i have to do the list activity , AON ,PERT and the budget of the project

whoever know how to do this in project management course by excel and then paste it on word.. it’s a small part.. the list of activities based on the WBS elements name.. thanks

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WBS Assignment 14

WBS Assignment

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Wedding Plan for Mary & Justin

Xunzhen Wu – 301115184

Pawan singh sahota -301088222

Moayad Harbi- 301112470

August 15, 2020

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 3
2. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 3
2.1 WBS Tree Diagram 4
2.2 WBS Tabular View and Definition 4
3. List of Activities 5
3.1 Determination of Timing of Activities 5
3.2 Budget Requirement of Activities 5
3.3 Activity on Node 5
3.4 Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path 5
4. Project 5
4.1 Imitative 5
4.2 Planning 5
4.3 Execution 5
4.4 Closing 5
5. Appendix 5

1. Introduction

This report illustrates the network diagram with work breakdown structures for Mary and Justin’s wedding plan. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the tool that project work breaks into small tasks to manage, which is one of most important project management documents to integrate scope, cost and schedule baselines to ensure the alignment of project plans, according to Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK). Meanwhile, more activities details will be analyzed with the activity list related to the duration and variance, activity on node (AON),

program evaluation and review technique (PERT), critical path on the schedule and budget requirements based on each activity. Accordingly, the wedding for Mary and Justin could be proceeded on time and under budget in accordance with their approval.

Mary and Justin expect the whole wedding theme, schedule, venue, party, wedding preparations for the guests, materials arrangement as well as the whole wedding process in church registration and ceremony like typical Canadian style for one of their most memorable days. Thus, completion of each activity is very critical to lead to the success of the wedding plan regardless of the deliverables in the wedding day and achievements of the scope, schedule, cost and service satisfaction of the whole wedding plan.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

WBS separates the tasks with the hierarchical structure including products, materials, services, equipment, venues, service provider, facilities and all related activities in the task. Each task under the hierarchical structure makes up the whole project elements, which contributes to the project scope and deliverables. Project team could use WBS to track the project status as well as the monitoring the project completion status, while task or workstream leader is in charge of each task. Please help refer to below WBS tree diagram and tabular diagram for Mary and Justin’s wedding, details attached in excel.

2.1 WBS Tree Diagram

The WBS tree diagram breaks down the project objective into the measurable and deliverable tasks as an outline of an integrated information system. The detailed WBS is attached excel.

2.2 WBS Tabular View and Definition

The WBS tabular view provides levels of each task based on WBS structure, and project team could use WBS tabular view to define the details of the task as well.


WBS Code

Element Name




Mary and Justin’s Wedding Plan Project

Plan for the whole wedding day in church and ceremony



Marriage planning

Plan phase for the marriage with customer expectation



Plan wedding budget

The total budget for the marriage



Venue selection

The venues expectation for the marriage



Determine Guests list

Assess how many guests to invite



Inviting Guests

Invite guests for wedding



Finalize the guest list

Determine the guest list for the venue’s preparation



Design invitation letter

Pick up the style of invitation letter



Order invitation letters

Purchase the invitation letter



Send out invitation letters

Send out the invitation letter to all guests at least one month earlier




Determine venues



Wedding ceremony location

Pick up the ceremony location


Reserve ceremony hotel

Pay the deposit for ceremony hotel


Confirm menu

Pick up the food menu


Table Decoration

Request the hotel on the table decoration


Purchase wedding cakes

Book up the wedding cake for wedding day



Wedding church location

Pick up the wedding church location


Confirm wedding theme

Determine themes for church registration


Visits churches

Pick up the church per expectation


Reserve church

Pay the deposit for church and the date


Purchase Flowers

Book the flowers for wedding day



Photography and Video

Determine the photography and videographer



Choose photographer& videography

Finalize the service provider for photo and video



Discuss on the photography album and videography

Review the photo album styles



Review demos and finalize the wedding photo and video styles

Determine the photo style



Shoot photos for wedding

Take the pictures one month before wedding day




Arrange entertainment



Reserve wedding band

Finalize the wedding band



Rent audio package in hotel and DJ

Finalize the audio equipment



Book the host for ceremony

Pick up the ceremony host



Preparation on wedding

Prepare for the outfit, transportation and do rehearsal for the wedding day



Wedding outfit

Purchase outfit for the wedding day


Purchase wedding rings

Make sure customized wedding rings in place at least one week before wedding day


Purchase wedding jewelry

Make sure customized wedding jewelry in place at least one week before wedding day


Purchase wedding dress for Bride and Bridegroom

Make sure customized wedding dress in place at least one week before wedding day



Wedding Transportation

Finalize the transportation


Book the rental transportation for wedding

Pay the deposit of the transportation rental for guests and bride/broom


Book up travel agency for honeymoon

Pay the deposit for the honeymoon travel



Wedding day

confirm the process on wedding day



Make up and do hairiness

Brides and Broom take the makeup and hairiness



Church registration

Marriage register in church



Wedding Ceremony

Celebrate the wedding with guests



Wedding dinner

Celebrate the dinner with guests

3. List of Activities

3.1 Determination of Timing of Activities

3.2 Budget Requirement of Activities

3.3 Activity on Node

3.4 Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path

Project Initiation

Initiation is the first part of our project in which our company will arrange the meeting to make the final approval for the plan that are made for all the events .In this meeting we will discuss and let the clients know what will be the arrangements for every event and budget will be discussed in this meeting.

1. Evaluations and Recommendations: – In this part our company will evaluate all resources that are needed for the events and also recommend to the customers new ideas related their events.

2. Developing the charter for clients and group: – Next part after evaluation part is developing the charter that will help the staff of wedding planning company to look on each task for the events. In this charter we will add the terms and conditions for the client and get the sign from the clients from trustworthy point. Moreover, tasks and duties will be written in this charter for the wedding planners to be followed.

3. Project charter signed and approval: – This is time to get the final approval and getting the signs from the clients on the contract that we will make for all tasks. We will submit our charter to the client for review so that they can let us know if they need any changes in it.


1.Create Preliminary scope statement: – This is kind of contract between sponsors and clients for completing the work on time. This statement consists of objectives and all deliverables that company needs to perform on given time and within given budget. This contract works as a mutual understanding and the trustworthiness among the parties.

2. Develop project plan: – this is the paramount part of the project planning in this part plans and ideas related project needs to be developed by the sponsor and if there is needs to change something that can be done and new ideas can be developed.

3.Submit project plan: – once the final project plan got approved by all staff members and the directors its time to submit the plan for final approval for all the activities and this is approved by authority and the party for whom all events.

4. Booking the items: – This is time when our company will decide all the elements that are needed to complete the project successfully like catering, sound, security, liquor certificate, photographer, makeup artist, fashion designer and marriage hall.


1 Meeting with vendors: – Now this is time to execute the plans that are above mentioned in the WBS. First of all, we will check our budget then will be starting to spend the money. then we will meet with banquet hall manager for the booking of hall for all events. Then we will go to the garment shops and to the fashion designer and any agency that will be good in decorating the halls for events.

2.Design system :- Designing the whole decoration is also needed to show to clients by making the demos if this will not work then we will make graphics for the designs so that clients can see and let us know if they need any addition in it and we will have book of designs for clients.

3. Procure hardware and software:- This is main part of all events arrangements of hardware objects are crucial such as catering , cutleries , tables and chairs, stage for live concert, decoration and for software objects we will arrange some LEDs in marriage that will show pictures and pre wedding shoot and without music marriage is more like conference hall .

4.Arranging the fashioner designer and make up artist for bride and bridegroom: – As on the day of wedding day both couples have to look attractive as it is special day for them in order to make their day special, we will arrange top class artist for makeup and best designers for clothes.

5. Setting up beverages and bar stations: – in all events our company will arrange two station for the drinks one will be of all drinks that consist of alcohol and other one will be for soft drinks and for all tropical and other juices or for refreshments.


The actual purpose of closing part in the project is to check the actual performance with standard set and other thing that can checked and does the whole project completed as it was planned. Even with this step our company can get feedbacks too and tasks can be redesigned as per the staff. At last we will handover the reports related budget closing activities and personal identification to the customers.

1. Audit Procurement :- In this step our company will audit means will check all financial balances and look after all expenses we did and the purpose of doing this is not only to make the trust with clients its good for the company to know that how much we are spending and how we can control that.

2. Document lesson learned: – This document will be proof of feedback from the clients and with this feedback from clients and with this feedback we can find out our negative and positive elements for our project. After this, this document will be available to all team members so that they can refer to it and can do as per the needs.

3. Update files and records :- we can use the feedback of customers as a primary record because the reviews of customers matter a lot and what else we need to do is update all the balance and make the hard and soft copy so that our company can use in future to show our service standard to the customers.

4. Financial Reports closeout: – At last our company will take help of accounting to balance all financial records that will show the actual financial condition of our company and for proof each receipt will be attached with financial records. At last contract will sign the contract and will do payment if any and then its time to close financial accounts.

4. Appendix

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