IB315 Unit 5 Group Post

You will select one major region in the world (i.e. East Asia, Europe, Mexico/Latin America, North Africa/Middle East, South Asia/Southeast Asia/Australia, and Sub-Saharan Africa).  Each team member must choose a different region –  share your chosen region, so your peers don’t write about the same region. I have chosen North Africa/Middle East.

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Find a credible source of article covering a current event in your selected region. Searching for multiple sources of the same event is strongly encouraged. Sometimes you might get insights from opposing views on the same event. (You must include a LINK to your chosen event article)

Summarize the content of the article(s) by briefing who, what, when, where, and how the event occurs.

Tell us what your major take-away from the event in terms of how the event impacts international business. Explain WHY this event is important to you, us, and/or the rest of the world.

Name a course topic that you learned in previous weeks and discuss this previously learned concept has broadened your understanding of the region and event. 

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