I need a writing assignment in my Religion Class written by Wednesday 04/05/17 @ 5pm

Please make sure this paper is ORIGINAL with good grammar. PLEASE follow all guide lines and grading rubics below..Choose just one of the two options below to complete this assignment.Option AIdentify any historical purpose(s) behind the writing of Mark’s and Matthew’s Gospels. Include a reference to any historical factor mentioned in the recommended sources that may have triggered the writing of both Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospels as well as references to statements within both of the Gospels themselves. Class lesson material can be used in addition to the recommended sources. Include at least one historical factor and at least one reference to each Gospel studied. Restrict your resources to those below as well as any information within the course modules. Be sure to distinguish between paraphrase and direct quotes. Type a 350-750 word paper using MLA formatting. Submit the completed assignment to the appropriate Dropbox by no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.Resources for this paper relative to Mark’s Gospel:See the ebook via SLU library: The Gospels of Jesus by Stanton (2002), pp. 48-53.Resources for this paper relative to Matthew’s Gospel:See the ebook via SLU library: The Gospels of Jesus by Stanton (2002), pp. 74-78.See the ebook via SLU library: New Testament History and Literature by Martin (2012), pp. 93-107.Resources for this paper relative to Mark’s Gospel:See the ebook via SLU library: The Gospels by Barton and Muddiman (2010), Ch. 3.Resources for this paper relative to Mark’s Gospel:See the eBook via SLU library: The Gospel to The Romans: The Setting and Rhetoric of Mark’s Gospel Leiden: Brill, (2003), Ch. 5Resources for this paper relative to Matthew’s Gospel:See the eBook via SLU library: The Gospel of Matthew and Christian Judaism by T&T Clarke by Sim, David (1998), p. 113 and followingOption BExplain how and why Matthew may have edited Mark’s Gospel. Use the following two sets of passages to support your claim.According to course materials (Bible, textbook, digital materials linked below, etc.):1. How and why would Matthew have edited Mark 6:45-52 contrasted with Matthew 14:22-23?2. How and why would Matthew have edited Mark 9:2-10 contrasted with Matthew 17:1-13?Be sure to distinguish between paraphrase and direct quotes. Type a 350-750 word paper using MLA formatting. Submit the completed assignment to the appropriate Dropbox by no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.Resources for this paper:See the ebook via SLU library: New Testament History and Literature by Martin (2012), pp. 106-108.See the ebook via SLU library: The Gospels by Barton and Muddiman (2010), p. 56.Grading RubricAccurate use of English including careful documentation (including ability to paraphrase and use quotations) and good organizational plan. 40 ptsAdequate research. 20 ptsAccurate and complete reflection of material read for assignment. 40 ptsSaint Leo University

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