I need a discussion done and a respose to 2 other classmates for my Marketing in Global Environment

 Week 5 Discussion

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Consumer Decisions 

Identify a brand that you purchase repeatedly. It may be any type of product or service. Discuss your experience with the brand and your decision-making process, using the prompts below:

  • What is the brand that you purchase repeatedly?
  • How often do you buy the product or use the service? 
  • How did you first become aware of this brand and why did it appeal to you?
  • Where do you see this brand advertised or discussed?

    Online? Through which channels? Offline? At what locations?

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  • How does this brand satisfy your needs and align with your values? 
  • Have you recommended this brand to any friends or family members?

Post your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts by Sunday, midnight of your time zone.​

1st response

 RE: Week 5 DiscussionCOLLAPSE

Hello Professor Crispin and classmates

I am a consumer who purchases most items from brand names that have longevity with a proven quality track record. I base their track record on my experience with the product or service. The brand that I will choose for this discussion is Apple.

             I purchase an iPhone and iPad every year that a new one comes out.  In my perspective, it is tough to compete with Apple Products. I have found them to be reliable and of excellent quality. Clancy Morgan and Jack Houston’s article in Business insider stated that consumers are willing to pay the higher price for Apple products because they are “made of high premium quality”(Morgan, Houston1)

             I was first introduced to the iPhone in 2008 when it first came on the market by Verizon’s wireless my wireless phone carrier. I knew a little about Apple computers, but at that time was I was strictly into Microsoft computer products. The introduction of this new product  at that time has created a longevity relationship, and the best decision that I could have made in regards to choosing a cellphone.

           iPhone’s first television commercial featured “many celebrities in different movie scenes answering their cellphone, saying simply hello.”(Ciechalski2). iPhone commercial was among other famous advertisements featured during the Superbowl in 2008. iPhone advertisement was on the wall of most wireless cellphone companies and billboards ads.

             Before purchasing my first iPhone, I would always complain that it seemed like every two years, I had to trade in or replace my android cellphone. The android technology at that time is not nearly as advanced nor reliable as it is today. The iPhone, in my opinion, was more dependable. After a two-year time, frame, the technology on my iPhone was working as well as when I purchased it if I completed my recommended system updates. I need a cellphone that when I need to use it, it works as designed. I get a new cell every year because I want the latest technology, not because the previous year’s model is no longer operational.

             I have many products from Apple like iPhone, iHome, iPad, Mac Pro, Apple Watch, and Air Pods, all of which have given me excellent service. In no way am I saying that you might not experience any problems with an Apple product. Anything made by man or mechanic will have some issues, but the ones that I experienced were minute, and Apple stood by their product at no additional cost to me as the customer.

             Anytime someone asks me what cellphone I prefer; my answer is always an iPhone. When people say that it is just the name, my response is that you buy what you like, and I will stick with what I want and has proven itself to me.  The old saying still holds today that you pay for what you get, and Apple has been dependable for me. Therefore, I will continue to purchase, and recommend what I believe to be quality over quantity any day of the week.


Clancy Morgan and Jack Houston, Why Apple Products are so expensive, Retrieved: August 3, 2020,


  1. Suzanne Ciechalski, Apple’s first iPhone commercial was subtle, but incredibly effective, Retrieved: August 3, 2020, https://mashable.com/2017/06/29/first-iphone-commercial-10-year-anniversary/

2nd response

 RE: Week 5 DiscussionCOLLAPSE

Hello Class and Dr. Crispin,

The one brand that I consistently purchase from is CyberPowerPC.  The company is one of the nation-wide leading computer system manufacturers.  They make all kinds of computer systems for your needs.  Personally, I like High-Performance computers that can multitask.  For example, I like to be able to conduct work business on my computer while I have multimedia on another monitor and that can mean music or some sort of streaming service.  I could also dabble in an extracurricular activity like graphic design and use my computer to play games.  I like any type of game that has great graphics.

I buy one of their computers every few years.  I have made one of their computers last around seven years.  It is all in how I design the setup.  I used to build my own computers from scratch which takes a lot of time and effort because of all the pieces needed.  You could save a lot of money by doing yourself buying the pieces from companies like Newegg.  I prefer to have my system built by CyberPowerPC and it is not much more expensive than doing it myself but what I do get is warranties on all the parts and great customer service.

I first became aware of this company because they were competing with an all in one PC company called Gateway.  Gateway used. to sell all in one computer before other companies jumped into the fray like dell and Alienware.  These companies boasted that they can give you the very best products for the best price and without the hassle of doing it yourself.  At the time I was a new parent and between work and family a chose to invest less time building computers for myself and for friends.  I usually seen them advertise during the holidays and whenever there is a business focus regarding cutting edge technology.  I have recommended this company to many friends and family and have purchased 7 PC’s from them.

I have seen this brand of PC at some commercial locations, but I mostly see it advertised online.  I can say that this brand has completely satisfied my needs and I had only had one instance where our friend of mine had an issue with that product, but it was resolved very quickly.  On the very big fan of the service and this company does align with my values regarding my time, my money, and my interests in new technology.  I will continue to recommend this brand anyone interested in a solid product.


Koss, H. (2020, january 8). media-gaming/gaming-pc-companies. Retrieved from builtin.com: https://builtin.com/media-gaming/gaming-pc-companies


JWI518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Week 5 Lecture Notes

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The Buyer Journey

What It Means

Smart marketers strive to understand their buyers’ decision-making processes. Most buyers
move through a process of learning about products, researching them, evaluating alternatives,
and making their final decision. The term AIDA is an acronym that marketers have long used to
describe the buyer journey:

§ Attention – The consumer becomes aware of products and services that can potentially
meet their needs, often through advertising

§ Interest – The consumer becomes interested in the brand and researches to learn more

§ Desire – The consumer narrows down their alternatives and develops a favorable
disposition towards a particular brand

§ Action – The consumer acts and ultimately makes a purchase

In today’s digital environment, while the buyer journey includes similar stages, it has been
changed in some significant ways by the online environment and the power of social media.

Why It Matters

• In today’s digital environment, much of the buyer’s journey takes place online

• Effective marketing messages are tailored for different stages of the buyer journey

• Understanding the buyer journey helps marketers create compelling online content
for their target customers

“Companies should map the customer path to purchase, understand customer touchpoints

across the path, and intervene in select touchpoints that matter.”
Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan

JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment
Week 5 Lecture Notes

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The Digital Buyer’s Journey

A New Customer Path

In the digital environment of today, where the consumer is king and where referrals and
recommendations are critical, a new customer path is warranted. According to Kotler et al.,
in Marketing 4.0, to succeed in the online environment, marketers must “focus their efforts –
intensifying communications, strengthening channel presence, and improving customer
interface – to improve critical touchpoints as well as to introduce strong differentiation.”
Kotler sees a solid understanding of the buyer journey or customer path as an essential
prerequisite for companies striving to design effective marketing materials that will resonate
with digital customers and establish their brand online.

To understand and map the new customer path, Kotler proposes a new model, which he
calls the Five A’s: Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act, and Advocate.

The Five A’s Framework

The Five A’s framework is a new model for the customer path, developed by Kotler et al. during
their examination of the digital marketplace in Marketing 4.0. This model represents the phases
that a digital customer goes through on their path from discovery of a new brand, to purchasing
the item, to becoming a supporter and advocate for the brand. The five phases or steps of this
customer pathway are explained below.

Digital customers are exposed to information about a wide range of brands through
marketing communications in the media and online, as well as via the advocacy of other
consumers. Recommendations from other customers are the most powerful element of
this initial introduction to new brands.

Some brands attract customers and pique their interest to the point where they seek out
more information. This engagement is reinforced by ads and messages that are memorable
and succinct, as well as alignment of the brand with customer values and beliefs.

JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment
Week 5 Lecture Notes

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Customers use their online connectivity to seek out the opinions of people in their circle of
influence. This includes people they trust, including family, friends, and members of the
online communities to which they belong. If they receive positive feedback from these
sources, they will proceed to engage more with brand.

Consumers now engage with the brand by purchasing products or services, requesting
post-purchase services, and interacting with the company’s customer service function to
resolve problems or answer inquiries. Ideally, they also become repeat buyers.

If the consumer experience remains positive throughout their interactions with the company,
they may develop a brand loyalty that, in time, leads them to become advocates. In addition
to continuing to purchase the brand, when prompted by questions from their own online
connections, they are willing to endorse and recommend the brand.

From Awareness to Advocacy: The O Zone

As our examination of the new customer path has shown, consumers today have a much more
active role in the marketing process than they did in the past. To succeed in promotion of their
brands, marketing professionals and organizational leaders must have a good understanding of
the motivations that drive consumer behavior in the digital environment. This leads us to
consider more closely how the influences on prospective customers have changed as a result of
online connectivity and consumer activism.

According to Kotler et al., “the ultimate goal of Marketing 4.0 is to drive customers from
awareness to advocacy.” This goal is achieved through three major sources of influence that
modern marketers have at their disposal: their own influence, others’ influence, and outer
influence. Kotler calls this new structure of marketing influences the O Zone. The three types of
influence affecting consumers that constitute the O Zone are explained below.

Outer Influence
This influence comes from multiple external sources, including advertising, sales
outreach, and customer service interactions with current buyers. From the marketer’s
point of view, this type of influence is still within their control, in that the company can

JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment
Week 5 Lecture Notes

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JWI 518 – Lecture Notes (1204) Page 4 of 6

plan the messages to be sent, the media used for these communications, and the
frequency of contact with consumers.

Others’ Influence
This influence comes from a source that is external, both to the consumer and to the
company or brand. It comes from a close circle of friends and family and it also comes
from online communities and social networks. Another source of this type of influence is
communal rating websites, such as Yelp. Companies have little control over this type of
influence, but they can have an impact on the conversation through their community
marketing. To succeed in this influence zone, companies need advocates to promote
their brands across the web of connections that makes up the digital marketplace.

Own Influence
This influence comes from within the consumer’s own self. It is affected by past
experiences with the brand and its competitors, personal needs and desires that affect
their evaluation of the brand, and individual preferences that are rooted in the individual’s
worldview. The company cannot directly affect this type of influence, but they must work
to affect it indirectly via the other two zones of influence, since those zones are the ones
where they do have some degree of control.

Kotler et al. suggest that this model of the O Zone sources of influence can be a useful tool for
marketers, helping them to work out effective strategies for successful outreach in today’s
complex digital environment. The O Zone model of sources of influence can be related to the
Five A’s model of the customer path, since there two steps on the pathway where consumers
are most open to influence: the Ask and Act steps. Based on this connection, Kotler et al.
conclude that those marketers who offer the best customer experiences during the phase where
customers explore, purchase and make use of their brand will gain the most advocates. Thus,
those brands will become the preferred or winning provider in that sector of the market.


As marketing campaigns become increasingly digitized, opportunities for human connection and
interaction in the real world during brand discovery are reduced. Customers generally desire
and feel a need for human connection and understanding, but this factor can easily be
overlooked when the contact between marketer and prospective customer takes place online.

JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment
Week 5 Lecture Notes

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Lacking a solid connection, consumers in the digital environment may come to feel wary of
marketing schemes and they may experience the hype about online brands as intimidating.

As consumers are expecting more personalized products and services, knowing your target
customers has become even more important. In digital marketing, marketers use personas to
define their target audience segments. Simply put, marketing personas are characters designed
to represent customer segments within your target audience.

Examples of three very different personas are:

• Jill is an entrepreneur who is not afraid to take risks. She works around the clock to
ensure her business is successful. She likes to be on the cutting edge of technology.

• John is a stay-at-home Dad who likes to work out every day. He puts his family’s needs

first and is always looking for ways to save money.

• Jackie is a millennial who likes to keep up with fashion and the latest trends. She
recently graduated from grad school and she is just starting out in her career.

The messages that you would create to sell a product, such as a car, would be very different for
each one of these three personas. Marketers reap great benefits from studying their target
audience in depth; one way that they can express the results of their research is by describing
these personas that represent significant customer segments interested in their brand.

Content Marketing

Once marketers create personas and know the key attributes of their target audience segments,
they can start creating compelling content that will resonate with those consumers. Knowing
your audience can drive the tone, style and language of your content, so that your consumers
can emotionally relate to your brand. Different content and promotions will appeal to different
audience segments. ‘Jane the Mom’, who is interested most in safety and reliability, will be
attracted to a very different kind of content than ‘Jack the Daredevil’, who thrives on speed and

Content will also vary across the different stages of the buyer journey. When customers are first
identifying that they have a problem, it is best to create content that will make them aware of
your product and help educate them. As the customer moves through the buying process,
marketers need to create material that differentiates their product or service from the

JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment
Week 5 Lecture Notes

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University.

JWI 518 – Lecture Notes (1204) Page 6 of 6

competition, to encourage buyers to select their brand. As the consumer moves closer to the
decision stages, marketers should provide compelling content that helps drive the decision,
such as sales and promotional material. In a similar way, after the purchase, marketers will
create content to engage with their customers, to keep them happy and loyal, and to encourage
them to become brand advocates.

B2B Marketing

Business to Business marketing also uses personas and content marketing. Personas are often
defined with the titles of the customer and the role they play in the company. Content that B2B
brands would create for ‘Sally the Chief Information Officer (CIO)’ might focus on thought
leadership on trends in their industry, while content designed for ‘Harry the Project Manager’
may focus more on the nuts and bolts of your services.

As we have learned, in digital marketing, references and recommendations are compelling
forms of marketing. This is also the case in B2B marketing as well. Frequently, case studies are
created and posted on a company’s website to demonstrate their brand’s capabilities by
showing how they have solved other companies’ problems.

Looking Ahead

In this lecture, we reviewed the buyer journey and the implications of the online business
environment for marketers. We learned about a new model, the Five A’s digital customer
pathway, and explored the progression through the five steps of the model. We also examined a
new theory about how marketers influence customer opinions and behavior, called the O Zone.
We discussed how marketers use personas to better understand their buyers’ behavior and how
they create content to provide personalized experiences that resonate with those customers.

In the next lecture, we will look at the need for new metrics to measure the success of marketing
campaigns in the digital environment. We will compare the new metrics, focused on digital
marketing activities, with traditional marketing metrics. In addition, we will examine how
marketers collect data and analyze it to evaluate the Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI)
and report progress to stakeholders within and outside of their company.

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