Industrial Site Location Report

Prepare a professional report like you were an industrial site selector that uses data-driven empirical analysis to recommend an industrial location. (Unless you have access to ESRI Business Analyst, I recommend against using a retailer from your site selection report).  Report

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Select a case from one of these industries:

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  • Packaged-Food Manufacturing
  • Communications Equipment Manufacturing
  • Automotive Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • Carbonated Beverage Manufacturing

If you work for a company/industry and would like to examine a different industry, let me know. 

Be sure to explain why you are making recommendations.  Support/justify recommendations

1) Complete a

Project Requirements Questionnaire

Actions (pg. 20-27 in the textbook) as best you can without engineering knowledge.

2) Use the project drivers from the questionnaire to develop a screening process to select potential sites.

3) Identify two potential sites for consideration

1.Identify economic development incentives which might apply

2.Specific real estate location

ED 620 Location Analysis Grading Criteria x

New Industrial Site Location Report



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Executive Summary

An executive summary is a concise description of what the report contains. Pull important points from the body of the report and put them into the executive summary. Include the major findings, analysis and conclusions. A good executive summary allows the reader to understand the basic content of the report without reading the report. 150 to 250 words. This must include the recommended top two sites and why they are the best sites.


Fours Parts in an introduction

1. Purpose (It should be written in the present tense)

· States the purpose of the report

· Includes what the report will recommend

2. Background

· Provides information on the problem or situation that gave rise to the investigation

3. Method of investigation

· States how the investigation was conducted, and data sources used e.g. Gazelle, USITC database, etc.

4. Scope

· States the areas of investigation

Project Requirements

Objectives of the new facility

Site and building

Financial assumptions

Production, market, and distribution

Raw materials and industrial services



Needs and Wants

Identify specific needs and wants and data sources for each screen

Screening Process

Walk the client through the site elimination process

Top Two Sites for Further Consideration

Possible incentives available

Specific real estate location


Provide a concise summary of the issues and findings explored in the report. It should also include next recommended steps



Appendix A: Project Requirement Questionnaire

Location Analysis Grading Criteria

1. The report looks professional and follows the technical writing rules for this course.

2. The selected company is not targeted for an obvious or pre-determined location and requires analysis expected from a MBA course.

3. Utilized data and recommendations from the Canvas discussion

4. The report uses comprehensive data-driven empirical analysis to recommend industrial locations.


Thoroughly completed a Project Requirements Questionnaire following pg. 20-27 in textbook

6. Insightfully used the project drivers from the questionnaire to develop a screening process to select potential sites.

7. Identified two potential sites for consideration

8. For each site identified incentives that might apply

9. For each site a specific real estate location was identified

10. Executive summary and conclusions are insightful and demonstrate an understanding of the material covered in this course.

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