Identification of unknown Lab

CASE STUDY #8 Student Name: ——-

(8 pts.)

1.- (1 pt.) Clinical specimen collected from patient: ————————

What is the gram reaction, shape, and arrangement of the isolated organism?

2.- ( 1 pt.) Would you classify the organism as an opportunistic pathogen, or a true pathogen? Explain your answer.

3.- Chart _ 3 pts.


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Description of Result

Interpretation of Results

organisms not eliminated with the test

Answer the questions below using the results of the biochemical tests, and any other material provided for these exercises.

4.- (1 pt.) The result of test 1 puts the bacteria isolated in the genus ——————
Based on the results obtained in test 1, the organism isolated could have which of the following oxygen requirement preferences?
A. Strict aerobe B. strict anaerobe C. Microaerophile D. Facultative anaerobe
E. Aerotolerant
Based on the result of test 2, the organism isolated could be classified as a:
Osmotolerant (also called halotolerant) or B. Osmophile (also called halophile)

Using Tests 2-3 explain the following:

5.-(1 pt.) For test 2: Medium used, principle of the test, any reagent or indicator used.

6.- (1 pt.) For test 3: Medium used, principle of the test, any reagent or indicator used.

CASE STUDY #7 Student Name: ——-

(8 pts.)

1.- (1 pt.) Clinical specimen collected from patient: ————————

What is the gram reaction, shape, and arrangement of the isolated organism?

2.- (1 pt.) What was the volume of urine inoculated onto the plate?

What was the count of organisms that the sample yielded?

A 0.1 ml of a sample of urine plated on a NA plate yields 100 colonies or CFU’s are the resulting CFU’s/ml indicative of a UTI? Explain your answer.

3.- Chart _ 3 pts.


Order of test




Description of Result

Interpretation of Results

organisms not eliminated with the test

Answer the questions below using the results of the biochemical tests, and any other material provided for these exercises.

4.- (1 pt.) The result of test 1 puts the bacteria isolated in the genus ——————
Based on the results obtained in test 1, the organism isolated could have which of the following oxygen requirement preferences?
A. Strict aerobe B. strict anaerobe C. Microaerophile D. Facultative anaerobe
E. Aerotolerant
MSA is a selective and differential medium, selecting for ————————– and differentiating between ————————- and —————————-.
Using Tests 2-3 explain the following:

5.-(1 pt.) For test 2: Medium used, principle of the test, any reagent or indicator used.

6.- (1 pt.) For test 3: Medium used, principle of the test, any reagent or indicator used.

CASE STUDY #3 Student Name: ——-

(8 pts.)

1.- (0.5 pts.) The specimen tested were stool specimens from several patients.

What were the symptoms presented by the patients?

How was the TSI test tube inoculated? (be specific)

2.- Chart _ 4 pts.


Order of test





Description of Result

Interpretation of Results

organisms not eliminated with the test

Answer the questions below using the results of the biochemical tests, and any other material provided for these exercises.

3.- (0.5 pts.) What is the color of the slant and the butt of the TSI test result?
What do these colors indicate regarding fermentation of sucrose, lactose, and glucose?

Using Tests 2-4 explain the following:

4.-(1 pt.) For test 2: Medium used, principle of the test, any reagent or indicator used.

5.- (1 pt.) For test 3: Medium used, principle of the test, any reagent or indicator used.

6.- (1 pt.) For test 4: Medium used, principle of test, any reagent or indicator used.

CASE STUDY #5 Student Name: ——-

(8 pts.)

1.- (0.5 pts.) Clinical specimen collected from patient: ————————

Gram reaction, shape, and arrangement:

What were the signs and symptoms exhibited by the patient?

How is the SIM medium inoculated? (be specific)

2.- Chart _ 4 pts.


Order of test





Description of Result

Interpretation of Results

organisms not eliminated with the test

Answer the questions below using the results of the biochemical tests, and any other material provided for these exercises.

3.- (0.5 pts.) Based on the results of the SIM test observed, is the organism an H2S producer?
Is the organism a fermenter? What sugars (if any) are fermented by the organism?

Using Tests 2-4 explain the following:

4.-(1 pt.) For test 2: Medium used, principle of the test, any reagent or indicator used.

5.- (1 pt.) For test 3: Medium used, principle of the test, any reagent or indicator used.

6.- (1 pt.) For test 4: Medium used, principle of test, any reagent or indicator used.

4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 1/3

Student: Manoj

Phases Complete
7 of 7 phases.

Phase Resets
Phase 1: 0
Phase 2: 0
Phase 3: 0
Phase 4: 0
Phase 5: 0
Phase 6: 0
Phase 7: 0
Phase 8: 0

For the past 10 days, Jackie felt exhausted and lacked her usual stamina. Several times, she
ran a fever, which abated when she took acetaminophen. Just walking up the stairs left her
short of breath. Since the symptoms seemed to be worsening, she visited her physician. The
nurse practitioner noted that her heart murmur, present since childhood, was noticeably louder
and much more obvious. She had also developed a petechial rash (purplish streaks) under her
fingernails. She had a fever of 38.2°C at the time of the visit. When asked about her activities
over the last month, she mentioned that she had a minor outpatient orthopedic surgery to
check her previously surgically replaced knee. Suspecting possible bloodstream infection and
endocarditis, the medical team ordered blood cultures, which were sent to you in the
microbiology lab. Within 24–36 hours later, there was evidence of growth in the culture tubes.
Colonies were further isolated on an agar plate for additional investigation and identification.

Case Introduction Questions
Based on the information in the case, what organism(s) could or should be suspected to
cause this scenario?
Select all that apply.
Enterococcus faecalis
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus epidermidis

4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 2/3

Now that a pure culture has been isolated for you, what would be a good starting
procedure to begin classifying your unknown organism?

Gram staining

Collected Lab Data
Test Result

Gram staining

Gram (+) cocci in clusters

Catalase test
Bubbles were noted on slide, unknown bacteria was
concluded to be catalase (+)

Mannitol salt agar test
Pink reaction was noted on MSA plate, unknown bacteria
grew in high salt and was concluded to be unable to ferment

Novobiocin test
Zone of inhibition was noted on plate, unknown bacteria was
concluded to be novobiocin (Sensitive)

Unknown bacterium identification Staphylococcus epidermidis

Completed Dichotomous Key

4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 3/3

4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 1/3

Student: Manoj

Phases Complete
8 of 8 phases.

Phase Resets
Phase 1: 0
Phase 2: 0
Phase 3: 0
Phase 4: 0
Phase 5: 0
Phase 6: 0
Phase 7: 0
Phase 8: 0
Phase 9: 0

Following hip replacement surgery, 90 year-old James was anticipating his transfer to a
rehabilitation center, when he suddenly spiked a fever of 38.5°C (normal body temperature is
37°C). He started experiencing chest pain and difficulty breathing. The attending physician
noticed some crackles and abnormal lung sounds by stethoscope exam. A chest X-ray showed
fluid accumulating in his lungs, a clear sign of lower respiratory tract infection and pneumonia.
A sputum specimen was collected in a sterile container and promptly delivered to the
microbiology laboratory. The sample was marked ‘STAT’ for unknown organism identification
before James’s lung function was compromised and he would need to be put on a ventilator.
The laboratory team isolated the organism into pure culture and it was provided to you on a
nutrient agar plate and in a liquid broth culture tube for further investigation.

Case Introduction Questions
Based on the information in the case, what organism(s) could or should be suspected to
cause this scenario?
Select all that apply.
Escherichia coli
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Serratia marcescens

4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 2/3

Now that a pure culture has been isolated for you, what would be a good starting
procedure to begin classifying your unknown organism?

Gram staining

Collected Lab Data
Test Result

Gram staining

Gram (-) bacilli

Oxidase test No color was noted on swab, concluded as oxidase (-)

Lactose fermentation
Pink-to-purple colonies were noted on MacConkey agar,
unknown bacteria was concluded as lactose fermentation (+)

Methyl red test
No reaction was noted in MR-VP tube, unknown bacteria was
concluded to be methyl red (-)

Motility test
No movement away from inoculation line was noted in tube,
unknown bacterium was concluded to be (-) for motility

Unknown bacterium identification Klebsiella pneumoniae

Completed Dichotomous Key

4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 3/3



2/2021 Laboratory Simulation 1/3

Student: Manoj

Phases Complete
8 of 8 phases.

Phase Resets
Phase 1: 0
Phase 2: 0
Phase 3: 0
Phase 4: 0
Phase 5: 0
Phase 6: 0
Phase 7: 0
Phase 8: 0
Phase 9: 0

The severe storm had damaged the sewage treatment plant, which was now flooded and
leaking raw sewage into the nearby creek. This creek emptied into a large lake that serves as
the water supply for a metropolitan area and surrounding counties. Local agencies tasked with
monitoring water quality noted greatly increased numbers of bacteria. Individuals that drank
water from the contaminated reservoir developed nausea and vomiting, along with diarrhea,
which could appear bloody (dysentery). Samples were taken from affected patients and sent
for unknown organism identification of the cause of these gastrointestinal illnesses. The
laboratory team isolated the organism into pure culture and it was provided to you on a nutrient
agar plate and in a liquid broth culture tube for further investigation.

Case Introduction Questions
Based on the information in the case, what organism(s) could or should be suspected to
cause this scenario?
Select all that apply.
Escherichia coli
Salmonella typhimurium
Shigella sonnei

4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 2/3

Now that a pure culture has been isolated for you, what would be a good starting
procedure to begin classifying your unknown organism?

Gram staining

Collected Lab Data
Test Result

Gram staining

Gram (-) bacilli

Oxidase test No color was noted on swab, concluded as oxidase (-)

Lactose fermentation
Colorless colonies were noted on MacConkey agar, unknown
bacteria was concluded as lactose fermentation (-)

H S production test
No black color was noted in tube, unknown bacterium was
concluded to be (-) for H2S production

Citrate test
Green color was noted in tube, unknown bacterium was
concluded to be (-) for citrate production

Unknown bacterium identification Shigella sonnei

Completed Dichotomous Key


4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 3/3

4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 1/3

Student: Manoj

Phases Complete
7 of 7 phases.

Phase Resets
Phase 1: 0
Phase 2: 0
Phase 3: 0
Phase 4: 0
Phase 5: 0
Phase 6: 0
Phase 7: 0
Phase 8: 0

For most of the morning, Tracey was experiencing low pelvic pain and a burning sensation
each time she urinated. She recognized the symptoms of a bladder infection and made an
appointment with the urgent care clinic for later that day. A urinalysis showed an abundance of
white blood cells, suggesting a urinary tract infection (UTI). A specimen of clean-catch urine
was sent to the microbiology lab where a sterile calibrated loop was used to deliver and streak
out 1 microliter of urine on an agar plate, which yielded colonies too numerous to count. An
inoculation and overnight incubation of the urine into sterile broth yielded heavy growth.

Case Introduction Questions
Based on the information in the case, what organism(s) could or should be suspected to
cause this scenario?
Select all that apply.
Escherichia coli
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
Streptococcus agalactiae

Now that a pure culture has been isolated for you, what would be a good starting
procedure to begin classifying your unknown organism?

Gram staining

4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 2/3

Collected Lab Data
Test Result

Gram staining

Gram (+) cocci in clusters

Catalase test
Bubbles were noted on slide, unknown bacteria was
concluded to be catalase (+)

Mannitol salt agar test
Pink reaction was noted on MSA plate, unknown bacteria
grew in high salt and was concluded to be unable to ferment

Novobiocin test
No zone of inhibition was noted on plate, unknown bacteria
was concluded to be novobiocin (Resistant)

Unknown bacterium identification Staphylococcus saprophyticus

Completed Dichotomous Key

4/22/2021 Laboratory Simulation 3/3

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