readings

Attached Files:

  •  Chapter 9-Resourcing Projects.pptx Chapter 9-Resourcing Projects.pptx – Alternative Formats (1.875 MB)
  •  Chapter 10-Budgeting Projects.pptx Chapter 10-Budgeting Projects.pptx – Alternative Formats (1.302 MB)

Chapter 9: Resourcing Projects.This chapter demonstrates how to schedule resources on projects: determining the need for workers, understanding who is available, and assigning people. All of the techniques of resourcing projects are integrated with the behavioral aspects of how to deal effectively and ethically with the people involved. Resource needs are shown on a Gantt chart developed in Chapter 8, the responsibilities are shown as they change over time, conflicts and overloads are identified, and methods for resolving conflicts are introduced. Alternative approaches for creating and compressing schedules are shown. Many of the techniques in this chapter are also shown with MS Project.After completing this chapter, each student should be able to perform the following:Core Objectives:

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  1. Show resource assignments on a RACI chart, Gantt chart, and resource histogram.
  2. Develop an effective project schedule, considering resource constraints.
  3. Describe methods of resolving resource overloads.

Behavioral Objectives:

  1. Create a Human Resources Management Plan including role descriptions and staffing management plan.
  2. Assign roles and responsibilities based on strengths.

Technical Objectives:

  1. Compress a project schedule using crashing and fast tracking, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of both.
  2. Compare various alternative scheduling methods.
  3. Using MS Project, assign resources, pinpoint overloads, and describe methods of dealing with them.

Chapter 10:   Budgeting Projects.This chapter discusses the project budget, which is dependent on both the schedule and the resource needs developed in the previous two chapters. The project budget is the sum of work package cost estimates, contingency reserve, and management reserve. Cost planning, estimating, budgeting, establishing cost control, and using MS Project for project budgets are all included.After completing this chapter, each student should be able to perform the following:Core Objectives:

  1. Define project cost terms and tell how each is used in estimating project cost.
  2. Compare and contrast analogous, parametric, and bottom-up methods of estimating cost.
  3. Create a time-phased, bottom-up budget for a project.

Technical Objectives:

  1. Show both summary and bottom-up project budget information with cumulative costs using MS Project.

Behavioral Objectives:

  1. Describe issues in project cost estimating and how to deal with each. 

Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 5

Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 5Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. 
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Describe a potential timing issue that can occur early in a project and a potential timing issue that can occur at the end of a project. How would you address each of these issues in your project?
  2. Compare a project you’ve worked on that was limited mostly by activities with another project you’ve worked on that was limited mostly by resources. Which did you find more challenging?  Why? 
  3. You are the project manager in charge of construction of a new school building.  Give one possible example each of a known known, known unknown, and unknown unknown you might encounter.
  4. Give an example of how a project manager could run into problems with cash flow, even when he is within budget on the overall project.

[Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion]. [Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review] 


Problem Set #5

Attached Files:
 RACI Chart – Types of Cost Exercise x RACI Chart – Types of Cost Exercise x – Alternative Formats (22.497 KB)

  •  RACI Chart.xlsx (12.602 KB)
  • RACI Chart and Types of Costs ExerciseFor Week 5 you will continue to develop your project documentation by completing a RACI chart based upon the Week 2 Business Case project. The first part of the exercise will be to fill in the chart provided within the attached RACI template Excel file. This should be completed for all six (6) Key Deliverables for any  six (6) of the stakeholders you identified in Week 6 exercise.The second part of the exercise will be to copy and paste the chart into the Word template provided.  The chart should be formatted so that all information is legible and shown within the document. Then, you will draft and explanation/justification of why you made the selections you did for any one (1) of your Key Deliverables (this includes each of the Activities as well).The third part will be to provide the Types of Costs analysis. Instructions are in the attached document.Submit only the exercise completed in the Word template (not the Excel file). 


    Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder

    RACI Chart
    0.0 Project Name


    When you have completed your RACI Chart in Excel format you will copy and paste it into this document replacing the example below. Follow these steps to complete.

    1) Hover your cursor over the blank template below. You will see a small square with crossed arrows inside appear above the upper left-hand corner of the chart. Right click on this square and click Delete Table on the menu that will appear.

    2) Go to your Excel file and highlight the full area of the complete RACI Chart. Right click within the selected area and click Copy in the menu.

    3) Return to this template. Click the top line of page two previously occupied by the blank template. Then, right click to get the action menu. Under Paste Options you will see several icons. Hover your cursor over the second icon (which should appear as a clipboard) and you should see the words Use Destination Styles (S) appear. Click on this icon to paste your RACI Chart into this document.

    4) Make any additional formatting edits needed to ensure that the entire RACI Chart is visible and that the text is legible. This may require manual adjustment of cell, row or text sizes. Table may span several pages if necessary.

    Select one (1) of your Key Deliverables and Associated Activities. Provide an explanation of why you assigned the roles that you did for each of the Stakeholders within the three (3) Activities.



















































































































































































    RACI Chart





    Project Name





























    Explanation/Justification for selected Key Deliverable and Activities

    Identify one of your Key Deliverables:

    Explanation for roles assigned for each of the Associates Activities:

    Instructions: This exercise will provide you the opportunity to provide an analysis of types of costs within the Week 2 Business Case project you selected.

    For this assignment, you will fill in each of the sections in the table below. For each cell provide (with associated number in cell):

    1) a brief definition of the type of cost (must reference weekly readings/textbook),

    2) identify a
    resource cost within your project that fits this type of cost and then,

    3) explain why this cost fits the definition.


    1. (define)

    2. (example)

    3. (explain)
































    Timothy J. Kloppenborg

    Vittal Anantatmula

    Kathryn N. Wells

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    Resourcing Projects

    Chapter 9

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    Chapter 9 Core Objectives:
    Show resource assignments on a RACI chart, Gantt chart, & resource histogram
    Develop an effective project schedule, considering resource constraints
    Describe methods of resolving resource overloads
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    Chapter 9 Behavioral Objectives:
    Create a Human Resources Management Plan including role descriptions & staffing management plan
    Assign roles & responsibilities based on strengths
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    Chapter 9 Technical Objectives:
    Compress a project schedule using crashing and fast tracking & describe advantages and disadvantages of each
    Compare various alternative scheduling methods
    Using MS Project, assign resources, pinpoint overloads, & describe methods of dealing with them
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    From manufacturer to service provider
    Patti A. Soldavini, director, Corporate Marketing, Schawk, Inc.
    “We identify and help remove process bottlenecks, offer online collaborative project management tools, and provide knowledgeable human talent to deliver what we call brand point management. Brand point management helps companies create compelling and consistent brand experiences across brand touch points.”
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    Successful projects balance…
    Must complement each other to develop a workable resource-based schedule that people will accept
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    Technical Abilities Needed when Resourcing Projects
    Identify person(s) with work overloads
    Estimate resource demands
    Compress a project schedule
    Assign person(s) to each activity
    Create a staffing management plan
    Schedule a project with limited resources
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    Behavioral Abilities Needed when Resourcing Projects
    Select the right people
    Identify needs to be accomplished
    Ensure performance capability
    Deal with work schedules
    Schedule overtime
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    Behavioral Abilities Needed when Resourcing Projects
    Estimate amount of work per activity
    Assemble effective team
    Deal with people from diverse backgrounds
    Decide where each person will work
    Establish effective virtual relationships
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    Key Resourcing Considerations
    Project tradeoffs and priorities
    Resource limitations
    Personnel skill development
    People cost
    Project cost
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    Activity vs. Resource Dominated Schedule Basis Comparison
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    Use when client does not understand their needs
    Rapid rate of change expected on projects
    Team members should remain on project for at least one iteration
    Budget is set based on people, and product is produced at pace team can maintain
    Agile team is cross-functional with general expertise
    Develop skills as needed
    Work flows to the team rather than vice versa

    Activity vs. Resource Dominated Schedule Basis Comparison
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    Estimate Resource Needs
    How many resources of each type & skill or knowledge level are needed?
    Consider support needs such as information systems & human resources
    Consider constraints placed upon how people are hired, scheduled, & released
    Estimating activity resources– a process of assessing all types of resources—people, materials, tools, & equipment (along with quantities)—required for each activity to complete it as specified in project scope.
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    Plan Resource Management

    Identify potential resources
    Determine resource availability
    Decide timing issues
    Staffing management plan – a proposal focused on acquiring, developing, and retaining human resources for as long as you need them on the project.
    Plan Resource Management – the process of identifying resources and required skills for a project, defining and assigning roles and responsibilities to all resources, developing a reporting hierarchy, and communicating expectations.
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    Plan Resource Management
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    Identify Potential Resources

    Work functions
    Professional discipline
    Skill level
    Physical location
    Organizational/administrative unit
    job titles and range of
    degrees and professional
    experience and performance ratings
    willingness to relocate and travel
    costs & contractual issues
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    Identify Potential Resources
    Identify an adequate number and mix of people
    Core team should participate in chartering the project
    Available People
    Resource needs
    Available vs. needed
    Specific skill gaps
    Resource Breakdown structure (RBS)– grouping all resources into main categories in level one and populating each main category with resources based on either function or skill level….see Exhibit 9.3 in textbook
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    Identify Potential Resources
    Key subject matter experts (SMEs)
    Diversity allows for more perspectives
    Make opportunities equally available to qualified candidates
    You may not get the specific people you want for your project, so it makes sense to identify all possible resources!
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    Determine Resource Availability
    Identify availability of desired people
    Secure commitment
    Full and part time resources
    Internal vs. external resources
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    Decide Timing Issues when Resourcing Projects
    When to bring people on board
    Get team functioning effectively
    Plan for keeping team motivated & on schedule
    When to reward & recognize the project team
    When & how to release project participants
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    Staffing Management Plan Issues
    How will they deal with timing issues of building up & then releasing the project workforce?
    How will project planners identify potential people for the project?
    How will they determine which people are available & secure their services?
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    Project Team Composition Issues
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    Assign a Resource to each Activity
    Show resource responsibilities on RACI chart
    Show resource assignments on Gantt Chart
    Summarize resource responsibilities with histogram
    WBS Activity Who 1? Who 2?
    The work breakdown structure Project activities that correspond to the WBS Who will be involved May be more than one person

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    Show Resource Responsibilities on RACI Chart
    RACI is a form of RAM

    Agile team members decide among themselves who will do each work activity; when finished, they begin next- highest-priority work
    Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) – a matrix depicting work packages & assigned resources for completing activities required to produce work packages
    RACI – a popular form of RAM that presents roles of key stakeholders and their roles defined as responsible (R), accountable (A), consult (C), and inform (I) for project activities in a matrix form
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    Partial RACI Chart Example
    Only one person accountable for each task
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    Breakout session!
    Create a RACI chart for your project. Each row may have several people involved, but be sure there in only 1 person Accountable (A) for each task
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    Show Resource Assignments on Gantt Chart
    Person responsible for each activity is listed next to the activity in the Gantt Chart Schedule
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    Summarize Resource Responsibilities by Time Period With Histogram
    Add up demands for each worker at each time period
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    Dealing with Resource Overloads
    Identify which activities are involved
    Compare resource histogram to Gantt Chart Schedule
    Project scheduling software pinpoints when overloads occur for each worker
    Management decisions required to solve the problem
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    Partial Schedule and Resource Histogram Example
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    Methods of Resolving Resource Overloads

    Reorder activities
    Acquire or borrow additional resources
    Reduce project scope or extend project schedule
    Inform sponsor of severe overloads
    Resource- level the overloaded person’s schedule
    Assign certain activities to other workers
    Split an activity into two activities
    Perform 1st part as scheduled
    Delay 2nd part of activity
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    Resource Leveling
    Delay activities so person doesn’t perform as many activities at the same time (most common)
    Delay noncritical activities by an amount no more than their slack
    Allow project to slip
    If non-critical activities must be completed at rate of effort in original schedule, reassign activities to another worker
    Resource leveling is a combination of art & science

    Resource Leveling – a project execution technique of adjusting the use of resources based on availability and the amount of float on activities to accomplish work as soon as possible, given the limited resource availability.
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    Resource Leveling Example
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    Partially Leveled Resource Schedule
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    Breakout session!
    Practice Scheduling & Resource Leveling by hand (without software), using either Exercise 5 or another provided by your instructor
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    Compress the Project Schedule
    Actions to reduce the critical path
    Fast tracking
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    Actions to Reduce the Critical Path
    Reduce project scope and/or quality.
    Overlap sequential activities
    Partially overlap sequential activities
    Increase number of work hours/days
    Schedule activities at same time.
    Shorten activities by assigning more resources.
    Shorten activities that cost least to speed up.

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    Compress the project schedule
    Crashing may cost more money to speed up the schedule
    Fast tracking may increase the risk to speed up the schedule

    In agile, crashing is called “swarming,” since team members swarm on a problem to help get back on track
    Crashing – speeding up the critical path often by adding additional resources or employing existing resources for longer hours and/or more days per week
    Fast Tracking – a method to expedite a project by executing activities at the same time that would ordinarily be done one after the other
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    Certain activities are performed at a faster than normal pace
    Which activities are on the critical path?
    Which critical path activity costs the least on a per day basis to speed up?
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    The enumeration method was used to identify each path and its duration.

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    Activity B on the critical path is the least expensive choice

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    After 2 rounds, both critical paths are 23 days.

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    Crashing – “All-Crash” Mode
    Continuing to crash activities until it is not worthwhile
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    If there is a bonus of $225 per day for finishing early, what would I crash and how fast would I get done?
    Crashing Consideration Questions
    How fast can the project be completed?
    To crash the project one day, what activity would be crashed and what would it cost?
    To crash the project two days, what activities would be crashed and what would it cost in total?
    If there is a bonus of $125 per day for finishing early, what would I crash and how fast would I get done?
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    Breakout session!
    Practice Crashing, using Exercise 2 at the end of this chapter in your textbook
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    Fast tracking
    Activities normally performed in series are performed at the same time

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    Alternative Scheduling Methods
    Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)
    Reverse Phase Schedules
    Rolling Wave Planning
    Agile Project Planning
    Auto/Manual Scheduling
    Methods are not mutually exclusive!
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    Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)
    Incorporates calculations on resource availability
    The resource most in demand is identified
    Keep that resource appropriately busy on critical chain activities
    Critical chain method – an alternative scheduling technique that modifies project schedule by taking resource constraints into account…allows the project team to place buffers on any project schedule path to account for uncertainty and limited resources
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    CCPM Components
    Avoid multitasking
    Estimate aggressively activity completion time
    Feed time buffer in front of critical chain activities
    Put time reserved for uncertainty at project end
    Finish activities early if possible
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    Reverse Phase Schedules
    a.k.a. Last Planner System
    Developed by people closest to the work
    Start with final project deliverables
    Ask what needs to be completed prior to starting work on this deliverable
    Think from end of the project to the beginning
    Often used in construction projects
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    Rolling Wave Planning
    Plan first part of project in detail
    Plan later parts at a high level/ use placeholders
    Focus on the near term
    Extreme of rolling wave planning is Agile
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    Agile Project Planning
    Collaborative approach with workers and stakeholders
    Stakeholders want cost, schedule, & functionality data before approving a project
    Avoid stringent change control
    Projects planned in short increments called sprints
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    Auto/Manual Scheduling
    MS Project now allows manual scheduling
    Enables users to emulate MS Excel
    When showing few milestones without dates (i.e. during Chartering), manual scheduling may be good option
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    Using MS Project for Resource Allocation
    Defining resources
    Set up a Resource Calendar
    Assigning resources
    Finding Over-allocated resources
    Dealing with Over-allocations
    Crashing a Critical Path Activity
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    1. Defining Resources
    Describe available resources in the MS Project data base
    As a single unit or a pool of like units
    Resources include:
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    1. Defining Resources
    Enter resource information before time of assignment to a task
    Minimum field requirements for defining resources
    Max Units
    If costs are to be modeled, must provide:
    Cost per Use
    Accrue At values

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    1. Defining Resources
    Max Units Field
    Determined before resource is assigned to activities
    Defines availability of a resource for project work
    Default 100%, but individual resources not usually 100% available
    What is considered project work?
    What is not considered project work?
    Organizational holidays accounted for in the Standard (Project) calendar.
    Vacation days accounted for in each resource calendar.

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    1. Defining Resources
    On View tab>> Resource Views group, click Resource Sheet.
    In first blank row, enter resource name in Resource Name cell.
    In Initials cell, enter initials of the resource.
    Click Max Units cell and enter resource’s maximum availability.
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    2. Set up a Resource Calendar
    View Tab>>Resource Sheet
    Double-click row of resource to activate dialog
    Click Change Working Time…
    Make Revisions

    Use to block out vacation days and other resource-specific non-working days
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    3. Assigning Resources
    Allocate resources to an activity
    MS Project generates assignment information using default or modified settings
    See detailed instructions, pp.312-315 in textbook
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    3. Assigning Resources

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    3. Assigning Resources
    Data for creating assignments
    Time units between the activity start & end
    Availability of a resource for work each day
    Multiply Duration by Units
    Switch determines which value changes.
    Task type
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    Basic Assignment Calculation with Fixed Units Selected (Default)
    Activity with no prior resource assignments – Uses Duration and Units values & sums into Work field
    Activity with one or more resources already assigned – MS Project holds Duration value constant & adjusts activity Work value.
    Removal of resources works in reverse.
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    Modifying an Assignment
    MS Project maintains relationship among the Duration, Units, & Work values.
    If you don’t like MS Project adjusting Duration automatically based on resources, switch “Task type” to “Fixed Work”
    See detailed instructions p.315 of textbook
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    4. Finding Over-Allocated Resources
    Occurs when a resource is assigned to 2+ activities whose start & finish dates overlap
    Also occurs if an assignment Units value is greater than resource’s Max Units value
    Will display a red stick figure if over-allocated
    Click Resource Tab>> Level Resources to resolve over-allocations
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    Resource Allocation View
    See Detailed instructions on p.316 of textbook
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    4. Finding Over Allocated Resources
    To analyze over-allocated resources in Resource Allocation View:
    Set timescale to the start of the schedule.
    Slowly scroll timescale toward the end of the schedule.
    Analyze each instance of cell values displayed in red for cause & severity.
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    5. Dealing with Over- Allocations
    MS Project good at identifying over-allocations, but PM is responsible for deciding how to deal with them
    Each action has risks and may “break” something down the line
    Protect your critical path!!!
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    Some choices for dealing with Over-Allocations:
    Replace over-allocated resource with one that has time for assignment
    Reduce Units assignment, extending activity duration
    Lessen scope of one or more activities
    Ignore overload if resource impact is temporary
    Try Resource Tab>>Level Group>>Level Resource or Level All & see how timeline is affected
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    6. Crashing a Critical Path Activity
    Crashing adds resources to a task to shorten time
    Only makes sense to “crash” tasks on critical path
    Crashing is just one option & not appropriate in all cases
    See Detailed instructions pp.317-318 in textbook
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    PM needs to look at listed activities & estimate resources needed to perform each.
    Resource assignments often posted directly on a Gantt Chart schedule.
    RACI charts depict work activities on a vertical scale
    Use responsibility histograms to determine overloads
    Use critical path schedule, resource assignments, & the resource histogram to determine who is overloaded, when, & by what activities.
    Use resource leveling to reduce peak demands by postponing non-critical activities
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    Look for methods of accelerating (compressing) the project schedule.
    Crashing—decision to pay extra money to speed up certain activities on critical path
    Fast tracking—allows activities normally conducted in sequence to be performed in parallel
    Alternative scheduling methods:
    Critical chain
    Reverse phase
    Rolling wave
    Project scheduling software such as Microsoft Project 2016 is useful when determining resources for a project.
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    Managing Software Development with Agile Methods and Scrum
    Holistic approach to managing new product development (scrum)
    Attempt to minimize risk via Sprints
    Time boxes are from 1-4 weeks
    Ability to re-evaluate priorities incrementally
    Scrum master organizes project – acts as a productivity buffer
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    Scrum Elements
    Dynamic backlog of prioritized work to be accomplished
    Use of short iterations of Sprints
    Daily Scrum sessions
    Brief planning session to prioritize backlog of items
    Brief retrospective for reflections about the Sprint
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    Managing Software Development with Agile Methods
    Teams include all resources necessary to complete tasks & finish software product
    Metric for progress is working software
    Schedules based on accomplishing Sprints
    Produce very little written documentation
    Reduce development time, foster innovation, & reduce development risk
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    The Scrum Approach
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    PMBOK Exams
    Resourcing questions will be mostly hands-on
    Keep in mind how resourcing relates to other project work (i.e. scheduling, budgeting, risk management, etc.)
    Use WBS to identify all resource needs
    Know as much as possible about the critical path & how to maintain it
    Be familiar with all steps of Plan Resource Management
    Understand the staffing management plan & resource breakdown structure
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    Casa de Paz Development Project
    At this point, this project is staffed entirely by volunteers.
    How do you suggest reducing the risk of this project being late?
    Project planners “eyeball” the amount of work instead of looking at detail to estimate if there are severe overloads.
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    Timothy J. Kloppenborg

    Vittal Anantatmula

    Kathryn N. Wells

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    Budgeting Projects

    Chapter 10

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    Chapter 10 Core Objectives:
    Define project cost terms & tell how each is used in estimating project cost.
    Compare and contrast analogous, parametric, & bottom-up methods of estimating cost.
    Create a time-phased, bottom-up budget for a project.
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    Chapter 10 Technical Objectives:
    Show both summary & bottom-up project budget information with cumulative costs, using MS Project 2016.
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    Chapter 10 Behavioral Objectives:
    Describe issues in project cost estimating and how to deal with each.
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    Methods of Estimating Costs
    Timothy J. Kloppenborg
    “I worked for the same company in both cities…. Both [methods] made sense where they were used. In Denver, if we wanted to bid every job (and you cannot win the job if you do not bid on it), we needed a fast method. In Kansas City, we had the time to develop detailed cost estimates, and so we took the time. There are many methods of estimating project costs and each has its place.”
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    Plan Cost Management
    Involves developing a cost management plan for a project
    Cost & schedule are closely related
    Plan cost management – the process to determine how to plan, estimate, & control project costs.
    Cost management plan – a living, evolving plan that involves forecasting & refining cost estimates throughout the life of the project.
    Costs included
    Activity resource estimating
    Cost estimating
    Budget determination
    Cost control
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    Purposes of Cost Management Plan
    Way to develop & share relevant, accurate and timely info for decision making
    Provides feedback, linking project to business objectives
    Provides detail & summary information
    Helps project stakeholders focus on schedule & cost performance
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    Estimate Cost
    Linked to scope, schedule, & resource planning
    Never lie to yourself or anyone else
    You must understand what project costs really are
    Avoid shading the truth to secure necessary funding
    Cost estimating – “the process of developing an approximation of monetary resources needed to complete project activities.” ~Practice Standard for Project Estimating (PMI)
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    Estimate Cost
    Types of costs
    Timing & accuracy of cost estimates
    Methods used to estimate costs
    Cost estimating issues
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    Types of Costs
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    Fixed vs. Variable Cost
    Fixed costs remain the same
    Variable costs vary directly with volume of use
    Cost curve reflects as low a total cost as possible at current project size
    Fixed & variable costs involve consideration of project scope
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    Project cost and volume curve
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    Direct vs. Indirect Costs
    Direct costs only occur because of project
    Direct labor
    Other direct costs – material, travel, consultants, subcontracts, purchased parts, computer time
    Indirect costs – not associated with one specific project
    Salaries, buildings, utilities, insurance…
    Costs are allocated across projects
    PM needs to understand how these costs are allocated

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    Direct Versus Indirect Costs
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    Recurring vs. Nonrecurring Costs
    Recurring costs repeat as project work continues
    i.e. Cost of writing code or laying bricks
    Occur most during project execution
    Nonrecurring costs happen only once during a project
    Design development
    Generally occur during project planning & closing
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    Regular vs. Expedited Costs
    Regular costs preferred
    Expedited costs occur when the project must be sped up
    Overtime, expedited shipping, etc.
    Vital to understand schedule pressures & resource demands when estimating costs
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    Other Cost Classifications
    Project estimates need to be aggressive
    But add a reserve to cover activities that run over estimates
    Estimate – “a quantified assessment of the likely amount…It should always include an indication of accuracy.” ~Practice Standard for Project Estimating (PMI)
    Reserve – extra money in project budget to be used if necessary—usually if a risk event occurs…classified as either management reserve or contingency reserve.
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    Two types of Reserve Costs
    Management reserve – money assigned to the project for unknown possible costs & money that senior management controls.
    Contingency reserve – money assigned to the project & allocated for identified risks for which contingency responses are developed.
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    Accuracy & Timing of Cost Estimates

    When should cost estimates be developed?
    How accurate do cost estimates need to be?
    How will cost estimates be used?
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    Different Cost Estimates
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    Order of Magnitude Estimates
    Created when limited project detail is available
    Enough information for “go” or “no go” decision (screen out impractical projects)

    Ball park
    Level one
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    Budget and Definitive Estimates
    More accurate cost estimates at each project stage
    After planning stage, cost estimates should be good enough to use for budgeting
    Rolling wave planning
    Definitive estimate for the 1st stage
    Order of magnitude for the remainder

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    Methods of estimating costs
    Analogous estimating
    Parametric estimating
    Bottom-up estimating
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    Methods of Estimating Costs
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    Analogous Estimating
    A similar project a starting point
    Experience performing similar projects
    Actual costs of similar projects
    Knowledge of how project differs
    Experience with methods used to perform the project
    Analogous estimating – “an estimating technique that uses the values of parameters on a scale, such as scope, cost, budget, & duration or measures of scale such as size, weight, & complexity from a previous and similar activity or project as the basis for estimating the same parameter or measure for a future activity or project respectively.” ~Practice Standard for Project Estimating (PMI)
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    Parametric Estimating
    Involves finding more information regarding the project
    Relies on statistical relationships
    Parametric estimating – “an estimating technique that uses a statistical relationship between historical data and other variables (e.g., square footage in construction, lines of code in software development) to calculate an estimate for….scope, cost, & duration.”
    ~Practice Standard for Project Estimating (PMI)
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    Bottom-Up Estimating
    Most detailed – specifications need to be very clear
    Time consuming
    Most accurate form of estimating
    Ensure every item is included
    Bottom-up estimating – “method of estimating …what is needed to meet the requirements of each of the lower, more detailed pieces of work, preferably the lowest level of WBS work elements, and these estimates are then aggregated into a total quality.” ~Practice Standard for Project Estimating (PMI)
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    Cost Estimating Method Comparison
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    Project Cost Estimating Issues
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    Supporting Detail
    Estimating Method(s) used
    Range of possible outcomes

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    Direct Labor Assumptions
    Workers will be paid $14 per hour
    Workers already familiar in general with technology being used on project
    Workers paid for 40 hours/week, whether there is that much work for them or not
    Overtime will never be authorized
    Project schedule can be delayed if the only alternative is to pay overtime.
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    Supporting Detail – Constraints
    Only in-house workers will be used
    No extra space will be provided
    No extra budget will be allowed
    The current version of the XYZ software will be incorporated into the design
    Constraints often dictate methods available for performing the work
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    Causes of Variation
    Understanding types of variation helps explain & reduce it.
    Statisticians classify variation as coming from either normal or special causes
    Phone calls
    Instant messages
    In-person interruptions
    Lightning strikes
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    Normal and Special Cause Variation
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    Vendor Bid Analysis
    Use to determine whether price is reasonable
    Assume the lowest responsible offer is fair
    Prices may be determined in the marketplace
    Develop a “should cost estimate”
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    Value Engineering
    Double-checking all chosen methods
    A separate stage may be incorporated late in project planning to ensure time is spent on value engineering
    Value engineering – a formal process of dividing total project scope into pieces and examining each for alternatives that may offer benefits in order to meet or exceed overall project objectives without making quality tradeoffs
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    Activity-Based Costing (ABC)
    More modern method for allocating indirect costs
    Yields more accurate cost information
    Cost Drivers:
    Number of units produced
    Number of batches run
    Number of product variations
    Amount of facility utilized
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    Life Cycle Costing
    Total costs of creating and using the project’s results during its useful life
    Consider disposal costs of product after its useful life is complete
    Becoming more and more common, as environmental concerns grow
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    Time Value of Money
    Discount value of future revenue & cost streams
    Discount future dollars by appropriate factor
    Finance department may provide appropriate rate
    Rate depends on inflation rate plus cost of capital
    For global projects, plan for international currency fluctuations
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    Determine Budget
    Aggregating costs
    Analyzing reserve needs
    Determining cash flow
    Determine budget – “the process of aggregating the estimated costs of individual activities or work packages to establish an authorized cost baseline.”~Practice Standard for Project Estimating (PMI)
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    Aggregating Costs
    Direct and indirect costs add up to the cost baseline
    Cost performance baseline – the approved version of the project budget, including how much money is expected to be spent and when; the cost baseline will be compared to actual project results for monitoring and controlling purposes.
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    Aggregating Costs
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    Breakout Session!
    Complete Exercise 10.2 or 10.3 at the end of this chapter, using Exhibit 10.9 as a reference. Complete the following steps, in order:
    Construct a project schedule with a network
    Show the schedule on a Gantt chart, front-loaded
    Delay a task if there is a conflict
    Identify the cost per time period for that worker
    Show cumulative costs for that worker & how they grow through the project
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    Analyzing Reserve Needs
    Known knowns—definite; estimate directly
    Known unknowns—may/may not occur; covered by contingency reserves
    Unknown unknowns (unk unks)—totally unexpected occurrences; covered by management reserve, which is authorized by company executives
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    Analyzing Reserve Needs
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    Analyzing Reserve Needs
    Contingency reserve (calculated during risk analysis)
    Management reserve ($ amount based on degree of uncertainty)
    Cost baseline +
    Contingency reserve +
    Management reserve
    = Sufficient funds?
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    Determining Cash Flow
    Expenses applied to individual activities
    Revenue tracked for availability
    Cash inflow may occur in increments, while expenses are incurred continuously & un-evenly
    Cumulative cash >/= demands?
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    Project Cumulative Cash and Revenue
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    Establishing Cost Control
    Budget  baseline for project control
    Milestones  good measuring points
    Cash flow projections  expected funding needed to reach each milestone
    Control cost – the process of monitoring project costs & managing changes to the cost baseline
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    Using MS Project for Project Budgets
    Develop Bottom-Up Project Budget
    Assignment costs
    Task costs
    View Costs from a different perspective
    Develop Summary Project Budget
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    Assignment Costs
    Required data:
    Assignment work hours
    Resource Standard Rate
    Resource Overtime Rate
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    Task Costs
    Task cost =
    assignment cost + task fixed cost
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    View Costs from a different perspective
    To activate Resource Usage View:
    View Tab>>Split View>> Uncheck Details
    View Tab>>Resource Views Group>>Resource Usage
    Insert a Cost column in left pane
    In right pane, right-click >>choose Cost
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    View costs from a different perspective

    Resource Usage view—assignment costs are summarized at the resource level
    “Unassigned” set represents activities with no assigned resources.
    Resources with no show/hide control have no assignments
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    Develop Summary Project Budget
    Add a dummy activity under each phase summary
    Estimate phase duration & phase cost
    Duration estimate dummy activity’s duration field
    Cost estimate dummy activity’s Cost field
    Remove each dummy activity when detail is added
    Use dummy activity to summarize work for future iterations
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    Dummy Activity for Late Phase
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    Cost management plan outlines how to structure & control project costs
    Cost estimating can be challenging because of activity variation
    Many methods are available to assist in cost estimating.
    Cost budgeting
    Aggregating individual costs
    Analyzing needs for cost reserves
    Determining cash inflow & outflow.
    Establishing cost controls includes establishing cost reporting systems.
    MS Project can assist in developing bottom-up project budgets or summary project budgets.
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    The Value of Budget Optimization
    A three-year capital project portfolio is developed for implementation & budgeted.
    Budgeting process conducted year-round to balance multiple competing objectives
    Utility adopted a project portfolio optimization process to create, analyze, & refine the budget for the portfolio
    A computer-based mathematical algorithm is used to optimize all possible spending portfolios to maximize value and minimize risk at specified budget levels
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    The Value of Budget Optimization Benefits
    Budget strategy understood & communicated
    Budget optimized
    Consistent organizational strategy ensured
    Risk thresholds & tolerance understood
    Planning horizon & purchasing power expanded
    Project dynamics accounted for

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    PMBOK Exams
    Be able to identify parametric, analogous, & bottom-up estimating by description or via example. Make sure you know the relative benefits & weaknesses of using each.
    Budgeting for projects is different in several ways from budgeting for ongoing operations. Familiarize yourself with the “S curve” of project expenditures & predict and answer questions about cash-flow problems that may result.
    Know the difference between contingency & management reserves, as well as who controls each.
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    Casa de Paz Development Project
    Some donations are arriving, but more are needed.
    The amount needed to start depends on which building is purchased.
    Securing enough funds to hire a part-time project coordinator would help reduce overloads placed on volunteers discussed in last chapter.
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