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Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and your study notes, answer the following questions that deal with confidence interval construction and explain the content in detail, including hypothetical examples and calculations. Important: Be sure to include in-text citations and peer reviewed references in APA format in your discussion post. 

  • Define each of the following terms:  
  • Hypothesis testing, 
  • Null and alternative hypothesis, 
  • Non-directional and directional hypothesis, 
  • Type I error in testing hypothesis, 
  • Type II error in testing hypothesis, probability of type I error (ɑ), 
  • Probability of type II error (ß), 
  • Power of the test and its significance, the critical value(s) in a test, 
  • p value (significance level).
  • What is the difference between testing hypothesis on a population and testing hypothesis when comparing two populations? Provide hypothetical examples.
  • What are the possible outcomes in testing a hypothesis? 
  • What are the determinant factors in deciding the critical value(s) in testing a hypothesis?
  • When the z statistic is appropriate to be used in testing a hypothesis? 
  • When the t statistic is appropriate to be used in testing a hypothesis? For each case, include the underlying assumptions, and the test statistic, for both testing a hypothesis on the mean of population, and testing hypothesis in comparing the value of the mean in a population with the value of the mean in another population. 
  • What is the criterion for rejecting the null hypothesis for both non-directional and directional tests?
  • How do you find the p value in each case?
  • Do not forget to discuss cases that involve proportion(s). 

  • When is the chi-squared statistic used in testing a hypothesis? Include underlying assumptions and the test statistic for testing a hypothesis on a single population. 
  • What is the criterion for rejecting the null hypothesis for both non-directional and directional tests? 
  • How do you find the p value in each case?

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