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At a professional conference, you have been selected to lead a discussion among experienced development professionals on the ways in which heutagogical thinking might be applied to designing learning processes for supervisory and management training.

Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Create a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) with appropriate, refined, and well-developed answers regarding heutagogical learning to be used as talking points in the workshop. Be sure to consider your audience and its interests. 
  • Prepare your FAQs to address the similarities and differences between heutagogy and widely-known concepts of self-directed learning. You should also address the relationship between the concept of heutagogy and constructivist learning theories. 
  • Address the acceptance of the term heutagogyamong scholars and its secondary use in educational and training literature. Is this a widely-known and accepted term and a well-differentiated concept or theory? 
  • Describe the process of transition from a pedagogical approach to a heutagogical approach to learning.

 Suggested word count: 1,000–1,250, not including title page, abstract, and reference page(s) 

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