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Part A:

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Go to: Unit four Powerpoint Chapter Seven, slide 17, do the following:

1. complete one of the gender tests

2. complete two of the other tests on the right column

3. answer the question on the slide regarding your test results

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Part B:

Please view the following clip:


then read the following article: http://planphilly.com/articles/2017/07/25/in-2017-is-white-supremacy-still-alive-and-well-in-this-philadelphia-building-trades-union

Note: GM Powertrain is a unionized facility who votes for their union officers of which some of the union officers get paid $50,000 to $100,000

Now answer the following questions:

  1. Define the problem that GM Powertrain and Philly is experiencing as it relates to diversity and inclusion.
  2. If the employees with power (the ability to influence due to either large numbers or protection by the union) are doing the harassing and they vote for union members—who will the union protect and why? Will they protect the harassed employees or those doing the harassing, why?
  3. What does this scenario have to do with the following statements: Having a “certain” identity that society values can provide you power. Belonging to a group with power can provide you protection in the workplace.
  4. Now read the following: https://societyfordiversity.wordpress.com/2012/06/12/dont-let-a-hanging-noose-surprise-you/ Based upon this reading, state three things that GM Powertrain and Philly should have done and three things they should not do as the scenario plays out.
  5. Do you think that diversity training of the employees would help with these scenarios, why or why not?

MGMT 3700: Best Practices in Diversity: Leveraging Differences to Drive Success
Professor Selina Griswold, MSM/MA
College of Business & Innovation
Chapter Four: Strengthening Interpersonal Awareness and Fostering Relational Eloquence

Objectives of this Lesson
Learning the interpersonal processes that minimize destructive conflict.
Explain key tools, frameworks and practices for engaging people and leveraging diversity.
Identifying microaggressions and their impact on inclusion.
Comprehend how these practices are acquired, maintained and practiced.


FDA Diversity Module
FDA Diversity Module

Meaning Making in Communication
When we interact with others, they bring with them their history, personal experiences and beliefs/stories that have been inherited.
This meaning making comes from our cultural identity at both the group and individual level.
Cultural identity at the individual level involves social group affiliations through our demographics. Cultural identity at the group level is the image “shared” by the group.
How problematic is it when making meaning in communication? When discussing topics at work?

FDA Diversity Module
FDA Diversity Module
Generally speaking, EEO and affirmative action programs are considered legislated employment equity risk management programs.
EEO and Affirmative Action programs generally cover those groups protected by title 7 of the 1964 Civil Rights act, whereas Diversity is a more inclusive concept. AA programs contain goals and timetables designed to bring the level of representation for minority groups and women into parity with relevant labor force statistics.
Diversity is a voluntary approach that does not utilize artificial programs, standards, or barriers.

Do elements of our identity intersect?
Intersectionality suggests that—and seeks to examine how—various biological, social and cultural categories such as gender, race, class, ability, sexual orientation, age, and other axes of identity interact on multiple and often simultaneous levels, contributing to systematic injustice and social inequality.
Intersectionality holds that the classical conceptualizations of oppression within society, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and belief-based bigotry including nationalism can create forms of oppression that interrelate, creating a system of oppression that reflects the “intersection” of multiple forms of discrimination.

How our differences get negatively reinforced in the workplace?
Through systems that are created to advantage some but disadvantage others.
But, also through subtleties such as how we communicate through our differences that make can make people feel like the “other.”
Through our identities that can be in conflict with the workplace.


Name one aspect of your identity that you feel is recognized the most?
How does that create to your meaning making?
What stories do we tell about this aspect of our identity?
How can this create conflict when interviewing, giving a performance review or workplace feedback?


Relational Eloquence
Relational Eloquence is how we draw on and coordinate shared resources and identity stories in a way that enhances rather than limits the possibilities for who we can be and what we can do.


Three forms of communication &
2. Ethnocentric
Viewing other cultures from your own lens assuming your culture is best.
Will this lead to relational eloquence?
3. Cosmopolitan
Demonstrates a commitment to coordinating meaning with another without denying the unique existence or humanity of the other and without demeaning the other’s ways.
Will this lead to relational eloquence?

1. Monocultural
Acting as if there is only one culture.
Will this lead to relational eloquence?


a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority)



What does the following have to do with microaggressions?
Jim Crow Laws
Disney Movies
Patriotism Act
and policies like
Stop and
Frisk policing

The Media

What if we are the perpetrator of micro-aggressions? What should we do? What should we tell others?

Changing our frame of reference requires:
Relational agility which is the capacity to move from talking at to dialogic engaging or being with.
Letting go our monocultural and ethnocentric viewpoints.
The ability to critically reflect on your “taken for granted” assumptions or frameworks and to view them as one of many possibilities.
Should you hold your own perspective at the risk of harming work relationships with others who may be different than you.
Empathy seeing the lens through someone else’s perspective.


Emotional and Social Intelligence
Emotional and Social Intelligence is the ability to perceive accurately, appraise, and express emotion.
It is the ability to access and or generate feelings when they facilitate thought.
It is the ability to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth.

Five Domains:
Managing Emotions
Handling relationships
Motivating oneself

Last Words To Ponder
Meaning making communication starts with us.
Before we can change systems, we have to make individual change that allows us to leverage diversity.

FDA Diversity Module
FDA Diversity Module

MGMT 3700: Best Practices in Diversity: Leveraging Differences to Drive Success
Professor Selina Griswold, MSM/MA
College of Business & Innovation
Chapter Seven: From Diversity to Inclusion: An Inclusion Equation

Objectives of this Lesson
Learn the business case for diversity.
Explain Cultural Competency.
Comprehend the Inclusion Equation.


FDA Diversity Module
FDA Diversity Module

The Business Case for Diversity— Dr. Roosevelt Thomas
Thought leader Dr. Roosevelt Thomas is credited with shifting the paradigm from complying with legal mandates to the business case for diversity.
According to Dr. Thomas, the challenge of diversity was more than ensuring representation of historically under-represented groups.
He felt the goal should be to “create….an environment where ‘we’ is everyone.”

FDA Diversity Module
FDA Diversity Module
Generally speaking, EEO and affirmative action programs are considered legislated employment equity risk management programs.
EEO and Affirmative Action programs generally cover those groups protected by title 7 of the 1964 Civil Rights act, whereas Diversity is a more inclusive concept. AA programs contain goals and timetables designed to bring the level of representation for minority groups and women into parity with relevant labor force statistics.
Diversity is a voluntary approach that does not utilize artificial programs, standards, or barriers.

Diversity vs. Inclusion
Is when you count the people.
Is when the people count.

Diversity & Inclusion
Should lead to individual cultural competence (micro)


Bennet Model of Cultural Competency

Developing Inclusive Behaviors
Shift the frame of reference when necessary.
Are perceptions relative?
Show you value other’s viewpoints, must you agree with them?
Be flexible in your approach to situations—there is more than one way to skin a ……..
Are you a good listener?


Developing Inclusive Behaviors
Modify your listening skills.
Recognize and adapt to the variety of listening behaviors you will encounter among diverse employees. Employees where English is not their first language.
Recognize and adapt your own listening skills as necessary to understand diverse perspectives. Do you discuss religion in the workplace?
Listen for value-based cultural assumptions, perceptions, and expectations.
Observe behavior and monitor your interpretations and meanings.

Ask necessary and appropriate questions.
Learn about other work styles and assumptions.
Ask the person next to you what is their preferred ethnic terminology, pronoun or enunciation of their name.
Be comfortable in asking if you have caused an offense—how?


IDI Intercultural Development Inventory
The Winters Group


What does this say about the company’s value orientation?

Nikon Example
The Response
If you have trouble opening the above link, please go to google.com and type: Nikon accused of sexism diversityinc and it will take you to an article in Diversityinc online magazine.

Managing Conflict through Emotional Intelligence
Imagine a “minority” employee in a team setting who feels that he or she is consistently assigned the most menial work tasks in the group. This employee may begin to harbor resentment against team members and managers, eventually lashing out through decreased productivity or outright verbal conflict. 
Is this conscious or unconscious bias? What do you do? Write down the steps.

Managing Conflict: Did you?
Define the issues in the conflict and focus on interest not positions.
Make an effort to understand others’ perspectives.
Demonstrate an understanding of different cultural assumptions about what conflict is and alternative ways of dealing with it.
Develop a collaborative (win-win) problem-solving approach.

Unconscious Bias
Did you have any bias in your hiring?

What does the iceberg have to do with bias?


The only way to know if you have unconscious bias is to test yourself
When I first tested myself on race, gender and older people. I found that as a Black woman I was biased against blacks and favored whites. I was biased against working women despite being one myself and I was biased against older people even though my culture sees older people as wise.
I realized that the messaging from the media, lack of historical contributions/information being taught about the groups biased my viewpoint even when I thought I was not biased.
I take these tests now, constantly….making sure I no longer have these biases on various groups.
I won’t force you to take the tests, because you can’t change what you refuse to acknowledge. But, I will provide extra points for your willingness to utilize the IAT test.


For Extra Credit Points (this is part of unit 6)
(1) Take the Implicit Association test for the following (submit your test results as proof)
(2) After taking the tests state what did you learn.

Choose one of the following:
Gender – Career. This IAT often reveals a relative link between family and females and between career and males. OR
Gender – Science. This IAT often reveals a relative link between liberal arts and females and between science and males.

& Also Choose Two of the following tests for Extra Credit:
Age (‘Young – Old’ IAT). This IAT requires the ability to distinguish old from young faces. This test often indicates that Americans have automatic preference for young over old.
Disability (‘Disabled – Abled’ IAT). This IAT requires the ability to recognize symbols representing abled and disabled individuals.
Arab-Muslim (‘Arab Muslim – Other People’ IAT). This IAT requires the ability to distinguish names that are likely to belong to Arab-Muslims versus people of other nationalities or religions.
Sexuality (‘Gay – Straight’ IAT). This IAT requires the ability to distinguish words and symbols representing gay and straight people. It often reveals an automatic preference for straight relative to gay people.
Race (‘Black – White’ IAT). This IAT requires the ability to distinguish faces of European and African origin. It indicates that most Americans have an automatic preference for white over black.
Skin-tone (‘Light Skin – Dark Skin’ IAT). This IAT requires the ability to recognize light and dark-skinned faces. It often reveals an automatic preference for light-skin relative to dark-skin.


Confirmation Bias
confirmation bias link


Inclusion Equation Macro Elements (how can it go wrong)

Recruiters trained in bias
Work-life support
Mentorship programs (formal and informal)—provide advice. More prevalent in organizations. A mentor is a person who can help you understand and navigate your organization. He or she can explain the unwritten rules and informal culture that may exist.
Sponsorship—provide advice and advocate—elevate their protégé’s visibility with the power players. Less prevalent in organizations despite the higher satisfaction rate. A sponsor is someone who often works in a management role or another influential role in your organization. This person openly advocates on behalf of the employee he or she is sponsoring. A sponsor helps you connect to career opportunities, often by recommending you for important assignments or helping you build relationships with other important people.
Diversity Councils—drivers of inclusion—companies with diversity councils have twice the number of Blacks, Latinos and Asians and 47% more women in senior management than those companies without.


Last Words To Ponder
“Everybody is sitting around saying, ‘Well, jeez, we need somebody to solve this problem of bias.’ That somebody is us. We all have to try to figure out a better way to get along.”
Wilma Mankiller

FDA Diversity Module
FDA Diversity Module

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