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Over the past five or six decades, there have been many efforts to have people with First Nations ancestry appear in broadcast media in Canada. More recently, there has been a push to have these actors appear in more varied and authentic roles that do not rely on stereotypes.

Step 1 – Define purpose

What do you see as the purpose of these efforts to increase representation of First Nations characters on TV and in films? Is it to improve the relationship between aboriginal people and those in mainstream Canadian society? To create a better situation for all First Nations people? To create opportunities for First Nations artists?

Write a clear purpose statement in the textbox below.

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Step 2 – Formulate your response

To what degree has this purpose, as you see it, been achieved? Give examples from the TV and films covered in this section such as Tipi Tales and Raven Tales, Smoke Signals and The Beachcombers as well as from your own experience. Write this as a paragraph in the textbox below.

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