I.T. to Facilitate Change

 Pick one “Big 4” community development topic  

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  • Not the entire broad topic…narrow it down to one or two aspects of the topic
  • Which one and why this one?
  • Where and why this location? Not N. America.
    (You need to have some personal knowledge of the location.)
  • How can IT professional field/experiences inform how you can address that topic in making a difference?

    It may be you starting an organization
    It may be you doing it in addition to your job – like a CSR initiative
    It may be a service activity you do outside your job

  • What can you, as an I.T. professional, do about it to make a difference?

    Work experiences
    Your nature as an I.T. professional

  • What ICT-related technology(ies) can you use to facilitate addressing the topic?

    Information technologies
    Communications technologies
    Which one(s) and how will they be used?

  • You will create a Powerpoint to share with the class!

    Cover slide with your name and topic you chose
    One slide for at least each of the major bullets on this list

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    That means at least four content slides
    You may find that you need up to ten slides

    References slide if you use content from anywhere on the Internet, in a book, or from a person

    The slides will be run through a plagiarism check

    Most presentations end up being 6-10 slides in length

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