Identity theft


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0- to 16-page APA-formatted paper in which you address the following:

  • Identify the problem or process related to policy. (1–2 pages)
  • Review the current literature relevant to the crime problem or criminal justice process issue. (6–9 pages)
  • Summarize the existing policy and potential approaches to the problem or process issue. (2–3 pages)
  • Assess the strengths and limitations of the policy and potential approaches. (1–2 pages)

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What is Identity Theft?
Identity theft is theft of an individual’s personal information and is used without permission.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics found that more than 16.7 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2017 alone. Fraud loss total over $16.8 million. Major companies like Equifax, JP Morgan Chase, Target and Yahoo have all been hacked. (


Forms of ID Theft


ID Theft Versus ID Fraud
ID theft-theft of personal identification information: title, SS #, credit and bank cards, parental information, driver’s license, medical records
ID fraud-fraud is the actual use of personal information: Credit card fraud, Employment or tax fraud, utilities fraud, bank fraud


The Federal Trade Commission 2017 reports that 35% of fraud complaints & 18.9% of ID theft complaints impacted seniors over 60.
The Federal Trade Commission, 2017 reports that 13, 852 affecting children (under age 19).
3.89% of all identity theft complaints for the year


History of Laws Fighting Identity Theft
1998 Congress made identity theft a felony
Theft Identity & Deterrence Act
2004 Theft Penalty Enhancement Act
2008 Identity Theft Implementation and Compensation Act
FBI–Federal Bureau of Investigation
FTC—Federal Trade Commission
SS–Secret Service
Postal Inspection Service


Complicated Passwords
Change up your passwords
Be Warry Abnormal Websites and Links.
Keep personal information personal.
Credit reports checked often.
Fraud Alerts
Docments protected with personal information.
Reduce online expsure.

Approach 1
An evidence-based approach to preventing Identity Theft. The findings from empirical research on the specific issue of identity theft are utilized to implement policies that have been shown to be beneficial.

Approach 2
Situational crime prevention is the managerial and environmental amendments to change the opportunity structure for identity theft to occur—not just the immediate physical and social settings in which the theft occurs, but includes societal situations that make the crimes possible

Approach 3
General strain theory is an assortment of tensions or stressors escalate the possibility of crime. These tensions may include the incapacity to accomplish completely esteemed goals, and the harm of positively-valued incentives

Find Help
Monitoring Amenities
Credit checking tracks signal credit information. There are three major credit bureaus
Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion
Identity monitoring signals your personal information — like your bank account information or SS#, driver’s license, passport, or medical identification
Identity recovery services assist the process of regaining control of your good name and finances after identity theft occurs
Identity theft insurance and chief identity theft protection services.

Help Yourself
Screen credit reports for free.
Examination of credit card, bank, and retirement accounts regularly
Explanation of benefits (EOB) statements from health insurance providers
engage a free credit freeze security freeze

Alice Hutchings & Thomas J. Holt (2017) The online stolen data market: disruption and intervention approaches, Global Crime, 18:1, 11-30, DOI: 10.1080/17440572.2016.1197123
This article was chosen due to the information it proved on the intervention.
Martinez, V., Jacobson, J. and Iheanacho, N. (2019), “The SEC brings its first enforcement action under the identity theft red flags rule”, Journal of Investment Compliance, Vol. 20 No. 1, pp. 31- 35.
I chose this article for the new information on creating policy to show the red flags in identity theft
Reyns, B. W., & Henson, B. (2015). The Thief With a Thousand Faces and the Victim With None. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60(10), 1119 1139. doi:10.1177/0306624×1557286
I chose this article due to the information provided about the victims involved in identity theft.
Reyns, B., Randa, R. & Henson, B. Preventing crime online: Identifying determinants of online preventive behaviors using structural equation modeling and canonical correlation analysis. Crime Prev Community Saf 18, 38–59 (2016) doi:10.1057/cpcs.2015.21
I chose this article as it describes methods on how to prevent identity theft.
Van de Weijer, S. G., Leukfeldt, R., & Bernasco, W. (2018). Determinants of reporting cybercrime: A comparison between identity theft, consumer fraud, and hacking. European Journal of Criminology, 16(4), 486-508. doi:10.1177/1477370818773610
I chose this resource for the information provided on comparing identity theft, consumer fraud and hacking.

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