Informative speech outline

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Universal Outline


Speech Title:

General Purpose:

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Specific Purpose:



0. Attention-getter:

0. Common ground:

0. Credibility:

0. Thesis:

0. Preview of main points:



1. Main Point #1:

0. Supporting ideas:

0. Supporting ideas:


1. Main Point #2:

1. Supporting ideas:

1. Supporting ideas:


1. Main Point #3:

2. Supporting ideas:


Supporting ideas:



2. Review of main points:

2. Restate Thesis:

2. Clincher:


Patrick Giffen 03/03/2020

Goal Setting

Speech Title:
Focus on Your Future

General Purpose:
To Inform

Specific Purpose:
To inform my classmates how to set goals to achieve success.

Success in life comes from having goals, a plan to achieve those goals, and following that plan.

I. Introduction

A. Attention-Getter: Good morning. Is your future a little out of focus? Let’s see if we can do something about that. Here is an interesting statistic from Deb Cabral in the “Observer-Dispatch,” a newspaper in Utica N.Y. that traces its roots back to 1817: “A Harvard Business study found that there is a direct correlation between goal setting and success. It said that 14% of the people who have goals are ten times more successful than those who do not have goals.” The American dancer, choreographer, and author, Twyla Tharp quoted the famous artist, Pablo Picasso in the, “Investor’s Business Daily,” “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”

B. Common Ground: Everyone wants the best out of life, but many of us are not sure how to get there. Some of us have goals, some of us have achieved goals, but all of us need to set goals. Succeeding in life is easier than you realize. You must focus on your future.

C. Credibility: Twenty five years ago, I had a pretty good idea what I wanted out of life but no idea how to get it. So, I came up with the FOCUS plan for my own benefit. It has been such a help to me in reaching several goals that I would like to share it with you. By using the focus plan, I was able to reach goals of purchasing a truck, a house, and I have the career that I wanted. By following the FOCUS plan, I am well on my way of succeeding in reaching my latest goal, completing a two year degree here at H.C.C.

D. Thesis: Success in life comes from focusing, having goals, having a plan to achieve those goals and following that plan.

E. Preview of main topics: Today I am going explain to you the steps of the F-O-C-U-S plan: about how four steps will lead you to success.

Transition: Let’s start with the F, the first step to achieving your goals, focus on your future.

II. Body

A. Main Point #1: Focus on your visions, your aspirations, and your dreams.

1. Supporting ideas: This is where it all starts. In order for you to achieve

a goal you must know what it is that you want. Justin Gesso, a bestselling author and accomplished entrepreneur tells us Oprah Winfrey “attributes her success to very clear, vivid images of her goals.”

2. Supporting ideas: So, visualize what it is that you want: picture it in your mind. Is it a house, is it money, is it a career, or maybe you want a sports car?

Transition: You may have many goals. Once you have identified a specific goal or goals, you will move on to the O, the organizing of your thoughts.

B. Main Point #2: You need to organize your thoughts by making a list of your goals.

1. Supporting ideas: Organize your goals into priorities. List them in order of importance to you. Only list the most important few goals.

2. Supporting ideas: Be specific with each goal; if it is a car you want, what kind of car? How much is that car? Is it new or used? What will be needed for a down payment?

Transition: Now that you know which goals are a priority, you need to know how to reach them. C comes next. You need to create a plan.

C. Main Point #3: You need to create a specific plan using a time-line.

1. Supporting ideas: Write down the date you want to have achieved each specific goal; when do you want that car?

2. Supporting ideas: Start with the big plan and break it down into steps. If you want to achieve something in ten years, what should you have accomplished in five years, one year, one month, tomorrow? Using the car as an example, when do you want it? Let’s use three years as an example. How much would you need to save every year to save enough money for a down payment? How much would you need to have saved every month?

Transition: With a viable plan written down you will need the U. Use your plan.

D. Main Point #4: Commit to using your plan by referring to it often and adjusting it if necessary.

1. Supporting ideas: Implement your plan and refer to it daily. Skip that latte and put some money aside, starting today. As Tony Robbins, a goal setting guru says, “take action.”

2. Supporting ideas: Adjust your plan if necessary but stick to it. Don’t let interruptions derail your plan. In a biography of Michael Jordan, David Porter, a sportswriter, tells about how Michael Jordan never made the high school varsity team as a sophomore and how being committed to his goals made him one of the best basketball players in the world.

Zondra Hughes, in the Ebony article, “How TYLER PERRY Rose From HOMELESSNESS To A $5 MILLION MANSION.” tells us how Tyler Perry’s first play “I know I’ve been changed” was such a flop that he ended up homeless. However, he adjusted his plan and rose from being homeless to becoming one of Hollywood’s most powerful and wealthy filmmakers.

Transition: To conclude…

III. Conclusion

A. Review of main points: Today you have learned how you can achieve success from creating your own personalized plan using the F-O-C-U-S guidelines.

B. Restate thesis: As you have seen, success in your life is much more likely if you focus, if you have goals, if you have a plan to achieve those goals, and if you follow that plan.

C. Clincher: Using the statistics shown earlier and if this class is typical, there will be three or four people here that will be ten times more successful than the rest of this class. Which three or four of you will it be?


Cabral, Deb. “Rather than make resolutions, set goals for 2020.” Observer-Dispatch, Utica,

N.Y., Dec. 29, 2019. p. f1. Print




YOUR LIFE.” Success, Spring 2019, p. 38+. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 4 Mar.


Gesso, Justin. “Early Success Goals of the Famous: Oprah Winfrey (plus video).” Feb. 2017.

Web. 6 Mar 2020.

winfrey-plus -video/


MANSION.” Ebony, vol. 59, no. 3, Jan. 2004, p. 86. Print.

Kirk, Lena Mae, “

Setting Goals – Quotes to Inspire You

” Dec. 11, 2018

Porter, David L. “Michael Jordan: A Biography.” Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007. Web. 6

Mar. 2020

Tharp, Twyla, et al. “Quotes Of The Week: From Twyla Tharp, Christopher Morley And

Others.” Investor’s Business Daily,” 22 Aug. 2016, p. 30. Print.

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