infotech import in strat plan

You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a very brief computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers the following areas:

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Computer and email acceptable use policy

Internet acceptable use policy

Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area. There are plenty of security policy and guideline templates available online for you to use as a reference or for guidance. Your plan should reflect the business model and corporate culture of a specific organization that you select. 

Include at least 3 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. At least two of the references cited need to be peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the library.

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Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 2-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least three scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations

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SafeAssign Originality Report
Spring 2020 – InfoTech Import in Strat Plan (ITS-831-30) – Full Term • Week 10 Research Paper: Develop a Computer/Internet Security P…

%67Total Score: High riskSravan Reddy Sirigi
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Running Head: POLICY 1



Uinversity of Cumberland’s

Sravan Reddy Sirigi

Computer and email acceptable use policy

Employees are not permitted to share passwords with anyone. Moreover, they should not attempt to guess other user’s passwords. Everyone in the company is
responsible for the effective use of equipment and assets allocated to them, such as computers, software, hardware, and network address. Each employee is
answerable to the organization for the usage of the assets. Everyone in the firm should make an effort to secure and safeguard their PINs and assets from
unapproved personnel. The software, as well as hardware, should be configured in a way that prevents unauthorized people from gaining access to the network
and computer resources. Employees are not allowed to try to access constrained shares of the system, safety software, and managerial applications. Employees
are allowed to send personal emails and conduct similar activities at their own time, (Weidman & Grossklags, 2019). Emails should be appropriate, accurate, and
they should not subject the organization to any potential liability. The IS department has the right to delete the password of the worker for any reason, including
when the employee does not remember the password and has to reset or check the email if necessary. The company’s resources should not be used to
download or access any material that can be seen as offensive, disruptive, insulting, or cause harm. Messages that can be developed to bully, harass or
discriminate others based on their sex, age, race, background, sexual orientation, national origin, color, gender identity, ethnicity, physical disability, political
affiliation, marital status and mental disability that is protected by the state and federal law, (Robinson, 2019). Email attachments from an unknown sender
should be deleted immediately without opening because it could be a virus sent to the computer. If the attachment seems suspicious, report it to the IS
department. Internet acceptable use policy

Computer equipment and internet access are owned by employers. They have to be used in accordance with the policies. Workers are not allowed to

access dating sites, gaming, Facebook, and any file sharing, (Policy, 2018). Misuse of the internet will lead to disciplinary actions such as immediate dismissal.
Internet access is managed and controlled through user passwords and accounts, and it should be kept private and confidential. In addition, department
managers are responsible for identifying the network access level for employees in their department. User names and passwords should be given to the
management. If the employee believes that the password has been compromised, he or she should inform the management immediately. The management
shall then reset the password and confirm the user name, (O’Byrne, 2019). The worker shall then be informed of the changes made. When a person is

fired, the management will inform the IT department and the department manager to ensure the removal of the user’s access to emails and internet resources.
This is an essential measure to protect and safeguard the integrity of the employer’s resources. Employees are only allowed to use the internet to carry out
work-related activities such as discussion groups, chat sessions, newsgroups, and webinars. Any other internet users should comply with the federal and
provincial laws, and it should not violate other policies, (Armshaw, 2020). The unacceptable and inappropriate use of the internet includes usage for illegal
purposes like fraud, defamation, copyright infringement, libel, harassment, stalking, spamming, gambling, intimidation, sending viruses, and impersonation.
Watching videos or downloading files that interfere with the performance of the internet is not allowed. Employees are not allowed to engage in activities that
can bring ligations, discredit, and disrepute to the organization. Engaging in online commercial activities and offering products is not allowed. Reference

Armshaw, R. (2020). ICT ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY. Policy. Retrieved from O’Byrne, W. I. (2019). Acceptable Use Policies. The International

Encyclopedia of Media Literacy, 1-6. Retrieved from Policy, I. A. U. (2018).

Acceptable Use Policy-Learners and Staff General Statement. Policy. Retrieved from Robinson,
E. (2019). The panoptic principle: privacy and surveillance in the public library as evidenced in the acceptable use policy (Doctoral dissertation, University of

Strathclyde). Retrieved from Weidman, J., & Grossklags, J. (2019). The acceptable state: an

analysis of the current state of acceptable use policies in academic institutions. ECIS. Retrieved from






2 1
Student paper

Computer and email acceptable use

Original source

Computer and Email acceptable use

Student paper

Internet acceptable use policy

Original source
Internet acceptable use policy
Student paper

Workers are not allowed to access
dating sites, gaming, Facebook, and any
file sharing, (Policy, 2018). Misuse of the
internet will lead to disciplinary actions
such as immediate dismissal. Internet
access is managed and controlled
through user passwords and accounts,
and it should be kept private and
confidential. In addition, department
managers are responsible for
identifying the network access level for
employees in their department.

Original source

Facebook, dating sites, gaming, and file-
sharing of any kind are not allowed
Misuse of the internet will result in
disciplinary actions that can include
immediate dismissal, (Team, 2016)
Internet access is controlled and
managed via user accounts and
passwords that should be kept
confidential Department managers are
responsible for recommending and
identifying network access levels for the
workers in their department

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Student paper 82%

Student paper 77%

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Student paper 80%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 95%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 93%

Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper

User names and passwords should be
given to the management. If the
employee believes that the password
has been compromised, he or she
should inform the management
immediately. The management shall
then reset the password and confirm
the user name, (O’Byrne, 2019).

Original source

All passwords and user names should
be given to the management If the
worker believes that their password
has been compromised, they should
inform the management right away The
management shall confirm the user
name and reset the password

Student paper

When a person is fired, the
management will inform the IT
department and the department
manager to ensure the removal of the
user’s access to emails and internet
resources. This is an essential measure
to protect and safeguard the integrity
of the employer’s resources. Employees
are only allowed to use the internet to
carry out work-related activities such as
discussion groups, chat sessions,
newsgroups, and webinars. Any other
internet users should comply with the
federal and provincial laws, and it
should not violate other policies,
(Armshaw, 2020).

Original source

When the employment is terminated,
the management will inform the
department and IT department to
ensure the removal of the worker’s
access to internet resources and
emails, (Robinson, 2019) This is an
important measure to protect the
integrity and safety of the employer’s
resources Workers are only allowed to
use the internet to carry out work-
related activities Moreover, internet
usage should comply with provincial
and federal laws, and it should not
violate other policies

Student paper

The unacceptable and inappropriate
use of the internet includes usage for
illegal purposes like fraud, defamation,
copyright infringement, libel,
harassment, stalking, spamming,
gambling, intimidation, sending viruses,
and impersonation. Watching videos or
downloading files that interfere with
the performance of the internet is not

Original source

The inappropriate and unacceptable
use of the internet includes usage for
illegal purposes such as defamation,
fraud, harassment, libel, stalking,
gambling, spamming, sending viruses,
intimidation, impersonation, and
copyrighting infringement, (O’Byrne,
2019) Downloading large files or
watching videos that affect the
performance of the network is not

Student paper

Engaging in online commercial activities
and offering products is not allowed.

Original source

Engaging in online commercial activities
by offering products and services is

Student paper


Original source


Student paper

Retrieved from
94f O’Byrne, W.

Original source

Student paper

Acceptable Use Policies. The
International Encyclopedia of Media
Literacy, 1-6.

Original source

Acceptable Use Policies The
International Encyclopedia of Media
Literacy, 1-6

Student paper

Retrieved from

Policy, I.

Original source
Retrieved from
Student paper

Acceptable Use Policy-Learners and
Staff General Statement.

Original source

Acceptable Use Policy-Learners and
Staff General Statement

Student paper

The panoptic principle: privacy and
surveillance in the public library as
evidenced in the acceptable use policy
(Doctoral dissertation, University of
Strathclyde). Retrieved from Weidman, J., &
Grossklags, J.

Original source

The panoptic principle privacy and
surveillance in the public library as
evidenced in the acceptable use policy
(Doctoral dissertation, University of

Student paper

The acceptable state: an analysis of the
current state of acceptable use policies
in academic institutions.

Original source

The acceptable state an analysis of the
current state of acceptable use policies
in academic institutions

Student paper

Retrieved from

Original source
Retrieved from

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