In this assessment, you will learn about the differences between clinical and personal recovery and therapeutic communication that fosters personal recovery for people who experience psychotic disorders


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Part one: explain the differences between clinical and personal mental health recovery and discuss how personal recovery can enhance the wellbeing of people who experience psychotic disorders.

Part two: reflect on how you, as a future registered nurse, can use therapeutic communication skills (e.g. active listening, probing, empathic responding) to assist a consumer living with the effects of a psychotic disorder identify their strengthens and embark on a personal recovery journey. Include no more than two examples of communication skills in your answer.

Support your explanation and reflections with peer-reviewed articles, including nursing literature.


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Assessment two: reflective essay regarding the personal recovery for people living with a psychotic disorder

Assessment Item 2:
Reflective Essay (50%)

High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail

Part One: In relations to
mental health, explain
the differences between
clinical and personal
concepts of recovery
and discuss how
personal recovery can
enhance the wellbeing
of people who
experience psychotic

Marks available 35%

35- 30 Marks
A comprehensive explanation of
the differences between clinical
and personal recovery and a
discussion of how personal
recovery can enhance the
wellbeing of people who
experience psychotic disorders is
clearly established.

The explanation and discussion are
supported with depth and
developed with clear reference to
peer reviewed literature.
Explanation and discussion are
developed as a result of
scrupulously considering,
integrating and comparing the
referenced sources.

Sentences and paragraphs clearly
relate to each other, and
paragraphs effectively consolidate
meaning. Ideas and arguments are
developed and strengthened
throughout the paper, and a
central thesis is clearly established.

29 – 26 Marks
A comprehensive explanation of
the differences between clinical
and personal recovery and a
discussion of how personal
recovery can enhance the
wellbeing of people who
experience psychotic disorders is
clearly established.

The explanations and discussion
are supported with a clear
understanding of the peer
reviewed literature cited. The
discussion considers, integrates
and compares the referenced

The sentences and paragraphs are
related, and paragraphs effectively
consolidate meaning. Ideas and
arguments are developed
throughout the paper, and a
central thesis is developed.

25 – 23 Marks
An explanation of the differences
between clinical and personal
recovery and a discussion of how
personal recovery can enhance the
wellbeing of people who
experience psychotic disorders are
provided. The explanation and
discussion are clear, but not

The explanations and discussion
are supported with some
understanding of the peer-
reviewed literature cited;
however, the literature is not
thoroughly compared or
integrated; most of the discussion
consists of independent claims,
that do not involve a cross-
comparison of the literature.

The sentences and paragraphs are
related in a general sense but are
not explicitly linked. There is some
attempt at developing a central

22- 18 Marks
An explanation of the differences
between clinical and personal
recovery and a discussion of how
personal recovery can enhance the
wellbeing of people who
experience psychotic disorders are
provided. The explanation and
discussion are not comprehensive
and sometimes not clear.

The explanations and discussion
are supported with limited and
basic understanding of the cited
peer- reviewed literature, which is
not compared or integrated.

The sentences and paragraphs are
mostly related, but at times are
not clearly linked or well-
structured. There is no attempt at
developing a central thesis.

17 – 0 Marks
An explanation of the differences
between clinical and personal
recovery is not provided, AND/Or;

A discussion of how personal
recovery can enhance wellbeing
for people experience psychotic
disorders is not provided, AND/Or;

The essay primarily consists of
superficial statements, the
discussion is not developed
beyond cursory mention or
identification of significant
concepts, and the sentences and
paragraphs have no thematic
development, AND/OR;

The explanation and/or discussion
is not clearly based on peer-
reviewed literature, AND/OR;

The sources used are

Part two: Reflect on
how you, as a future
registered nurse, can
use therapeutic
communication skills to
assist a person living
with the effects of a

35-30 Marks
Provides an in-depth and
personalised reflection about how
they can use one to two skills to
assist a person living with the
effects of a psychotic disorder to
identify their strengths and
embark on a personal recovery

29-23 Marks
Provides an in-depth reflection
about how they can use one to
two communication skills to assist
a person living with the effects of a
psychotic disorder to identify their
strengths and embark on a
personal recovery journey.

25-23 Marks
Provides a reflection about how
they can use one to two
communication skill to assist a
person living with the effects of a
psychotic disorder to identify their
strengths and embark on a
personal recovery journey.

22-18 Marks
Provides a superficial reflection
about how they can use one to
two communication skills to assist
a person living with the effects of a
psychotic disorder to identify their
strengths and embark on a
personal recovery journey

17-0 Marks
Provides little to no reflection
about how they can assist a person
living with the effects of a
psychotic disorder to identify their
strengths and embark on a
personal recovery journey,

psychotic disorder
identify their strengths
and embark on a
personal recovery

Marks available 35%

Reflections are well supported
with peer-reviewed nursing
literature and are developed as a
result of scrupulously considering,
integrating and comparing the
referenced sources.

The reflection is written with
sentences that clearly relate to
each other, and paragraphs that
effectively consolidate meaning.
The arguments are developed and
strengthened throughout the
paper, and a central thesis is
clearly established.

Reflections are supported with a
clear understanding of the peer
reviewed nursing literature cited.
The discussion considers,
integrates and compares the
referenced sources.

The sentences and paragraphs are
related, and paragraphs effectively
consolidate meaning. Ideas and
arguments are developed
throughout the paper, and a
central thesis is developed.

Reflections are supported with
some understanding of the peer-
reviewed nursing literature cited;
however, the literature is not
thoroughly compared or
integrated; most of the discussion
consists of independent claims,
that do not involve a cross-
comparison of the literature.

The sentences and paragraphs are
related in a general sense but are
not explicitly linked. There is some
attempt at developing a central

Reflections are supported with
some nursing peer-reviewed
literature; but are not thoroughly
integrated, compared or related.

The sentences and paragraphs are
mostly related, but at times are
not linked or well-structured.
There is no attempt at developing
a central thesis.

Reflections are not supported with
peer-reviewed nursing literature

Reflections are not developed
beyond cursory mention or
identification of significant
concepts, and the sentences and
paragraphs have no thematic
development, AND/OR;

The sources used are

Introduction and
Conclusion Paragraphs

Marks available 10%

10 – 9 Marks
Introduction succinctly outlines
the significance of personal
recovery for people who
experience psychotic disorders and
previews the main points of the
essay. Conclusion concisely draws
together the main points and

8 Marks
Introduction succinctly outlines
the topic of the essay and its main
points. Conclusion concisely sums
up the main points of the essay.

7 Marks
Introduction states the topic of the
essay and its main points.
Conclusion sums up main points of
the essay. Both introduction
and/or conclusion could be written
more succinctly.

5 – 6 Mark
Introduction states the topic of the
essay and its main points.
Conclusion sums up the some of
the main points of the essay. Both
introduction and/or conclusion
could be written more clearly and

4 – 0 Marks
There is no introduction, or the
introduction lacks a clear focus.
There is no conclusion, or the
conclusion fails to draw together
the main points.

Academic Writing

Marks available 10%

10 – 9 Marks
Essay is clearly written, easy to
read, uses appropriate vocabulary,
with few or no grammatical errors

8 Marks
Essay is clearly written, easy to
read, uses appropriate vocabulary,
with minor grammatical errors
that do not affect clarity.

7 Marks
The writing is generally
comprehensible. There may be
some errors in grammar, spelling
and vocabulary that affect clarity.

5 – 6 Marks
The writing needs improvement.
There are multiple errors in
grammar and vocabulary that
affect clarity.

4 – 0 Marks
The writing requires effort and
concentration to understand.
There are some serious errors in
grammar and vocabulary that
affect clarity of communication.

Referencing adheres to
APA 7th or Harvard

Marks available 10%

10 – 9 Marks
Referencing is consistent with
chosen style (Harvard UTS of APA
7th), very few errors made and at
least 15 references have been

8 Marks
Referencing errors are made
infrequently, but errors do not
obscure author identity or source
origin and at least 12 references
have been used.

7 Marks
Referencing errors are made, but
errors do not obscure author
identity or source origin and
at least 10 references have been

5 – 6 Marks
Referencing errors are made, but
errors do not obscure author
identity or source origin and
at least 9 references have been

4 – 0 Marks
Referencing errors are frequent,
The identity of authors/origin of 2
or more sources is unclear,
Any discrepancies between in-text
references and the reference list,
Less than 10 references have been

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