I need to make at least a 75-word comment on my classmate’s post lies in the work place Brittany wow its crazy how this is a discussion because this the very reason i left my last job. when i was at my last job the general manager an

I need to make at least a 75-word comment on my classmate’s postlies in the work placeBrittany                      wow its crazy how this is a discussion because this the very reason i left my last job. when i was at my last job the general manager and the owner of the company told me that i should keep doing what i was doing. which is keep our numbers good and making sure everything runs smoothly on each shift and they would promote me too assistant manager. so i proceeded to do so working my behind off thinking i would get promoted. well time flies pass i start to ask questions and they are blowing me off. well weeks later a new women got hired in my job and they ask me to train her for my position currently. but that was a lie the whole time i was training this women to take the job i had been promise. the sick part about it is it happen all across the world everyday were employees are lied to constantly. the work place is supposed to be a honest place at least thatch what they tell you when you apply. its not always honest and that’s scary.

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