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Unit 2: Homework Submit AssignmentDue Sunday by 11:59pm Points 40 Submitting a file uploadRead Chapter 3.Complete the Discussion questions.Complete the assignment and place in the submission link by midnight Sunday (CST).Please work and post in the submission link the following problems:Chapter 3: Problem 3-1, 3-2, 3-4, 3-5, 3-10Problem solutions should be well organized and presented. Please show all calculations. Submissions should contain student full name, and correct grammar and spelling if included. The homework should be submitted via the submission link by Sunday at midnight (CST). Homework with be graded within 5 days of the due dates. Grades can be viewed in the gradebook of the course.Once you are ready to submit your assignment, go to SUBMISSION LINK on the top right hand corner and submit it in the unit the assignment is due.

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