Information Systems: The Big Picture

Our guest speaker, Dr. Stephanie Gonzaga, speaks to enterprise system implementations within her company, ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company (INF220 Week One Information Systems – The Big Picture Part One and INF220 Week One Information Systems – The Big Picture Part Two). Describe one measurement dimension of the “A Priori Model” using the dimension measurements in the “A Priori Model” diagram (See the Instructor Guidance). For example, data accuracy is a measurement of system quality. A system with good system quality integrates data input validation rules to allow only certain types of data input in specific fields. Identify how Dr. Gonzaga’s IT organization provided enterprise systems that addressed the “A Priori” measurement dimension you identified: system quality, information quality, satisfaction, individual impact, or organizational impact. Give examples to illustrate your answer. Provide justification and citations for your points. Use the provided news report template for your post: INF220 Week 1 Hot Topics Enterprise Systems News Report.

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